Luận Văn Listening online - a way to improve listening skill for English majors at Hai Phong private universi

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    Đề tài: Listening online - a way to improve listening skill for English majors at Hai Phong private university

    I. Rationale. 2
    II. Aims of the study. . 4
    III. Scope of the study. 4
    IV. Methods of the study. 4
    V. Design of the study. 5
    Chapter I: Literature review 6
    I. Listening skill: An overview. . 6
    1. Definition of listening. 6
    2. Significance of listening. 7
    3. Nature of listening comprehension. 8
    4. The process of listening comprehension. 9
    5. Strategies of listening comprehension. . 9
    II. Learning online. 10
    1. What is learning online? . 10
    2. Why do we learn English online? 11
    3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning. . 12
    3.1. Advantages of Online Education 13
    3.2. Disadvantages of Online Education 15
    III. Listening English online. 16
    1. Using English as a second language (ESL) websites. 16
    2. Listening online 17
    3. Providing a Website list for listening activity 18
    CHAPTER II: A study on how English majors at HPU learn listening
    skill. . 21
    I. Reality . 21
    1. Current learning of listening skill in Hai Phong private university 21
    2. The staff . 21
    3. Students 22
    4. Teaching and learning condition . 22
    II. Survey questionnaire . 23
    1. Participants 23
    2. Purpose of the survey questionnaires 23
    3. Design of the survey questionnaires. 23
    4. Data and analysis 24
    4.1. Students’ attitude toward learning English in general and listening
    skill in particular 24
    4.1.1 Students‟ interests in learning English skills.(question 1, appendix . 24
    4.1.2. Students‟ opinions toward the role of listening skill. . 24
    (Question 2, appendix 1) 25
    4.1.3. Students‟ opinion toward English listening.( question 3, appendix 1,
    question 1, appendix 2) . 26
    4.2. Studying on practicing listening skill of students
    (question 4 and 5, appendix 1) 27
    4.3. Difficulties students encounter when listening in class
    ( question 6, appendix 1) . 28
    4.4. Exploring students’ opinion on listening online 29
    4.4.1. Students‟ utilization of listening online.(question 7, appendix 1,
    question 2, appendix 2) . 29
    4.4.2. Students‟ opinion on using listening online activities and its
    frequency. (question 8,appendix 1,question 3,appendix 2) 30
    4.4.3. Students‟ opinion toward effectiveness of listening online.(question
    9, appendix 1, question 4, appendix 2) . 31
    4.5. Students’ expectation to improve their listening skill (Question 10,
    appendix 1, Question 5, appendix 2) . 32
    III. Findings and discussion of findings 33
    CHAPTER III: Suggested techniques and tips to learn English listening
    online effectively and their tips 36
    I. Listening to lectures with video. 36
    II. Listening to news online with the text . 39
    III. Listening to music online by English songs. . 46
    IV. Playing the games online. . 51
    4.1. Time game. . 52
    4.2. Listening game . 52
    4.3.” If you had a million dollars” game . 53
    V. Watching the movie online with subtitle. 54
    VI. Listening to recordings of real English conversation online. 60

    I. Rationale.
    Language is a tool of communication between people and people.
    Especially, English is becoming a common language in the world. As a matter
    of fact, English now is not only a subject in the educational circumstance of
    Asia countries but also a need for everybody. However, how to learn English
    effectively has raised a difficult question for us. Until now, many researchers
    found other ways as well as methods which could help learners learn English
    best. Nevertheless, because of the development trend of society and information
    technology, it is necessary to find a more innovative thing for English learning.
    It seems to be that learning online can bring many benefits for our English
    As can be seen, the introduction of computer and internet has apparently
    changed our life. Indeed, they brought benefits for various fields of social life
    such as: economy, politics, culture, health and especially education. Now,
    computers have assisted learning via Internet has become increasingly
    indispensable components of mainstream education. Therefore, language
    learning in general and English learning in particular could have special
    As a matter of fact, there are several reasons why we should learn English
    online. These reasons are related to technological advancements, English
    learning methodology, and pedagogical considerations. First of all, recent
    technological advances support the reason why we should look more into ways
    of learning English via the Internet. The Internet can now be used for providing
    rich opportunities whereby students can start learning English on their own.
    Moreover, students generally have positive feelings about learning English via
    the Internet, for example, Kung and Chou (2002) conducted a study of student
    attitudes towards learning English through websites. Secondly, the Internet
    facilitates individualization of instruction and introduces a more interesting
    platform to learn by incorporating multimedia into the process (Sobolev a &
    Tronenko, 2002). Thirdly, it enhances the accessibility of information, language
    materials in this case, as well as offering various ways to connect with the target
    speech community (Warschauer, 1996). Unlike traditional textbook -based
    learning, language material on the Internet can be updated periodically.
    Obviously, recent literature on methodological and pedagogical
    considerations requires English learners to become active participants in the
    process rather than passive recipients of information. In this age of information
    explosion, English learners are encouraged to be explorers and creators of
    language, and assessors of their own linguistic progress (Brown, 2001; Su &
    Kinshuk, 2002). Two other important aspects are the issues of learner autonomy
    and motivation. Learner-oriented online language teaching materials demand
    that the individual background of learners, their needs, and learning styles are
    accommodated (Soboleva, &Tronenko, 2002).
    So that, given the technological advancements, methodological and
    pedagogical considerations mentioned above, I strongly believe that learning
    online is an effective way to improve your English ability. The Internet makes it
    possible to incorporate rich learning opportunities for presenting, practicing and
    improving English skills as well as to have extensive access to socio-cultural
    knowledge which cannot readily be found on traditional language learning
    teaching media such textbooks, audio cassettes, workbooks, etc.
    To learn English well, we have to improve all four English basic skills
    (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). However, as for me, as same as other
    students, listening seems to be a difficult skill to practice. Students often meet
    many difficulties when listen English because they do not understand what they
    are listening to or what information they have to get? Especially with the
    traditional listening media such as audio cassettes, CD disc, etc, students
    become fed up with listening English. These things motivate me have to study
    on new method which inspires interest and ambition for English listening
    learners. Besides, the fact that all English skills listening, speaking, reading and
    writing can easily to be taught via the Internet but because of limitation of time,
    I only concentrate on listening skill.
    In short, with the hope that students have positive feelings about listening
    English and improve their listening English skill, I have decided to carry out the
    study on “ listening online - a way to improve listening skill for English
    majors at Hai Phong private university”.
    II. Aims of the study.
    The study is carried out to research:
    The literature review of learning online, listening and listening online
    The real situation of learning English- listening skill in English major at HPU
    The students‟ attitude toward a listening English and listening English online
    The suggested ways to listen English online effectively that students can
    apply for their self-studying
    III. Scope of the study.
    Obviously, to learning English well, we have to improve all four basic
    skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). However, I have no ambition of
    researching all these skills, I only concentrate on researching listening English
    online. Besides, with the hope that my graduation will get good result in
    standard scope, I only focus on follow parts:
    -Finding out the reality of learning English listening skill of students in
    foreign language department at Hai Phong Private University.
    - Offering suggestions for English majors on learning English listening
    IV. Methods of the study.
    First, reference books related to listening and methodology are reviewed
    to get background knowledge of what listening is, what online learning is,
    successful and interested techniques in learning English listening online.
    Second, the survey questionnaire created for students in English major at
    HPU to find out information necessary for creating the type of online activities
    learners would find effective.
    Third, more information about students‟ attitude, recognition, and
    difficulties they meet will be gathered from interview with the surveyed
    V. Design of the study.
    The study consists of three main parts: Introduction, Development, and
    Part I: Introduction shows the reasons, the aims, the scope, the methods
    as well as the design of the study.
    Part II: Development includes three chapters:
    Chapter 1: Literature review aims to answer the questions related to
    listening, listening online that introduce the listening skill and its features.
    Chapter 2: “A study on how do students in English major at HPU learn
    listening skill” is referred to the analysis and findings information from survey
    questionnaires made to the first year students and interview for other students.
    These help examine the real situation of learning listening skill as well as
    difficulties students meet and their expectations of using listening techniques to
    improve their English listening skill.
    Chapter 3: “Ways to listen English online effectively” are suggested
    with the hope that students can try and have positive feelings to learning
    listening skill. And then they could enhance self-study ability and improve their
    listening skill.
    Part III: Conclusion summarizes the discussed parts in the paper and
    some suggestions for further study.
    Consequently, Part I has shown the introduction of the study. In the next
    part, the author will present the focus of the study containing her literature
    review on the understanding of listening skill and the survey questionnaires for
    the first-year students in English major at HPU which help examine the real
    situation of learning English listening skill. Besides, part II also introduces
    some ways to listen English online which can be applied to improve students‟
    listening skill as same as their self-studying.
    Chapter I: Literature review
    I. Listening skill: An overview.
    Beginning in the early 70‟s, work by Asher, Dostoevsky, Winitz and,
    later, Krashen, brought attention to the role of listening as a tool for
    understanding and emphasized it as a key factor in facilitating language
    learning. Thus, listening has emerged as an important component in the process
    of second language acquisition. (Feyten, 1991)
    1. Definition of listening.
    Listening is the skill that students will be judged most in real life
    situations. It is an important part of everyday interaction. And, in each person‟s
    opinion, listening is understood differently. According to Howatt and Dakin
    (1974), listening is the ability to identify and understand what others are saying .
    This process involves understanding a speaker‟s accent or pronunciation, the
    speaker‟s grammar and vocabulary, and comprehension of meaning. An able
    listener is capable of doing these four things simultaneously.
    Besides, Thomlison‟s (1984) definition of listening includes “active
    listening” which goes beyond comprehending as understanding the message
    content, to comprehension as an act of empathetic understanding of the speaker.
    Furthermore, Gordon (1985) argues that empathy is essential to listening and
    contends that it is more than a polite attempt to identify a speaker‟s perspectives.
    Rather more importantly, empathetic understanding expands to “egocentric
    prosocial behavior”. Thus, the listener altruistically acknowledges concern for
    the speaker‟s welfare and interests.
    In the view of Ronald and Roskelly(1985), listening as an active process
    requiring the same skills of prediction, hypothesizing, checking, revising, and
    generalizing that writing and reading demand; and these authors present specific
    exercises to make student active listeners who are aware of the “ inner voice”
    one hears when writing.
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