Tài liệu Learning jQuery 1.3

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Preface 1
    Chapter 1: Getting Started 7
    What jQuery does 7
    Why jQuery works well 8
    History of the jQuery project 10
    Our first jQuery-powered web page 11
    Downloading jQuery 11
    Setting up the HTML document 11
    Adding jQuery 14
    Finding the poem text 15
    Injecting the new class 15
    Executing the code 15
    The finished product 17
    Summary 18
    Chapter 2: Selectors 19
    The Document Object Model 19
    The $() factory function 20
    CSS selectors 21
    Styling list-item levels 23
    Attribute selectors 24
    Styling links 25
    Custom selectors 26
    Styling alternate rows 27
    Form selectors 29
    DOM traversal methods 30
    Styling specific cells 31
    Chaining 32
    Accessing DOM elements 33
    Summary 34
    Table of Contents
    [ ii ]
    Chapter 3: Events 35
    Performing tasks on page load 35
    Timing of code execution 35
    Multiple scripts on one page 36
    Shortcuts for code brevity 37
    Coexisting with other libraries 38
    Simple events 39
    A simple style switcher 39
    Enabling the other buttons 41
    Event handler context 43
    Further consolidation 45
    Shorthand events 47
    Compound events 48
    Showing and hiding advanced features 48
    Highlighting clickable items 50
    The journey of an event 51
    Side effects of event bubbling 53
    Altering the journey: the event object 53
    Event targets 54
    Stopping event propagation 55
    Default actions 56
    Event delegation 56
    Removing an event handler 58
    Event namespacing 59
    Rebinding events 60
    Simulating user interaction 62
    Keyboard events 63
    Summary 66
    Chapter 4: Effects 67
    Inline CSS modification 67
    Basic hide and show 72
    Effects and speed 74
    Speeding in 74
    Fading in and fading out 75
    Compound effects 76
    Creating custom animations 77
    Toggling the fade 78
    Animating multiple properties 79
    Positioning with CSS 81
    Simultaneous versus queued effects 82
    Working with a single set of elements 82
    Table of Contents
    [ iii ]
    Working with multiple sets of elements 85
    Callbacks 87
    In a nutshell 89
    Summary 90
    Chapter 5: DOM Manipulation 91
    Manipulating attributes 91
    Non-class attributes 91
    The $() factory function revisited 94
    Inserting new elements 96
    Moving elements 98
    Marking, numbering, and linking the context 101
    Appending footnotes 103
    Wrapping elements 105
    Copying elements 106
    Clone with events 107
    Cloning for pull quotes 107
    A CSS diversion 108
    Back to the code 109
    Prettifying the pull quotes 111
    DOM manipulation methods in a nutshell 113
    Summary 114
    Chapter 6: AJAX 115
    Loading data on demand 115
    Appending HTML 117
    Working with JavaScript objects 120
    Retrieving a JavaScript object 120
    Global jQuery functions 121
    Executing a script 125
    Loading an XML document 127
    Choosing a data format 130
    Passing data to the server 131
    Performing a GET request 132
    Performing a POST request 136
    Serializing a form 137
    Keeping an eye on the request 139
    AJAX and events 142
    Security limitations 143
    Using JSONP for remote data 144
    Additional options 146
    The low-level AJAX method 146
    Modifying default options 147
    Table of Contents
    [ iv ]
    Loading parts of an HTML page 147
    Summary 150
    Chapter 7: Table Manipulation 151
    Sorting and paging 152
    Server-side sorting 152
    Preventing page refreshes 153
    JavaScript sorting 153
    Row grouping tags 155
    Basic alphabetical sorting 156
    The power of plugins 161
    Performance concerns 161
    Finessing the sort keys 163
    Sorting other types of data 165
    Column highlighting 168
    Alternating sort directions 168
    Server-side pagination 171
    Sorting and paging go together 171
    JavaScript pagination 173
    Displaying the pager 173
    Enabling the pager buttons 174
    Marking the current page 176
    Paging with sorting 177
    The finished code 178
    Modifying table appearance 180
    Row highlighting 181
    Row striping 182
    Advanced row striping 185
    Interactive row highlighting 186
    Tooltips 189
    Collapsing and expanding sections 194
    Filtering 196
    Filter options 197
    Reversing the filters 199
    Interacting with other code 200
    The finished code 202
    Summary 205
    Chapter 8: Forms with Function 207
    Improving a basic form 207
    Progressively enhanced form styling 208
    The legend 210
    Required field messages 211
    Conditionally displayed fields 215
    Form validation 217
    Required fields 218
    Table of Contents
    [ ]
    Required formats 221
    A final check 223
    Checkbox manipulation 226
    The finished code 228
    Compact forms 232
    Placeholder text for fields 232
    AJAX auto-completion 235
    On the server 236
    In the browser 237
    Populating the search field 238
    Keyboard navigation 239
    Handling the arrow keys 241
    Inserting suggestions in the field 242
    Removing the suggestion list 243
    Auto-completion versus live search 243
    The finished code 244
    Working with numeric form data 246
    Shopping cart table structure 247
    Rejecting non-numeric input 250
    Numeric calculations 251
    Parsing and formatting currency 252
    Dealing with decimal places 254
    Other calculations 255
    Rounding values 256
    Finishing touches 257
    Deleting items 258
    Editing shipping information 263
    The finished code 266
    Summary 268
    Chapter 9: Shufflers and Rotators 269
    Headline rotator 269
    Setting up the page 270
    Retrieving the feed 272
    Setting up the rotator 275
    The headline rotate function 276
    Pause on hover 279
    Retrieving a feed from a different domain 281
    Adding a loading indicator 282
    Gradient fade effect 283
    The finished code 285
    An image carousel 287
    Setting up the page 288
    Revising the styles with JavaScript 290
    Table of Contents
    [ vi ]
    Shuffling images when clicked 291
    Adding sliding animation 294
    Displaying action icons 295
    Image enlargement 299
    Hiding the enlarged cover 301
    Displaying a close button 302
    More fun with badging 304
    Animating the cover enlargement 306
    Deferring animations until image loads 310
    Adding a loading indicator 311
    The finished code 313
    Summary 316
    Chapter 10: Using Plugins 317
    Finding plugins and help 317
    How to use a plugin 318
    The Form plugin 318
    Tips and tricks 320
    The jQuery UI plugin library 321
    Effects 321
    Color animations 322
    Class animations 322
    Advanced easing 322
    Additional effects 323
    Interaction components 324
    Widgets 326
    jQuery UI ThemeRoller 329
    Other recommended plugins 330
    Forms 330
    Autocomplete 330
    Validation 331
    Jeditable 331
    Masked input 332
    Tables 332
    Tablesorter 333
    jqGrid 333
    Flexigrid 334
    Images 334
    Jcrop 334
    Magnify 335
    Lightboxes and Modal Dialogs 336
    FancyBox 336
    Thickbox 336
    BlockUI 337
    jqModal 338
    Table of Contents
    [ vii ]
    Charting 338
    Flot 338
    Sparklines 339
    Events 340
    hoverIntent 340
    Live query 340
    Summary 340
    Chapter 11: Developing plugins 341
    Adding new global functions 341
    Adding multiple functions 342
    What's the point? 343
    Creating a utility method 343
    Adding jQuery Object Methods 345
    Object Method context 345
    Method chaining 348
    DOM traversal methods 349
    Adding new shortcut methods 354
    Method parameters 357
    Simple parameters 359
    Parameter maps 360
    Default parameter values 361
    Callback functions 362
    Customizable defaults 363
    Adding a selector expression 365
    Sharing a plugin with the world 368
    Naming conventions 368
    Use of the $ alias 369
    Method interfaces 369
    Documentation style 370
    Summary 370
    Appendix A: Online Resources 371
    jQuery documentation 371
    jQuery wiki 371
    jQuery API 371
    jQuery API browser 371
    Visual jQuery 372
    Adobe AIR jQueryAPI viewer 372
    JavaScript reference 372
    Mozilla developer center 372
    Dev.opera 372
    Table of Contents
    [ viii ]
    MSDN JScript Reference 372
    Quirksmode 373
    JavaScript Toolbox 373
    JavaScript code compressors 373
    YUI Compressor 373
    JSMin 373
    Pretty printer 374
    (X)HTML reference 374
    W3C hypertext markup language home page 374
    CSS reference 374
    W3C cascading style sheets home page 374
    Mezzoblue CSS cribsheet 374
    Position is everything 375
    Useful blogs 375
    The jQuery blog 375
    Learning jQuery 375
    Ajaxian 375
    John Resig 375
    JavaScript ant 376
    Robert's talk 376
    Web standards with imagination 376
    Snook 376
    Matt Snider JavaScript resource 376
    I can't 376
    DOM scripting 377
    As days pass by 377
    A list apart 377
    Web development frameworks using jQuery 377
    Appendix B: Development Tools 379
    Tools for Firefox 379
    Firebug 379
    Web developer toolbar 380
    Venkman 380
    Regular expressions tester 380
    Tools for Internet Explorer 380
    Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar 380
    Microsoft Visual Web Developer 381
    DebugBar 381
    Drip 381
    Table of Contents
    [ ix ]
    Tools for Safari 381
    Develop Menu 381
    Web Inspector 382
    Tools for Opera 382
    Dragonfly 382
    Other tools 382
    Firebug Lite 382
    NitobiBug 383
    TextMate jQuery bundle 383
    Charles 383
    Fiddler 383
    Aptana 383
    Appendix C: JavaScript Closures 385
    Inner functions 385
    The great escape 387
    Variable scoping 388
    Interactions between closures 390
    Closures in jQuery 391
    Arguments to $(document).ready() 391
    Event handlers 392
    Memory leak hazards 394
    Accidental reference loops 395
    The Internet Explorer memory leak problem 396
    The good news 397
    Summary 397
    Appendix D: Quick Reference 399
    Selector expressions 399
    DOM traversal methods 401
    Event methods 402
    Effect methods 404
    DOM manipulation methods 405
    AJAX methods 408
    Miscellaneous methods 409
    Index 411

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