Tài liệu Learning C# 2005

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Bài viết:
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    Learning C# 2005, Second Edition
    About This Book
    Who This Book Is For
    How the Book Is Organized
    Conventions Used in This Book
    Using Code Examples
    We'd Like to Hear from You
    Safari® Enabled
    Chapter 1. C# and .NET Programming
    Section 1.1. C# 2005 and .NET 2.0
    Section 1.2. The .NET Platform
    Section 1.3. The .NET 2.0 Framework
    Section 1.4. The C# Language
    Section 1.5. The Structure of C# Applications
    Section 1.6. The Development Environment
    Section 1.7. What's in a Program?
    Section 1.8. Your First Program: Hello World
    Section 1.9. The Compiler
    Section 1.10. Examining Your First Program
    Section 1.11. Summary
    Section 1.12. Quiz
    Section 1.13. Exercise
    Chapter 2. Visual Studio 2005
    Section 2.1. Before You Read Further
    Section 2.2. Start Page
    Section 2.3. Projects and Solutions
    Section 2.4. Inside the Integrated Development Environment
    Section 2.5. Building and Running
    Section 2.6. Menus and Toolbars
    Section 2.7. Summary
    Section 2.8. Quiz
    Section 2.9. Exercise
    Chapter 3. C# Language Fundamentals
    Section 3.1. Statements
    Section 3.2. Types
    Section 3.3. Variables
    Section 3.4. Definite Assignment
    Section 3.5. Constants
    Section 3.6. Strings
    Section 3.7. Expressions
    Section 3.8. Whitespace
    Section 3.9. Summary
    Section 3.10. Quiz
    Section 3.11. Exercises
    Chapter 4. Operators
    Section 4.1. The Assignment Operator (=)
    Section 4.2. Mathematical Operators
    Section 4.3. Increment and Decrement Operators
    Section 4.4. Relational Operators
    Section 4.5. Summary
    Section 4.6. Quiz
    Section 4.7. Exercises
    Chapter 5. Branching
    Section 5.1. Unconditional Branching Statements
    Section 5.2. Conditional Branching Statements
    Section 5.3. Iteration (Looping) Statements
    Section 5.4. Summary
    Section 5.5. Quiz
    Section 5.6. Exercises
    Chapter 6. Object-Oriented Programming
    Section 6.1. Creating Models
    Section 6.2. Classes and Objects
    Section 6.3. Defining a Class
    Section 6.4. Class Relationships
    Section 6.5. The Three Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming
    Section 6.6. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
    Section 6.7. Summary
    Section 6.8. Quiz
    Section 6.9. Exercises
    Chapter 7. Classes and Objects
    Section 7.1. Defining Classes
    Section 7.2. Method Arguments
    Section 7.3. Constructors
    Section 7.4. Initializers
    Section 7.5. The this Keyword
    Section 7.6. Static and Instance Members
    Section 7.7. Destroying Objects
    Section 7.8. Memory Allocation: The Stack Versus the Heap
    Section 7.9. Summary
    Section 7.10. Quiz
    Section 7.11. Exercises
    Chapter 8. Inside Methods
    Section 8.1. Overloading Methods
    Section 8.2. Encapsulating Data with Properties
    Section 8.3. Returning Multiple Values
    Section 8.4. Summary
    Section 8.5. Quiz
    Section 8.6. Exercises
    Chapter 9. Basic Debugging
    Section 9.1. Setting a Breakpoint
    Section 9.2. Examining Values: The Autos and Locals Windows
    Section 9.3. Set Your Watch
    Section 9.4. The Call Stack
    Section 9.5. Summary
    Section 9.6. Quiz
    Section 9.7. Exercises
    Chapter 10. Arrays
    Section 10.1. Using Arrays
    Section 10.2. The foreach Statement
    Section 10.3. Initializing Array Elements
    Section 10.4. The params Keyword
    Section 10.5. Multidimensional Arrays
    Section 10.6. Array Methods
    Section 10.7. Sorting Arrays
    Section 10.8. Summary
    Section 10.9. Quiz
    Section 10.10. Exercises
    Chapter 11. Inheritance and Polymorphism
    Section 11.1. Specialization and Generalization
    Section 11.2. Inheritance
    Section 11.3. Polymorphism
    Section 11.4. Abstract Classes
    Section 11.5. Sealed Classes
    Section 11.6. The Root of All Classes: Object
    Section 11.7. Boxing and Unboxing Types
    Section 11.8. Summary
    Section 11.9. Quiz
    Section 11.10. Exercises
    Chapter 12. Operator Overloading
    Section 12.1. Using the operator Keyword
    Section 12.2. Creating Useful Operators
    Section 12.3. The Equals Operator
    Section 12.4. Conversion Operators
    Section 12.5. Summary
    Section 12.6. Quiz
    Section 12.7. Exercises
    Chapter 13. Interfaces
    Section 13.1. Implementing an Interface
    Section 13.2. Implementing More than One Interface
    Section 13.3. Casting to an Interface
    Section 13.4. The is and as Operators
    Section 13.5. Extending Interfaces
    Section 13.6. Combining Interfaces
    Section 13.7. Overriding Interface Implementations
    Section 13.8. Explicit Interface Implementation
    Section 13.9. Summary
    Section 13.10. Quiz
    Section 13.11. Exercises
    Chapter 14. Generics and Collections
    Section 14.1. Generics
    Section 14.2. Collection Interfaces
    Section 14.3. Creating Your Own Collections
    Section 14.4. Framework Generic Collections
    Section 14.5. Summary
    Section 14.6. Quiz
    Section 14.7. Exercises
    Chapter 15. Strings
    Section 15.1. Creating Strings
    Section 15.2. Manipulating Strings
    Section 15.3. Regular Expressions
    Section 15.4. The Regex Class
    Section 15.5. Summary
    Section 15.6. Quiz
    Section 15.7. Exercises
    Chapter 16. Throwing and Catching Exceptions
    Section 16.1. Bugs, Errors, and Exceptions
    Section 16.2. Throwing Exceptions
    Section 16.3. Searching for an Exception Handler
    Section 16.4. The throw Statement
    Section 16.5. The try and catch Statements
    Section 16.6. How the Call Stack Works
    Section 16.7. Creating Dedicated catch Statements
    Section 16.8. The finally Statement
    Section 16.9. Exception Class Methods and Properties
    Section 16.10. Custom Exceptions
    Section 16.11. Summary
    Section 16.12. Quiz
    Section 16.13. Exercises
    Chapter 17. Delegates and Events
    Section 17.1. Delegates
    Section 17.2. Multicasting
    Section 17.3. Events
    Section 17.4. Using Anonymous Methods
    Section 17.5. Summary
    Section 17.6. Quiz
    Section 17.7. Exercises
    Chapter 18. Creating Windows Applications
    Section 18.1. Creating a Simple Windows Form
    Section 18.2. Creating a Real-World Application
    Section 18.3. XML Documentation Comments
    Section 18.4. Summary
    Section 18.5. Quiz
    Section 18.6. Exercises
    Chapter 19. Programming ASP.NET Applications
    Section 19.1. Understanding Web Forms
    Section 19.2. Web Form Events
    Section 19.3. Creating a Web Form
    Section 19.4. Adding Controls
    Section 19.5. Server Controls
    Section 19.6. Data Binding
    Section 19.7. Adding Controls and Events
    Section 19.8. Summary
    Section 19.9. Quiz
    Section 19.10. Exercises
    Appendix A. Answers to Quizzes and Exercises
    Section A.1. Chapter 1: C# and .NET Programming
    Section A.2. Chapter 2: Visual Studio 2005
    Section A.3. Chapter 3: C# Language Fundamentals
    Section A.4. Chapter 4: Operators
    Section A.5. Chapter 5: Branching
    Section A.6. Chapter 6: Object-Oriented Programming
    Section A.7. Chapter 7: Classes and Objects
    Section A.8. Chapter 8: Inside Methods
    Section A.9. Chapter 9: Basic Debugging
    Section A.10. Chapter 10: Arrays
    Section A.11. Chapter 11: Inheritance and Polymorphism
    Section A.12. Chapter 12: Operator Overloading
    Section A.13. Chapter 13: Interfaces
    Section A.14. Chapter 14: Generics and Collections
    Section A.15. Chapter 15: Strings
    Section A.16. Chapter 16: Throwing and Catching Exceptions
    Section A.17. Chapter 17: Delegates and Events
    Section A.18. Chapter 18: Creating Windows Applications
    Section A.19. Chapter 19: Programming ASP.NET Applications
    About the Author

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