Tài liệu Langue Focus Unit 4 , Lớp 10

Thảo luận trong 'Lớp 10' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    [TABLE="width: 680"]
    [TD="width: 154, bgcolor: #a6a6a6"] UNIT FOUR :
    [TD="width: 496, bgcolor: #a6a6a6"] SPECIAL EDUCATION

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 155"] Period 20
    [TD="width: 496"] LANGUAGE FOCUS

    [TD="width: 155"] Aims :
    [TD="width: 496"] Teaching grammar and phonetics
    [TD="width: 155"] Objectives:
    [TD="width: 496"] By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to pronounce the words correctly and apply some more grammar notes : THE + ADJ, USED TO + INF, WHICH as a connector..
    [TD="width: 155"] Skills :
    [TD="width: 496"] Development for four skills : Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening
    [TD="width: 155"] Grammar points:
    [TD="width: 496"] THE + ADJ / USED TO + INF / WHICH as a connector..
    [TD="width: 155"] Teaching aids :
    [TD="width: 496"] Handouts, textbook , flipcharts
    [TD="width: 155"]

    [TD="width: 496"]

    [TD="width: 665, colspan: 2"] PROCEDURE

    I/ WARM-UP : (5 min )

    Revision : 1.What is the sound'ssymbol of each underlined word ?

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 212"] 1. father
    [TD="width: 212"] 2. hand
    [TD="width: 212"] 3. read
    [TD="width: 212"] 4. cinema
    [TD="width: 212"] 5. spend
    [TD="width: 212"] 6. mother

    [TABLE="width: 680"]
    [TD="width: 98"] [ a:]
    [TD="width: 99"] [ æ ]
    [TD="width: 99"] [ i: ]
    [TD="width: 99"] [ I ]
    [TD="width: 99"] [ e ]
    [TD="width: 99"] [ Λ]

    II/ PHONETICS :( 13 min )

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 43"]

    [TD="width: 73"] * Task 1
    [TD="width: 521"] Introduce the phonetics
    ( Ask pupils to read and then transcribe two words below. )

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 43"]

    [TD="width: 273"] Top [tɔp]
    [TD="width: 321"] Tall [tɔ:l]

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 43"]

    [TD="width: 73"] * Task 2
    [TD="width: 521"] 1. Are they vowel sounds or consonant sounds ? ( Vowel sounds )
    2. Which is a long sound [ ɔ ] or [ɔ:] ? ( [ɔ:] &nbsp" class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie2" alt=";)" title="Wink ;)">[/I]

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 43"]

    [TD="width: 73"] * Task 3
    [TD="width: 521"] [I]Listen and repeat after the teacher the words that have sounds [/I][I][B][[/B][/I][B]ɔ[/B][I][B]e ][/B][/I][I] or [/I][B][ɔ:][/B][I] and then the sentences in which contain those sounds. But pay attention to the sentence stress and intonation in a sentence.[/I]

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 43"]

    [TD="width: 73"] * Task 3
    [TD="width: 521"] [I]Pupils pick up the words from these sentences that have the same sounds [/I][I][B][ [/B][/I][B]ɔ[/B][I][B] ][/B][/I][I] or [/I][B][ɔ:][/B][I] .[/I]

    [B]III/ GRAMMAR :[/B]( 19 min )

    [B]*A: Presentation 1:[/B]
    [B] Task 1 : [/B][I]Give your remarkon two sentences below:[/I]
    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 80"] 1
    [TD="width: 571"] Young people have the future in their hands.
    [TD="width: 80"] 2
    [TD="width: 571"] The young have the future in their hands.
    Remark :
    Young ( adj)
    The young ( n ) = young people
     Form :
    THE+ poor Adj Noun (plural): group of
    rich people


    [B] *Task 2 : [/B][I]Complete thesesentences using [/I][B]" The + [/B][I] one of the adjective:[/I]
    [I] ( see Exercise 1- page 52) [/I]

    [TABLE="width: 680"]
    [TD="width: 664, colspan: 4"] [B]Feedback [/B]
    [TD="width: 155"] 2. the injured
    [TD="width: 156"] 3. the unemployed
    [TD="width: 156"] 4. the sick
    [TD="width: 155"] 5. the poor

    [B] *B: Presentation 2:[/B]
    [B] Task 1 : [/B][I]Give your remarkon two sentences below:[/I]
    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 80"] 1
    [TD="width: 571"] Mr. Davis often smoked 40 cigarettes a day
    [TD="width: 80"] 2
    [TD="width: 571"] Mr David used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
    [I][B]Remark :[/B][/I] We use used to +V inf to express a past action and state. It has no presentequivalent.
    [B]Firmative[/B] :S+used to+V-infinitive
    [B]Negative [/B]: S+ didn’t +use to +V-infinitive
    [B]Question [/B]: Did+ S+ use to +V-infinitive?

    [B] Task 2 : [/B][I]Complete thesentences using [/I][B]" Used to + [/B][I] a suitable verb.:[/I]
    [I] ( see Exercise 2- page 53) [/I]

    [TABLE="width: 680"]
    [TD="width: 664, colspan: 4"] [B]Feedback [/B]
    [TD="width: 155"] 1. used to smoke
    [TD="width: 156"] 2. used to have
    [TD="width: 156"] 3. used to live
    [TD="width: 155"] 4. used to eat
    [TD="width: 155"] 5. used to be
    [TD="width: 156"] 6. used to take
    [TD="width: 156"] 7. used to be
    [TD="width: 155"] 8. did you use to go

    [B] *C: Presentation 3:[/B][B] Whichas a connector[/B].

    Task 1 : Give 2 examples andcombine into a sentence.
    Tom gets 9 marks.This makes his mother happy.
    Tom got 9marks, which made his mother happy.

    relative pronoun.
    [B]Which[/B]: thefact that Tom got 9 marks.
    [I]Matching : ( of task 4 on page53)[/I]

    [TABLE="width: 680"]
    [TD="width: 664, colspan: 3"] [B]Feedback [/B]
    [TD="width: 211"] [B]2. - c[/B]
    [TD="width: 212"] [B]3. - f[/B]
    [TD="width: 212"] [B]4. - g[/B]
    [TD="width: 211"] [B]5. - a[/B]
    [TD="width: 212"] [B]6. - d[/B]
    [TD="width: 212"] [B]7. - b[/B]

    [B] Task 2 : [/B][I] Rewrite thesesentences follow the example below:[/I]
    [I] ( see Exercise 3- page 53) [/I]
    [I] Ex: Sheila couldn't come to the party. This was a pity.[/I]
    [I] - [/I][I][B]Sheila couldn't cometo the party, which was a pity.[/B][/I]

    [B]IV/ FURTHER PRACTICE:[/B] ( 6 min )

    [TABLE="width: 679"]
    [TD="width: 43"]

    [TD="width: 61"] * Task :
    [TD="width: 533"] Change all sentences of exercise 2 into negative and interrogative).
    [I]Ex: He used to smoke 40 cigarettesa day.[/I]
    [I] - [/I][I][B]He didn't use(d) tosmoke 40 cigarettes a day[/B][/I]
    [I] - [/I][I][B]Did he use(d) to smoke40 cigarettes a day ?[/B][/I]

    [B]V/ HOMEWORK:[/B]( 2min )
    Activity 1 : Do exercises in workbook.
    Activity 2 : Prepare “ Speaking “

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