Sách LabVIEW Control Design User Manual

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Khác' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About This Manual
    Conventions .xi
    Related Documentation xii
    Chapter 1
    Introduction to Control Design
    Model-Based Control Design 1-2
    Developing a Plant Model .1-3
    Designing a Controller 1-3
    Simulating the Dynamic System .1-4
    Deploying the Controller .1-4
    Overview of LabVIEW Control Design 1-4
    Control Design Assistant .1-4
    Control Design VIs 1-5
    Control Design MathScript Functions .1-5
    Chapter 2
    Constructing Dynamic System Models
    Constructing Accurate Models 2-2
    Model Representation 2-3
    Model Types 2-3
    Linear versus Nonlinear Models .2-3
    Time-Variant versus Time-Invariant Models .2-4
    Continuous versus Discrete Models 2-4
    Model Forms .2-5
    RLC Circuit Example 2-6
    Constructing Transfer Function Models 2-6
    SISO Transfer Function Models 2-7
    SIMO, MISO, and MIMO Transfer Function Models 2-9
    Symbolic Transfer Function Models .2-11
    Constructing Zero-Pole-Gain Models 2-12
    SISO Zero-Pole-Gain Models .2-13
    SIMO, MISO, and MIMO Zero-Pole-Gain Models 2-14
    Symbolic Zero-Pole-Gain Models .2-14
    Constructing State-Space Models 2-14
    SISO State-Space Models 2-16
    SIMO, MISO, and MIMO State-Space Models 2-18
    Symbolic State-Space Models .2-18
    Obtaining Model Information 2-18

    Chapter 3
    Converting Models
    Converting between Model Forms 3-1
    Converting Models to Transfer Function Models . 3-2
    Converting Models to Zero-Pole-Gain Models 3-3
    Converting Models to State-Space Models . 3-4
    Converting between Continuous and Discrete Models . 3-5
    Converting Continuous Models to Discrete Models . 3-6
    Forward Rectangular Method . 3-8
    Backward Rectangular Method 3-8
    Tustin’s Method 3-9
    Prewarp Method . 3-10
    Zero-Order-Hold and First-Order-Hold Methods . 3-11
    Z-Transform Method 3-12
    Matched Pole-Zero Method 3-13
    Converting Discrete Models to Continuous Models . 3-13
    Resampling a Discrete Model . 3-14
    Chapter 4
    Connecting Models
    Connecting Models in Series . 4-1
    Connecting SISO Systems in Series . 4-2
    Creating a SIMO System in Series . 4-3
    Connecting MIMO Systems in Series . 4-5
    Appending Models 4-6
    Connecting Models in Parallel 4-8
    Placing Models in a Closed-Loop Configuration 4-12
    Single Model in a Closed-Loop Configuration . 4-13
    Feedback Connections Undefined 4-13
    Feedback Connections Defined 4-14
    Two Models in a Closed-Loop Configuration 4-14
    Feedback and Output Connections Undefined . 4-15
    Feedback Connections Undefined, Output Connections Defined 4-16
    Feedback Connections Defined, Output Connections Undefined 4-17
    Both Feedback and Output Connections Defined 4-18
    Chapter 5
    Time Response Analysis
    Calculating the Time-Domain Solution . 5-1
    Spring-Mass Damper Example 5-2
    Analyzing a Step Response . 5-4

    Analyzing an Impulse Response 5-7
    Analyzing an Initial Response .5-8
    Analyzing a General Time-Domain Simulation 5-10
    Obtaining Time Response Data .5-12
    Chapter 6
    Working with Delay Information
    Accounting for Delay Information 6-2
    Setting Delay Information .6-2
    Incorporating Delay Information .6-2
    Delay Information in Continuous System Models 6-3
    Delay Information in Discrete System Models .6-7
    Representing Delay Information 6-8
    Manipulating Delay Information .6-10
    Accessing Total Delay Information .6-10
    Distributing Delay Information .6-12
    Residual Delay Information 6-13
    Chapter 7
    Frequency Response Analysis
    Bode Frequency Analysis 7-1
    Gain Margin .7-3
    Phase Margin .7-3
    Nichols Frequency Analysis 7-5
    Nyquist Stability Analysis .7-5
    Obtaining Frequency Response Data .7-7
    Chapter 8
    Analyzing Dynamic Characteristics
    Determining Stability .8-1
    Using the Root Locus Method .8-2
    Chapter 9
    Analyzing State-Space Characteristics
    Determining Stability .9-2
    Determining Controllability and Stabilizability 9-2
    Determining Observability and Detectability 9-3
    Analyzing Controllability and Observability Grammians .9-4
    Balancing Systems .9-5

    Chapter 10
    Model Order Reduction
    Obtaining the Minimal Realization of Models 10-1
    Reducing the Order of Models 10-2
    Selecting and Removing an Input, Output, or State 10-3
    Chapter 11
    Designing Classical Controllers
    Root Locus Design Technique 11-1
    Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller Architecture . 11-4
    Designing PID Controllers Analytically . 11-6
    Chapter 12
    Designing State-Space Controllers
    Calculating Estimator and Controller Gain Matrices 12-1
    Pole Placement Technique 12-2
    Linear Quadratic Regulator Technique . 12-4
    Kalman Gain . 12-5
    Continuous Models . 12-6
    Discrete Models 12-6
    Updated State Estimate 12-6
    Predicted State Estimate . 12-7
    Discretized Kalman Gain 12-8
    Defining Kalman Filters 12-8
    Linear Quadratic Gaussian Controller 12-9
    Chapter 13
    Defining State Estimator Structures
    Measuring and Adjusting Inputs and Outputs . 13-1
    Adding a State Estimator to a General System Configuration 13-2
    Configuring State Estimators 13-4
    System Included Configuration 13-4
    System Included with Noise Configuration 13-5
    Standalone Configuration . 13-6
    Example System Configurations . 13-7
    Example System Included State Estimator . 13-8
    Example System Included with Noise State Estimator . 13-10
    Example Standalone State Estimator 13-13

    Chapter 14
    Defining State-Space Controller Structures
    Configuring State Controllers 14-1
    State Compensator .14-3
    System Included Configuration 14-4
    System Included with Noise Configuration 14-5
    Standalone with Estimator Configuration .14-6
    Standalone without Estimator Configuration 14-7
    State Regulator 14-8
    System Included Configuration 14-9
    System Included Configuration with Noise 14-10
    Standalone with Estimator Configuration .14-11
    Standalone without Estimator Configuration 14-12
    State Regulator with Integral Action .14-13
    System Included Configuration 14-14
    System Included with Noise Configuration 14-16
    Standalone with Estimator Configuration .14-17
    Standalone without Estimator Configuration 14-19
    Example System Configurations .14-20
    Example System Included State Compensator 14-22
    Example System Included with Noise State Compensator .14-24
    Example Standalone with Estimator State Compensator 14-25
    Example Standalone without Estimator State Compensator .14-27
    Chapter 15
    Estimating Model States
    Predictive Observer 15-2
    Current Observer 15-7
    Continuous Observer .15-9
    Chapter 16
    Using Stochastic System Models
    Constructing Stochastic Models 16-1
    Constructing Noise Models .16-3
    Converting Stochastic Models .16-3
    Converting between Continuous and Discrete Stochastic Models 16-4
    Converting between Stochastic and Deterministic Models .16-4
    Simulating Stochastic Models .16-4
    Using a Kalman Filter to Estimate Model States .16-5

    Noisy RL Circuit Example 16-7
    Constructing the System Model 16-8
    Constructing the Noise Model 16-9
    Converting the Model . 16-11
    Simulating The Model 16-12
    Implementing a Kalman Filter 16-14
    Chapter 17
    Deploying a Controller to a Real-Time Target
    Defining Controller Models 17-3
    Defining a Controller Model Interactively 17-3
    Defining a Controller Model Programmatically . 17-4
    Writing Controller Code 17-4
    Example Transfer Function Controller Code 17-5
    Example State Compensator Code 17-6
    Example SISO Zero-Pole-Gain Controller with Saturation Code 17-7
    Example State-Space Controller with Predictive Observer Code . 17-8
    Example State-Space Controller with Current Observer Code . 17-9
    Example State-Space Controller with Kalman Filter for Stochastic
    System Code . 17-11
    Example Continuous Controller Model with Kalman Filter Code . 17-12
    Finding Example NI-DAQmx I/O Code . 17-13
    Chapter 18
    Creating and Implementing a Model Predictive Controller
    Creating the MPC Controller . 18-3
    Defining the Prediction and Control Horizons . 18-3
    Specifying the Cost Function 18-5
    Specifying Constraints 18-7
    Dual Optimization Method . 18-7
    Barrier Function Method 18-8
    Relationship Between Penalty, Tolerance,
    and Parameter Values 18-9
    Prioritizing Constraints and Cost Weightings 18-10
    Specifying Input Setpoint, Output Setpoint, and Disturbance Profiles . 18-13
    Implementing the MPC Controller 18-14
    Providing Setpoint and Disturbance Profiles to the MPC Controller . 18-14
    Updating Setpoint and Disturbance Information Dynamically . 18-16
    Modifying an MPC Controller at Run Time . 18-18


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