Tài liệu Khái niệm hóa học về vật liệu nano

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Member Societies XXV
    Part One Self-Organization, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
    1 Subcomponent Self-Assembly as a Route to New Structures and
    Materials 3
    Jonathan R. Nitschke
    1.1 Introduction 3
    1.2 Aqueous Cu(I) 5
    1.3 Chirality 7
    1.4 Construction 8
    1.4.1 Dicopper Helicates 8
    1.4.2 Tricopper Helicates 10
    1.4.3 Catenanes and Macrocycles 11
    1.4.4 [2 × 2] Tetracopper(I) Grid 12
    1.5 Sorting 13
    1.5.1 Sorting Ligand Structures with Cu(I) 13
    1.5.2 Simultaneous Syntheses of Helicates 13
    1.5.3 Sorting within a Structure 14
    1.5.4 Cooperative Selection by Iron and Copper 17
    1.6 Substitution/Reconfi guration 20
    1.6.1 New Cascade Reaction 20
    1.6.2 Hammett Effects 22
    1.6.3 Helicate Reconfi gurations 23
    1.6.4 Substitution as a Route to Polymeric Helicates 24
    1.7 Conclusion and Outlook 27
    1.8 Acknowledgments 27
    Tomorrow’s Chemistry Today. Concepts in Nanoscience, Organic Materials and Environmental Chemistry.
    Edited by Bruno Pignataro
    Copyright © 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
    ISBN: 978-3-527-31918-3
    VI Contents
    2 Molecular Metal Oxides and Clusters as Building Blocks for Functional
    Nanoscale Architectures and Potential Nanosystems 31
    Leroy Cronin
    2.1 Introduction 31
    2.2 From POM Building Blocks to Nanoscale Superclusters 33
    2.3 From Building Blocks to Functional POM Clusters 37
    2.3.1 Host–Guest Chemistry of POM-based Superclusters 38
    2.3.2 Magnetic and Conducting POMs 39
    2.3.3 Thermochromic and Thermally Switchable POM Clusters 40
    2.4 Bringing the Components Together – Towards Prototype
    Polyoxometalate-based Functional Nanosystems 42
    2.5 Acknowledgments 44
    3 Nanostructured Porous Materials: Building Matter from the Bottom
    Up 47
    Javier García-Martínez
    3.1 Introduction 47
    3.2 Synthesis by Organic Molecule Templates 48
    3.3 Synthesis by Molecular Self-Assembly: Liquid Crystals and Cooperative
    Assembly 50
    3.4 Spatially Constrained Synthesis: Foams, Microemulsions, and
    Molds 57
    3.4.1 Microemulsions 57
    3.4.2 Capping Agents 57
    3.4.3 Foams 58
    3.4.4 Molds 59
    3.5 Multiscale Self-Assembly 59
    3.6 Biomimetic Synthesis: Toward a Multidisciplinary Approach 61
    3.7 Acknowledgments 69
    4 Strategies Toward Hierarchically Structured Optoelectronically Active
    Polymers 73
    Eike Jahnke and Holger Frauenrath
    4.1 Hierarchically Structured Organic Optoelectronic Materials via
    Self-Assembly 73
    4.2 Toward Hierarchically Structured Conjugated Polymers via the
    Foldamer Approach 74
    4.3 “Self-Assemble, then Polymerize” – A Complementary Approach and Its
    Requirements 78
    4.3.1 Topochemical Polymerization Using Self-Assembled Scaffolds 79
    4.3.2 Self-Assembly of β-Sheet Forming Oligopeptides and Their Polymer
    Conjugates 80
    4.4 Macromonomer Design and Preparation 82
    4.5 Hierarchical Self-Organization in Organic Solvents 85
    Contents VII
    4.6 A General Model for the Hierarchical Self-Organization of
    Oligopeptide–Polymer Conjugates 89
    4.7 Conversion to Conjugated Polymers by UV Irradiation 92
    4.8 Conclusions and Perspectives 95
    4.9 Acknowledgments 95
    5 Mimicking Nature: Bio-inspired Models of Copper Proteins 101
    Iryna A. Koval, Patrick Gamez and Jan Reedijk
    5.1 Environmental Pollution: How Can “Green” Chemistry Help? 101
    5.2 Copper in Living Organisms 102
    5.2.1 Type 1 Active Site 102
    5.2.2 Type 2 Active Site 103
    5.2.3 Type 3 Active Site 104
    5.2.4 Type 4 Active Site 104
    5.2.5 The CuA Active Site 104
    5.2.6 The CuB Active Site 105
    5.2.7 The CuZ Active Site 105
    5.3 Catechol Oxidase: Structure and Function 105
    5.3.1 Catalytic Reaction Mechanism 107
    5.4 Model Systems of Catechol Oxidase: Historic Overview 108
    5.5 Our Research on Catechol Oxidase Models and Mechanistic
    Studies 114
    5.5.1 Ligand Design 114
    5.5.2 Copper(I) and Copper(II) Complexes with [22]py4pz: Structural
    Properties and Mechanism of the Catalytic Reaction 114
    5.5.3 Copper(I) and Copper(II) Complexes with [22]pr4pz: Unraveling
    Catalytic Mechanisms 118
    5.6 Concluding Remarks 124
    5.7 Acknowledgments 125
    6 From the Past to the Future of Rotaxanes 129
    Andreea R. Schmitzer
    6.1 Introduction 129
    6.2 Synthesis of Rotaxanes 131
    6.2.1 Van der Waals Interactions in the Synthesis of Rotaxanes 132
    6.2.2 Hydrophobic Interactions in the Synthesis of Rotaxanes 133
    6.2.3 Hydrogen Bonding in Rotaxane Synthesis 134
    6.2.4 Donor–Acceptor Interactions in the Synthesis of Rotaxanes 135
    6.2.5 Transition-Metal Coordination in the Synthesis of Rotaxanes 136
    6.3 Applications of Rotaxanes 137
    6.3.1 Rotaxanes as Molecular Shuttles 137 Acid–Base-controlled Molecular Shuttle 139 A Light-driven Molecular Shuttle 140
    6.3.2 Molecular Lifts 142
    VIII Contents
    6.3.3 Artifi cial Molecular Muscles 143
    6.3.4 Redox-activated Switches for Dynamic Memory Storage 144
    6.3.5 Bioelectronics 147
    6.3.6 Membrane Transport 149
    6.3.7 Catalytically Active Rotaxanes as Processive Enzyme Mimics 151
    6.4 Conclusion and Perspectives 152
    7 Multiphoton Processes and Nonlinear Harmonic Generations in
    Lanthanide Complexes 161
    Ga-Lai Law
    7.1 Introduction 161
    7.2 Types of Nonlinear Processes 162
    7.3 Selection Rules for Multiphoton Absorption 164
    7.4 Multiphoton Absorption Induced Emission 165
    7.5 Nonlinear Harmonic Generation 176
    7.6 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 181
    7.7 Acknowledgments 181
    8 Light-emitting Organic Nanoaggregates from Functionalized
    para-Quaterphenylenes 185
    Manuela Schiek
    8.1 Introduction to para-Phenylene Organic Nanofi bers 185
    8.2 General Aspects of Nanofi ber Growth 187
    8.3 Synthesis of Functionalized para-Quaterphenylenes 189
    8.4 Variety of Organic Nanoaggregates from Functionalized
    para-Quaterphenylenes 193
    8.5 Symmetrically Functionalized p-Quaterphenylenes 194
    8.6 Differently Di-functionalized p-Quaterphenylenes 197
    8.7 Monofunctionalized p-Quaterphenylenes 199
    8.8 Tailoring Morphology: Nanoshaping 200
    8.9 Tailoring Optical Properties: Linear Optics 201
    8.10 Creating New Properties: Nonlinear Optics 203
    8.11 Summary 205
    8.12 Acknowledgments 205
    9 Plant Viral Capsids as Programmable Nanobuilding Blocks 215
    Nicole F. Steinmetz
    9.1 Nanobiotechnology – A Defi nition 215
    9.2 Viral Particles as Tools for Nanobiotechnology 216
    9.3 General Introduction to CPMV 216
    9.4 Advantages of Plant Viral Particles as Nanoscaffolds 219
    9.5 Addressable Viral Nanobuilding Block 220
    9.6 From Labeling Studies to Applications 222
    9.7 Immobilization of Viral Particles and the Construction of Arrays on
    Solid Supports 229
    Contents IX
    9.8 Outlook 231
    9.9 Acknowledgments 232
    10 New Calorimetric Approaches to the Study of Soft Matter 3D
    Organization 237
    J.M. Nedelec and M. Baba
    10.1 Introduction 237
    10.2 Transitions in Confi ned Geometries 238
    10.2.1 Theoretical Basis 239 Confi nement Effect on Triple-point Temperature 239
    10.2.2 Porosity Measurements via Determination of the Gibbs–Thomson
    Relation 240 Thermoporosimetry 241 NMR Cryoporometry 241 Surface Force Apparatus 241
    10.2.3 Thermoporosimetry and Pore Size Distribution Measurement 242
    10.3 Application of Thermoporosimetry to Soft Materials 243
    10.3.1 Analogy and Limitations 243
    10.3.2 Examples of Use of TPM with Solvent Confi ned by Polymers and
    Networks 244 Elastomers 244 Hydrogels 246 Polymeric Membranes 246 Crosslinking of Polyolefi ns 246
    10.4 Study of the Kinetics of Photo-initiated Reactions by PhotoDSC 247
    10.4.1 The PhotoDSC Device 247
    10.4.2 Photocuring and Photopolymerization Investigations 247
    10.5 Accelerated Aging of Polymer Materials 251
    10.5.1 Study of Crosslinking of Polycyclooctene 251 Correlation between Oxidation and Crystallinity 251 Crosslinking and Crystallizability 253 Photo-aging Study by Macroperoxide Concentration
    Monitoring 254
    10.5.2 Kinetics of Chain Scissions during Accelerated Aging of
    Poly(ethylene oxide) 255 Chain Scission Kinetics from Melting 256
    10.6 Conclusion 258
    Part Two Organic Synthesis, Catalysis and Materials
    11 Naphthalenediimides as Photoactive and Electroactive Components in
    Supramolecular Chemistry 265
    Sheshanath Vishwanath Bhosale
    11.1 Introduction 265
    11.2 General Syntheses and Reactivity 266
    X Contents
    11.2.1 Synthesis of Core-substituted NDIs 268
    11.2.2 General Chemical and Physical Properties 268
    11.3 Redox and Optical Properties of NDIs 271
    11.3.1 NDIs in Host–Guest Chemistry 272
    11.3.2 NDI-DAN Foldamers 272
    11.3.3 Ion Channels 273
    11.3.4 NDIs in Material Chemistry 275
    11.4 Catenanes and Rotaxanes 276
    11.4.1 NDIs Used as Sensors 277
    11.4.2 Nanotubes 279
    11.5 NDIs in Supramolecular Chemistry 281
    11.5.1 Energy and Electron Transfer 281
    11.5.2 Covalent Models 281
    11.5.3 Noncovalent Models 284
    11.6 Applications of Core-Substituted NDIs 287
    11.7 Prospects and Conclusion 290
    11.8 Acknowledgment 290
    12 Coordination Chemistry of Phosphole Ligands Substituted with Pyridyl
    Moieties: From Catalysis to Nonlinear Optics and Supramolecular
    Assemblies 295
    Christophe Lescop and Muriel Hissler
    12.1 Introduction 295
    12.2 π-Conjugated Derivatives Incorporating Phosphole Ring 296
    12.2.1 Synthesis and Physical Properties 296
    12.2.2 Fine Tuning of the Physical Properties via Chemical Modifi cations of
    the Phosphole Ring 298
    12.3 Coordination Chemistry of 2-(2-Pyridyl)phosphole Derivatives:
    Applications in Catalysis and as Nonlinear Optical Molecular
    Materials 300
    12.3.1 Syntheses and Catalytic Tests 300
    12.3.2 Isomerization of Coordinated Phosphole Ring into
    2-Phospholene Ring 301
    12.3.3 Square-Planar Complexes Exhibiting Nonlinear
    Optical Activity 303
    12.3.4 Ruthenium Complexes 304
    12.4 Coordination Chemistry of 2,5-(2-Pyridyl)phosphole Derivatives:
    Complexes Bearing Bridging Phosphane Ligands and Coordinationdriven
    Supramolecular Organization of π-Conjugated
    Chromophores 305
    12.4.1 Bimetallic Coordination Complexes Bearing a Bridging Phosphane
    Ligand 305 Pd(I) and Pt(I) Bimetallic Complexes 306 Cu(I) Bimetallic Complexes 307
    Contents XI
    12.4.2 Supramolecular Organization of π-Conjugated Chromophores via
    Coordination Chemistry: Synthesis of Analogues of
    [2.2]-Paracyclophanes 310
    12.5 Conclusions 314
    12.6 Acknowledgments 315
    13 Selective Hydrogen Transfer Reactions over Supported Copper Catalysts
    Leading to Simple, Safe, and Clean Protocols for Organic Synthesis 321
    Federica Zaccheria and Nicoletta Ravasio
    13.1 Chemoselective Reduction of Polyunsaturated Compounds via
    Hydrogen Transfer 323
    13.2 Alcohol Dehydrogenation 325
    13.3 Racemization of Chiral Secondary Alcohols 331
    13.4 Isomerization of Allylic Alcohols 331
    13.5 Conclusions 333
    14 Selective Oxido-Reductive Processes by Nucleophilic Radical Addition
    under Mild Conditions 337
    Cristian Gambarotti and Carlo Punta
    14.1 Introduction 337
    14.2 Nucleophilic Radical Addition to N-heteroaromatic Bases 338
    14.2.1 Acylation of N-heteroaromatic Bases 338
    14.2.2 Acylation of N-heteroaromatic Bases Catalyzed by
    N-hydroxyphthalimide 340
    14.2.3 Photoinduced Nucleophilic Radical Substitution in the Presence of
    TiO2 341
    14.2.4 Hydroxymethylation of N-heteroaromatic Bases 343
    14.2.5 Perfl uoroalkylation of N-heteroaromatic Bases and Quinones 344
    14.3 Nucleophilic Radical Addition to Aldimines 345
    14.3.1 Nucleophilic Radical Addition Promoted by TiCl3/PhN2
    + Systems 345
    14.3.2 Nucleophilic Radical Addition Promoted by TiCl3/Pyridine
    Systems 347
    14.3.3 Nucleophilic Radical Addition Promoted by TiCl3/Hydroperoxide
    Systems 348
    Part Three Health, Food, and Environment
    15 Future Perspectives of Medicinal Chemistry in the View of an Inorganic
    Chemist 355
    Palanisamy Uma Maheswari
    15.1 Introduction 355
    15.1.1 Conventional versus Targeted Therapy 358
    15.2 Ruthenium Anticancer Drugs 359
    15.2.1 Ru–Polypyridyl Complexes 359
    XII Contents
    15.2.2 Ru–Polyaminocarboxylate Complexes 361
    15.2.3 Ru-Dimethyl Sulfoxide Complexes 362
    15.2.4 Ru–Arylazopyridine Complexes 363
    15.2.5 Ru–Organometallic Arene Complexes 365
    15.2.6 NAMI-A Type Complexes 366
    15.2.7 The Transferrin Delivery Mechanism 367
    15.2.8 Discerning Estrogen Receptor Modulators Based on Ru 368
    15.2.9 Ru–Ketoconazole Complexes 369
    15.2.10 Protein Kinase Inhibitors Based on Ru 369
    15.2.11 Ru–RAPTA Complexes 370
    15.3 Chemical Nucleases as Anticancer Drugs 373
    15.4 Inorganic Chemotherapy for Cancer: Outlook 378
    15.5 Acknowledgments 381
    16 Speeding Up Discovery Chemistry: New Perspectives in Medicinal
    Chemistry 389
    Matteo Colombo and Ilaria Peretto
    16.1 Solid-phase Extraction 390
    16.2 Polymer-assisted Solution-phase Synthesis 392
    16.3 Microwave-assisted Organic Synthesis [10, 11] 395
    16.4 Flow Chemistry 400
    16.5 Analytical Instrumentation 404
    16.6 Conclusions 405
    17 Overview of Protein-Tannin Interactions 409
    Elisabete Barros de Carvalho, Victor Armando Pereira de Freitas and
    Nuno Filipe da Cruz Batista Mateus
    17.1 Phenolic Compounds 409
    17.2 Tannin Structures 410
    17.2.1 Dietary Burden and Properties of Phenolic Compounds 411
    17.3 Interactions between Proteins and Tannins 412
    17.4 Experimental Studies of the Interactions between Proteins and
    Tannins 412
    17.4.1 Nephelometric Studies of BSA and Condensed Tannin
    Aggregation 413
    17.5 Factors That Infl uence the Interactions between Proteins and
    Tannins 415
    17.5.1 Structural Features 415
    17.5.2 pH and Ionic Strength 415
    17.5.3 Infl uence of Polysaccharide on the Interactions between Protein and
    Tannin 417
    17.6 Flow Nephelometric Analysis of Protein–Tannin Interactions 419
    17.7 Interactions of Tannins with Salivary Proteins – Astringency 421
    17.8 Polysaccharides and Astringency 423
    17.9 Acknowledgments 425
    Contents XIII
    18 Photochemical Transformation Processes of Environmental
    Signifi cance 429
    Davide Vione
    18.1 Introduction and Overview of Environmental Photochemistry 429
    18.1.1 Photochemical Processes in the Atmosphere 429
    18.1.2 Photochemical Reactions in Ice and Snow 434
    18.1.3 Photochemical Reactions in Surface Waters 435
    18.2 Transformation Reactions Induced by ãOH, ãNO2 and Cl2
    ãư in Surface
    Waters 437
    18.2.1. Reactions Induced by ãOH 437
    18.2.2 Reactions Induced by ãNO2 445
    18.2.3 Reactions Induced by Cl2
    ãư 446
    18.3 Conclusions 448
    18.4 Acknowledgments 449
    Index 455
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