Tài liệu JavaScript™ Phrasebook: Essential Code and Commands

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About the Author
    Chapter 1. JavaScript Basics
    Understanding JavaScript (and Its History)
    Setting Up a Test System
    Configuring Web Browsers
    Including JavaScript Code
    Using External JavaScript Files
    Dynamically Loading JavaScript Files
    Using JavaScript Pseudo URLs
    Executing JavaScript with Event Handlers
    Coping with Browsers without JavaScript
    Chapter 2. Common Phrases
    Detecting the Browser Type
    Checking Browser Capabilities
    Preventing Caching
    Redirecting the Browser
    Reloading the Page
    Creating a Random Number
    Date and Time Information
    Searching with Regular Expressions
    Replacing Text
    Navigating within the Browser's History
    Displaying the Modification Date of the Page
    Retrieving GET Parameters
    Asking for User Confirmation
    Asking for User Data
    Chapter 3. Images and Animations
    Creating Mouseover Buttons
    Preloading Images
    Animating Graphics
    Stretching Graphics
    Visualizing the Page Loading State with a Progress Bar
    Chapter 4. CSS
    Accessing CSS Styles
    Accessing CSS Classes
    Accessing Individual Style Sheets
    Accessing Individual CSS Rules
    Letting the Contents of a Website Disappear
    Applying JavaScript to CSS Selectors
    Changing the Mouse Cursor
    Chapter 5. DOM and DHTML
    Understanding DOM
    Understanding DHTML
    Accessing Specific Elements
    Accessing Tags
    Determining Node Information
    Removing Elements
    Adding Elements
    Creating Text Elements
    Working with Attributes
    Cloning Elements
    Replacing Elements
    Creating a Bulleted List from JavaScript Data
    Creating a Table from JavaScript Data
    Changing HTML Fragments
    Positioning Elements
    Moving Elements
    Creating a Sticky Navigation
    Creating a Flash Pop-Up Ad
    Chapter 6. OOP and Events
    Creating a Class
    Accessing Class Members
    Inheriting Classes
    Extending Built-In JavaScript Objects
    Reacting Upon JavaScript Events
    Using Keyboard Events
    Submitting a Form with the Enter Key
    Using Mouse Events
    Chapter 7. Cookies
    Understanding Cookies
    Setting Cookies
    Reading Out Cookies
    Setting an Expiration Date
    Using Other Cookie Options
    Deleting Cookies
    Checking for Cookie Support
    Saving Multiple Information in One Cookie
    Chapter 8. Forms
    Understanding HTML Forms with JavaScript
    Accessing Text Fields
    Accessing Check Boxes
    Accessing Radio Buttons
    Accessing Selection Lists
    Accessing a Multiple Selection List
    Disabling Form Elements
    Submitting a Form
    Preventing Form Submission
    Preventing Repeated Form Submissions
    Giving a Field the Focus
    Selecting Text in a Field
    Emptying Text Fields When Clicked Upon
    Validating Text Fields
    Validating Check Boxes
    Validating Radio Buttons
    Validating Selection Lists
    Automatically Validating a Form
    Implementing Navigation with a Selection List
    Implementing a Hierarchical Navigation with a Selection List
    Emptying a Set of Radio Buttons
    Creating Prefilled Date Selection Lists
    Creating Validating Date Selection Lists
    Chapter 9. Windows and Frames
    Using Window Options
    Opening a Modal Window
    Determining Screen Size
    Determining the Window Size
    Resizing a Window
    Repositioning a Window
    Opening a Centered Pop-Up Window
    Opening a Full-Screen Window
    Opening a New Window in a Corner of the Screen
    Creating a Sitemap
    Closing a Window
    Checking for the Presence of a Pop-Up Blocker
    Changing the Contents of Two Frames at Once
    Using Iframes
    Chapter 10. Web Services
    Creating a Web Service with PHP
    Creating a Web Service with ASP.NET
    Calling a Web Service from Internet Explorer
    Calling a Web Service from a Mozilla Browser
    Calling an ASP.NET Web Service from a Mozilla Browser
    Chapter 11. AJAX (and Related Topics)
    Initializing an AJAX Application
    Sending a GET Request
    Sending a POST Request
    Sending a Synchronous Request
    Receiving Multiple Data from the Server
    Aborting an HTTP Request
    Retrieving HTTP Headers
    Receiving XML from the Server
    Using JSON for Data (De)Serialization
    Creating a Waiting Screen
    Solving the Bookmark Problem
    Solving the Back Button Problem
    Using XSLT
    Using an XML Library
    Using the Yahoo! Web Service
    Chapter 12. Embedded Media
    Accessing Embedded Media
    Checking for Plug-Ins
    Coping with Recent Internet Explorer Versions
    Accessing Multimedia Content
    Accessing Java Content
    Accessing Flash Content

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