Tài liệu Introduction to C# Programming for the Microsoft .NET Platform (Prerelease)

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Course Materials 2
    Prerequisites 3
    Course Outline 4
    Course Outline (continued) .5
    Course Outline (continued) .6
    Microsoft Certified Professional Program .7
    Facilities .9

    Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Platform
    Overview 1
    Introduction to the .NET Platform 2
    Overview of the .NET Framework .4
    Benefits of the .NET Framework .5
    The .NET Framework Components 7
    Languages in the .NET Framework 13
    Review . 14
    Module 2: Overview of C#
    Overview 1
    Structure of a C# Program .2
    Basic Input/Output Operations .9
    Recommended Practices . 15
    Compiling, Running, and Debugging 22
    Lab 2: Creating a Simple C# Program . 36
    Review . 45
    Module 3: Using Value-Type Variables
    Overview 1
    Common Type System .2
    Naming Variables 9
    Using Built- in Data Types . 15
    Compound Assignment 18
    Increment and Decrement . 20
    Creating User-Defined Data Types . 24
    Converting Data Types . 28
    Lab 3: Creating and Using Types . 32
    Review . 36
    Module 4: Statements and Exceptions
    Overview 1
    Introduction to Statements 2
    Using Selection Statements .6
    Using Iteration Statements 17
    Using Jump Statements . 29
    Lab 4.1: Using Statements 32
    Handling Basic Exceptions . 41
    Raising Exceptions
    Lab 4.2: Using Exceptions 62
    Review . 72
    Module 5: Methods and Parameters
    Overview 1
    Using Methods 2
    Using Parameters . 16
    Using Overloaded Methods . 30
    Lab 5: Creating and Using Methods . 38
    Review . 50
    Module 6: Arrays
    Overview 1
    Overview of Arrays 2
    Creating Arrays . 11
    Using Arrays . 18
    Lab 6: Creating and Using Arrays 31
    Review . 42
    Module 7: Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming
    Overview 1
    Classes and Objects 2
    Using Encapsulation . 10
    C# and Object Orientation . 21
    Lab 7: Creating and Using Classes . 39
    Defining Object-Oriented Systems . 53
    Review . 62
    Module 8: Using Reference-Type Variables
    Overview 1
    Using Reference-Type Variables 2
    Using Common Reference Types . 15
    The Object Hierarchy . 23
    Namespaces in the .NET Framework 29
    Lab 8.1: Defining And Using Reference-Type Variables . 35
    Data Conversions . 43
    Multimedia: Type-Safe Casting . 56
    Lab 8.2 Converting Data . 57
    Review . 63
    Module 9: Creating and Destroying Objects
    Overview 1
    Using Constructors 2
    Initializing Data . 13
    Lab 9.1: Creating Objects . 31
    Objects and Memory 39
    Using Destructors 45
    Lab 9.2: Destroying Objects 60
    Review . 65
    Module 10: Inheritance in C#
    Overview 1
    Deriving Classes 2
    Implementing Methods . 10
    Using Sealed Classes 26
    Using Interfaces . 28
    Using Abstract Classes . 42
    Lab 10: Using Inheritance to Implement an Interface 53
    Review . 71
    Module 11: Aggregation, Namespaces, and Advanced Scope
    Overview 1
    Using Internal Classes, Methods, and Data 2
    Using Aggregation . 11
    Lab 11.1: Specifying Internal Access 22
    Using Namespaces . 28
    Using Modules and Assemblies . 49
    Lab 11.2: Using Namespaces and Assemblies 63
    Review . 69
    Module 12: Operators, Delegates, and Events
    Overview 1
    Introduction to Operators 2
    Operator Overloading .8
    Lab 12.1: Defining Operators 21
    Creating and Using Delegates 40
    Defining and Using Events 50
    Demonstration: Handling Events 56
    Lab 12.2: Defining and Using Events . 57
    Module 13: Properties and Indexers
    Overview 1
    Using Properties 2
    Using Indexers 17
    Lab 13: Using Properties and Indexers 33
    Review . 42
    Module 14: Attributes
    Overview 1
    Overview of Attributes .2
    Defining Custom Attributes . 13
    Retrieving Attribute Values . 22
    Lab 14: Defining and Using Attributes . 26
    Review . 34
    Appendix A: Resources for Further Study
    Resources for C# .1
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