Tài liệu Introducing Silverlight 4

Thảo luận trong 'Căn Bản' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
     Contents . iv
     About the Author . xvii
     About the Technical Reviewer . xviii
     Acknowledgments . xix
     Introduction xx
    PART 1    Introduction to Silverlight .1
     Chapter 1: Introducing Silverlight 3
    Cross-Platform Frameworks 4
    Qt 4
    The Java Platform . 4
    Adobe Flash/Flex/AIR 5
    Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX 5
    Microsoft Silverlight . 5
    The History of Silverlight .6
    Silverlight 1 6
    Silverlight 2 7
    Silverlight 3 9
    Silverlight 4 11
    Design and Development Tools for Silverlight .14
    Visual Studio . 14
    Expression Blend 15
    SketchFlow . 15
    Expression Encoder 16
    Deep Zoom Composer 16
    Eclipse Tools for Silverlight (eclipse4SL) 16
    Creating a Silverlight 4–based Application 16
    Working with Expression Blend 19
    Demonstrating Local Image Files Integration Using Drag-and-Drop Functionality 21
    Summary .26
     Chapter 2: Silverlight Concepts 27
    Silverlight Architecture 27
    Silverlight and XAML 29
    Developing a Sample Application . 29
    Namespaces . 33
    Dependency Property System 34
    Type Converters 39
    Markup Extensions . 40
    Microsoft .NET for Silverlight .48
    Core .NET Assemblies for Silverlight Applications 48
    Managed Code-Behind .NET Integration 49
    Summary .56
     Chapter 3: Silverlight User Interface Controls 57
    Building Blocks 57
    DependencyObject 58
    Threading and the user interface . 59
    UIElement . 59
    FrameworkElement 63
    The Control Class 66
    Enhancements in Silverlight 4 .68
    Layout Management and Grouping Controls .69
    Canvas 69
    StackPanel 70
    Grid . 71
    DockPanel . 74
    WrapPanel 77
    TabControl 78
    ViewBox 80
    Forms Controls 81
    The Button Controls 81
    TextBox . 85
    PasswordBox 87
    RichTextBox 88
    AutoCompleteBox . 91
    Data Integration and Data Manipulation Controls 95
    ItemsControl . 96
    ListBox 96
    ComboBox 98
    TreeView . 99
    HeaderedItemsControl 102
    ContentControl 103
    HeaderedContentControl 103
    DataGrid 104
    DataForm 104
    DataPager . 105
    Label . 105
    DescriptionViewer 105
    ValidationSummary 106
    Functional Controls 106
    Border . 106
    GridSplitter . 107
    TextBlock 109
    Popup . 111
    ToolTipService 112
    ScrollViewer . 113
    The RangeBase Class . 115
    Calendar and DatePicker 118
    Image 121
    MultiScaleImage . 121
    MediaElement . 122
    InkPresenter . 122
    Dialog Boxes . 124
    WebBrowser . 133
    Navigation 134
    Summary .137
    PART 2    Content Integration in Silverlight Applications .139
     Chapter 4: Media Integration 141
    Media Integration Enhancements in Silverlight 4 141
    Images .142
    The Image Class . 142
    Bitmap APIs 147
    Silverlight Hardware Acceleration 152
    Multi-scale Images and the Deep Zoom Feature 155
    Media (Video and Audio) 162
    Supported Media Format 163
    Unsupported Media Format 164
    The MediaElement Class 164
    Timeline Markers 172
    Web Camera and Microphone Integration 174
    Windows Azure Platform–based Hosting and Media Delivery Services for Silverlight
    Applications .183
    Subscribing to Windows Azure Platform Services 183
    Publishing Silverlight Applications Video Content 183
    Streaming Packaged Images and Media Files .184
    Summary .184
     Chapter 5: Network Communication .185
    Networking Enhancements in Silverlight 4 185
    Enabling Cross-Domain Communication .185
    Cross-Domain Policy Files 186
    Trusted Applications . 189
    Network-Aware Applications .191
    Consuming Web Services with WCF 191
    Creating a WCF Service Consumable by Silverlight 192
    XAML to Consume Information . 195
    Invoking Services from Silverlight 196
    Communicating Directly over HTTP 207
    Communicating via Sockets 213
    Controlling Client Access via a Socket Policy Server . 213
    The System.Net Namespace 214
    Building a Socket-Based Sample Text Chat Application 217
    UDP Multicast 232
    The UdpAnySourceMulticastClient Class 232
    The UdpSingleSourceMulticastClient Class 234
    Considerations for Using Networking 236
    Summary .236
     Chapter 6: Working with Data .237
    Enhancements in Silverlight 4 .237
    Displaying Data 238
    Data Binding . 238
    Type Converters 262
    StringFormat . 263
    BindingBase.FallbackValue and BindingBase.TargetNullValue Properties . 264
    Binding to String Indexers 265
    The DataGrid Control 266
    The DataForm Control . 279
    The CollectionViewSource 284
    WCF Data Services .284
    Entity Data Model (EDM) . 285
    Silverlight Client Library for WCF Data Services . 286
    Silverlight Application using WCF Data Service 289
    Processing XML Data .299
    Parsing XML 300
    Serializing XML . 301
    Using LINQ 302
    Saving State on the Client .303
    Summary .309
    PART 3    Improving User Experience .311
     Chapter 7: Extending User Experience of LoB Applications .313
    Enhancements in Silverlight 4 .313
    Drag-and-Drop Functionality .314
    Properties of UIElement to Enable Drag-and-Drop Functionality 314
    Events of UIElement to Enable Drag-and-Drop Functionality . 314
    Processing Dropped File(s) . 315
    Developing an Example 315
    Mouse-Wheel Support .324
    Developing an Example 324
    Limitations 326
    Right-Click Context Menu Support 326
    Printing Capabilities .329
    PrintDocument Class 330
    PrintPageEventArgs Class 330
    Implementing the Printing Function . 331
    Clipboard Access .336
    Globalization and Localization of Silverlight Applications .338
    Globalization . 338
    Localization 342
    Enhancements in XAML Features 352
    Flexible Root XAML Namespace . 352
    XmlnsDefinitionAttribute . 353
    Direct Content . 353
    Whitespace Handling 353
    Custom IDictionary Support 354
    Summary .354
     Chapter 8: Styling and Templating .355
    Enhancements in Silverlight 4 .355
    Using Styles .355
    Style Inheritance/Style Cascading 360
    Style Override/Style Resetting 361
    Merged Resource Dictionaries . 363
    Implicit Styling 364
    Style Setter . 365
    Using Control Templates 366
    Creating a Control Template . 366
    Control Templates for Other Controls . 376
    Developing a Templated Control . 378
    Summary .380
     Chapter 9: Graphics 383
    Enhancements in Silverlight 4 .383
    2D Graphics .383
    Using Geometries . 384
    Using Shapes 391
    Transforms 395
    Translation 396
    Rotation 396
    Skewing 397
    Scaling 398
    Arbitrary Linear Transforms . 399
    Combining Multiple Transformations . 401
    Composite Transformation . 401
    3D Effects Using Perspective Transforms 403
    Pixel Shaders .405
    Brushes 407
    The SolidColorBrush . 408
    The Tile Brushes . 408
    The Gradient Brushes . 410
    Transparency and Opacity Masks 412
    Summary .414
     Chapter 10: Animation 415
    Introduction to Silverlight Animation .415
    Timelines .416
    AutoReverse . 418
    BeginTime . 419
    Duration 420
    FillBehavior . 421
    RepeatBehavior 421
    SpeedRatio . 421
    Storyboards and Animation .423
    From/To/By Animations 423
    Keyframe Animations . 431
    Animation Easing 437
    Procedural Animation 441
    Bubble User Control 441
    DemoPage User Control 443
    Animating with Expression Blend 447
    3D Animation .451
    Summary .452
    PART 4    Advanced Topics .453
     Chapter 11: Advanced Silverlight Features 455
    Silverlight Navigation Framework .455
    Understanding the Navigation Framework . 457
    Implementing Custom Navigation 463
    Deep Linking 471
    Search Engine Optimization .471
    Additional References . 474
    Out-of-Browser Functionality 474
    Enabling the Out-of-Browser Functionality 475
    Installing Out-of-Browser Applications 477
    Uninstalling Out-of-Browser Applications 480
    Trusted Out-of-Browser Applications . 481
    Customizing Out-of-Browser Applications . 482
    Working with the Networking and Offline APIs . 484
    Incorporating an Updated Version 488
    Files Management 490
    Notification API . 494
    COM Automation . 497
    Commanding Support 502
    The Model Class . 504
    The ViewModel Class 504
    The View.xaml File 505
    Cross-Silverlight Application Communication .506
    Using the System.Windows.Messaging Namespace 507
    Seeing an Example in Action 508
    Summary .514
     Chapter 12: Threading in Silverlight .515
    Using Threading .515
    The Thread Class 516
    Creating and Managing Threads 519
    The Dispatcher . 521
    The BackgroundWorker Class 522
    Working with Shared Data 526
    Using Timers 529
    Using the DispatcherTimer . 530
    Using the System.Threading Timer 531
    Summary .532
     Chapter 13: WCF RIA Services and Silverlight for Mobile 533
    WCF RIA Services for Silverlight 533
    Setting Up a Development Environment . 534
    Introducing Silverlight Business Application Template 535
    Additional References . 545
    Silverlight for Windows Mobile 546
    Setting Up a Development Environment . 546
    Developing a Sample Twitter Application . 546
    Summary .553
     Chapter 14: Dynamic Languages and Dynamic .NET for Silverlight 555
    Dynamic Languages 555
    Dynamic Languages for Silverlight 556
    IronRuby . 556
    IronPython 557
    Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) for Silverlight 557
    DLR Scripting Assemblies 558
    The Microsoft.Scripting.Silverlight.DynamicApplication Class . 559
    Setting Up the Development Environment .560
    The Traditional Approach with the Chiron.exe File . 560
    The “Just-Text” Approach 561
    Creating Silverlight Applications Using the “Just-Text” Approach 564
    Hosting a HTML File 564
    In-Line IronRuby/IronPython Code in Hosting HTML File 564
    In-Line XAML Code in Hosting HTML File . 565
    Externalizing XAML and IronRuby/IronPython Code . 565
    Developing an Interactive Bing Maps Application with Silverlight and IronRuby 566
    Installing Microsoft Bing Maps Silverlight Control SDK 566
    Include Bing Maps Control to the Solution . 566
    Create a SilverlightMap.xaml File . 568
    Creating a SilverlightMap.html File 568
    Adding 3D Animation within the SilverlightMap.xaml File 569
    Creating a SilverlightMap.rb IronRuby File and Adding Map Mode 570
    Add Rotate Map Capabilities 571
    Targeting Pre-defined Locations 575
    Summary .577
     Chapter 15: Security .579
    .NET Security in the CLR 579
    Silverlight Security Model 580
    Enhancements in Silverlight 4 .582
    Configuring Silverlight 4 Applications to Run with Elevated Trust . 582
    Digitally Signing Out-of-Browser Silverlight Applications 585
    Elevated-Trusted Silverlight Applications vs. Partially Trusted Silverlight Applications 587
    Application-Level Security .589
    Securing Information in Transit 589
    Securing Information with Cryptography 589
    Same-Domain and Cross-Domain Communication 607
    Division of Responsibility 609
    Summary .612
    PART 5    Testing and Deploying Silverlight RIAs .613
     Chapter 16: Testing and Debugging 615
    Testing .615
    Unit Testing 616
    Automated User Interface Testing 627

    Debugging .633
    The Debugging Process 633
    Conditional Compilation 634
    Debugging Silverlight Applications with Visual Studio . 635
    Handling Unhandled Exceptions . 640
    Summary .644
     Chapter 17: Packaging and Deploying Silverlight Applications .645
    Client Considerations .645
    Disabling Silverlight Plug-In Using Web Browser . 646
    Silverlight Configuration . 647
    Silverlight Deployment Package Definition 650
    Core Runtime Library 651
    Silverlight Application Package (XAP File) 651
    In-Package and On-Demand Files 656
    Hosting Silverlight Applications .659
    Server-Side Silverlight RIA Deployment . 661
    Custom Initialization Parameters 662
    Embedding Silverlight Plug-Ins to the Web Page . 663
    Custom HTML Object Element Error Handling for Better User Experience . 667
    Silverlight and the Build Process .667
    Building a Silverlight Application Visual Studio Project (.csproj) with MSBuild 668
    Building a Silverlight Application MsBuild Project (.proj) with MSBuild . 670
    Silent Installer for Silverlight Out-of-Browser Applications .673
    Summary .674
     Index .675

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