Luận Văn I would like to go detail to analysis on English and Vietnamese

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ, 23/3/14.

  1. Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

    Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ Administrator
    Thành viên BQT

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    1. The background of the study
    English usage is a subject as wide as the English language itself. By far the greater part of usage raises no controversies and poses no problems for native speakers of English, just because it is their native language. However, there are certain problems for learners of English as a foreign language, especially English constructions.
    In English and Vietnamese, adverbial clauses play an importance roles in Grammar. Vietnamese learners have made many mistakes in using adverbial clauses. In order to help Vietnamese learners of English overcome these difficulties, researches on contrastive analysis of the adverbial clauses in English and Vietnamese should be done. There have been many researches on adverbial clauses so far. However, the problems posed for Vietnamese learners of English concerning contrastive analysis of adverbial clauses have not yet been adequately investigated. Therefore, a study on contrastive analysis of adverbial clauses in English and Vietnamese is believed to be of great importance and significance. The findings from the research would partly help learners of English to avoid mistakes, hence cultural shock and unnatural communication will be minimized.
    In this paper I would like to go detail to analysis on English and Vietnamese adverbial clauses in order to help the learner distinguish the using of adverbial clauses between the two languages. This topic can be traced back to two reasons:
    In the first place, adverbial clauses are widely considered the most importance type of the adverbial group. Despite the fact that most of the grammatical references have at least one part dealing with clauses of this type, learners still have difficulties understanding and using them correctly. However, there have been so few studies on such a challenging but interesting topic.
    In the second place, the common use of adverbial clauses both in spoken and written English and the differences existing between English and Vietnamese in this linguistic area have grabbed my attention. It is hoped that, a detailed research work, especially the one using contrastive analysis device, will satisfy any people of the same interest.
    2. The aims of the study
    The aims of the study on English and Vietnamese adverbial clauses are to bring a more thorough comprehension of English grammar to intermediate and advanced learners.
    Additionally, this research is carried out with a view to helping learners of lower levels understand and use adverbial clauses correctly and this is a step to their mastery of English.
    The objectives of this work are :
    ã To give a general understanding of English adverbials.
    ã To identify and classify English adverbial clauses.
    ã To show the linguistic characteristics of the adverbial clauses in English.
    ã To work out characteristics and classification of Vietnamese adverbial clauses.
    ã To find out similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese adverbial clauses.
    3. Significance of the study
    This research is carried out with the hope of contributing to the mastery of English of University students and any other intermediate and advanced learners. It is also of some use to secondary students who wish to have a deep comprehension of adverbial clauses. I expect any further studies on this topic or studies on other aspects related to this one.
    4. Scope of the study
    In doing this paper, I give general point about English adverbials much more in depth analysis of adverbial clauses is dealt with in the following part of the paper. In chapter V, a comparison is carried out between adverbial clauses in English and Vietnamese. I try my best to present logically and scientifically all aspects related to clauses of this type in both languages.
    The data and example in this paper are taken from reliable materials and reference books.
    5. Method of the study
    The first methods used during the process of this work are material collecting and synthesizing with which I can reduced my work from a variety of materials and reference books by well-known English and Vietnamese scholars.
    This is a study on English and Vietnamese adverbials so that the main research method is based on contrastive analysis. The two steps of contrastive analysis method : description and comparison are especially of full use in chapter V dealing with adverbial clauses in the two languages.
    6. The design of the study
    My paper includes six chapters:
    Chapter I: Introduction
    Chapter II: Literature review
    Chapter III: English adverbial clauses
    Chapter IV: Vietnamese adverbial clauses
    Chapter V: A contrastive analysis on adverbial clauses in the two languages.
    Chapter VI: Conclusion.

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