Tài liệu Hóa học nano giữa hai bề mặt

Thảo luận trong 'Hóa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    CHAPTER 1. Second Harmonic Generation at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 1
    Jeremy G. Frey
    1.1 Introduction 1
    1.2 SHG theory 2
    1.3 Experimental techniques 6
    1.4 The bare hydrocarbon/water interface 7
    1.5 Adsorption of /?ara-nitrophenol 7
    1.6 Flow cell experiments 10
    1.7 Dye molecules at the dodecane/water interface 13
    1.8 Electrochemical liquid/liquid interfaces 15
    1.9 Chiral molecules at liquid/liquid interfaces 16
    1.10 SHG from micelles and liposomes 17
    1.11 Concluding remarks 19
    CHAPTER 2. Vibrational Sum-Frequency Spectroscopic Investigations
    of Molecular Interactions at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 25
    Mark R. Watry and Geraldine L. Richmond
    2.1 Introduction 25
    2.2 Theoretical considerations of VSFS 26
    2.3 Experimental considerations 36
    2.4 Applications 37
    2.5 Summary and future directions 56
    CHAPTER 3. Observation of Dynamic Molecular Behaviour at Liquid/Liquid
    Interfaces by Using the Time-Resolved Quasi-Elastic Laser
    Scattering Method 59
    Hiroharu Yui, Yasuhiro Ikezoe and Tsuguo Sawada
    3.1 Introduction 59
    3.2 Time-resolved quasi-elastic laser scattering method 60
    3.3 A phase transfer catalytic reaction at a liquid/liquid interface 64
    xii CONTENTS
    3.4 A chemical oscillation induced by anionic surfactant
    at a w/nb interface 69
    3.5 Concluding remarks 74
    CHAPTER 4. Direct Force Measurement at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 77
    Raymond R. Dagastine and Geoffery W. Stevens
    4.1 Introduction 77
    4.2 Types of colloidal forces 79
    4.3 Atomic force microscopy at rigid interfaces 82
    4.4 Force measurements at liquid interfaces 84
    4.5 General behaviour of forces at liquid interfaces 89
    4.6 Concluding remarks 92
    CHAPTER 5. A Molecular Theory of Solutions at Liquid Interfaces 97
    Andriy Kovalenko and Fumio Hirata
    5.1 Introduction 97
    5.2 Molecular theory of fluid phase equilibria 100
    5.3 Microscopic description of liquid/liquid and
    liquid/vapour interfaces 103
    CHAPTER 6. Electrochemical Processes at Aqueous/Organic Solution
    or Aqueous/Membrane Interfaces 127
    Sorin Kihara
    6.1 Introduction 127
    6.2 Voltammogram for ion transfer at the w/o interface 128
    6.3 Voltammogram for electron transfer at the w/o interface 131
    6.4 Ion transfer coupled with electron transfer at the w/o
    interface 132
    6.5 Process of ion transport through a membrane 138
    6.6 New types of membrane reactions mimicking biological
    processes [27,28] 141
    6.7 Oscillation of membrane current or membrane potential [32] 145
    6.8 Conclusion 152
    CHAPTER 7. Electrochemical Instability at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 155
    Takashi Kakiuchi
    7.1 Introduction 155
    7.2 Theoretical background 156
    7.3 Experimental features of electrochemical instability in
    electrochemical transfer of ionic surfactant across the
    liquid/liquid interface 165
    7.4 Conclusions 168
    CONTENTS xiii
    CHAPTER 8. Electron Transfer at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 171
    Toshiyuki Osakai and Hiroki Hotta
    8.1 Introduction 171
    8.2 Electron transfer at the polarizable o/w interface 172
    8.3 New methodologies 175
    8.4 Reaction mechanisms 177
    8.5 Concluding remarks 185
    CHAPTER 9. Mass Transfer and Reaction Rate in the Nano-Region
    of Microdroplet/Solution Interfaces 189
    Kiyoharu Nakatani and Takayuki Negishi
    9.1 Introduction 189
    9.2 Manipulation, electrochemistry and spectroscopy of single
    microdroplets 190
    9.3 Microdroplet size effect on mass transfer and reaction rate 192
    9.4 Simple ion-pair extraction in a single micro-oil-droplet/
    water system 194
    9.5 Ion-pair extraction of an anionic surfactant with a
    cationicdye 198
    9.6 Concluding remarks 203
    CHAPTER 10. Single Molecule Diffusion and Metal Complex Formation
    at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 205
    Hitoshi Watarai and Satoshi Tsukahara
    10.1 Introduction 205
    10.2 Interfacial diffusion dynamics 207
    10.3 Interfacial catalysis 214
    10.4 Interfacial aggregation 223
    10.5 Concluding remarks 228
    CHAPTER 11. Molecular Recognition of Ions at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 233
    Norio Teramae, Seiichi Nishizawa, Akira Yamaguchi,
    and Tatsuya Uchida
    11.1 Introduction 233
    11.2 Hydrogen-bond-mediated anion recognition at L/L interfaces 234
    11.3 Molecular recognition at L/L interfaces as studied by second
    harmonic generation spectroscopy 239
    11.4 Concluding remarks 246
    CHAPTER 12. Photochemistry at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces 249
    Shoji Ishizaka andNoboru Kitamura
    12.1 Introduction 249
    12.2 Theoretical and experimental backgrounds 250
    12.3 TIR fluorescence dynamic anisotropy at a liquid/liquid interface 253
    xiv CONTENTS
    12.4 Excitation energy transfer and its dynamics
    at a water/oil interface 257
    12.5 Structures at a liquid/liquid interface 259
    12.6 A relationship between interfacial structure and polarity
    at a liquid/liquid interface 264
    12.7 Photochemical observation of molecular recognition at a
    liquid/liquid interface 266
    12.8 Concluding remarks 267
    CHAPTER 13. Development of Surfactant-Type Catalysts for Organic
    Synthesis in Water 271
    Kei Manabe and Shu Kobayashi
    13.1 Introduction 271
    13.2 Surfactant-type Lewis acids for reactions in water 273
    13.3 Surfactant-type Br0nsted acids for reactions in water 278
    13.4 Concluding remarks 284
    CHAPTER 14. Bioseparation Through Liquid-Liquid Interfaces 287
    Tsutomu Ono and Masahiro Goto
    14.1 Introduction 287
    14.2 Reverse micellar protein extraction 287
    14.3 Extraction of DNA through liquid-liquid interfaces 298
    14.4 Concluding remarks 302
    Index 303

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