Gray Hat Hacking, Second Edition

Thảo luận trong 'Quản Trị Mạng' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Part I Introduction to Ethical Disclosure . 1
    Chapter 1Ethics of Ethical Hacking 3
    Chapter 2Ethical Hacking and the Legal System 17
    Chapter 3Proper and Ethical Disclosure 41
    Part II Penetration Testing and Tools . 73
    Chapter 4Using Metasploit 75
    Chapter 5Using the BackTrack LiveCD Linux Distribution . 101
    Part III Exploits 101 . 119
    Chapter 6Programming Survival Skills 121
    Chapter 7Basic Linux Exploits 147
    Chapter 8Advanced Linux Exploits 169
    Chapter 9Shellcode Strategies 195
    Chapter 10Writing Linux Shellcode 211
    Chapter 11Basic Windows Exploits 243
    Part IV Vulnerability Analysis 275
    Chapter 12Passive Analysis . 277
    Chapter 13Advanced Static Analysis with IDA Pro 309
    Chapter 14Advanced Reverse Engineering . 335
    Chapter 15Client-Side Browser Exploits 359
    Chapter 16Exploiting Windows Access Control Model for
    Local Elevation of Privilege 387
    Chapter 17Intelligent Fuzzing with Sulley 441
    Chapter 18From Vulnerability to Exploit 459
    Chapter 19Closing the Holes: Mitigation 481
    Part V Malware Analysis . 497
    Chapter 20Collecting Malware and Initial Analysis . 499
    Chapter 21Hacking Malware 521
    Index . 537

    Preface xix
    Acknowledgments . xxi
    Introduction . xxiii
    Part I Introduction to Ethical Disclosure 1
    Chapter 1Ethics of Ethical Hacking . 3
    How Does This Stuff Relate to an Ethical Hacking Book? 10
    The Controversy of Hacking Books and Classes . 11
    The Dual Nature of Tools . 12
    Recognizing Trouble When It Happens 13
    Emulating the Attack 14
    Security Does Not Like Complexity 15
    Chapter 2Ethical Hacking and the Legal System . 17
    Addressing Individual Laws 19
    18 USC Section 1029: The Access Device Statute 19
    18 USC Section 1030 of The Computer Fraud
    and Abuse Act . 23
    State Law Alternatives 30
    18 USC Sections 2510, et. Seq. and 2701 . 32
    Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 36
    Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002 39
    Chapter 3Proper and Ethical Disclosure . 41
    You Were Vulnerable for How Long? . 45
    Different Teams and Points of View 47
    How Did We Get Here? 49
    CERT’s Current Process 50
    Full Disclosure Policy (RainForest Puppy Policy) . 52
    Organization for Internet Safety (OIS) . 54
    Discovery 55
    Notification 55
    Validation . 57
    Resolution . 60
    Release 62
    Conflicts Will Still Exist . 62
    For more information about this title, click here
    Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook
    Case Studies . 62
    Pros and Cons of Proper Disclosure Processes 63
    iDefense . 67
    Zero Day Initiative . 68
    Vendors Paying More Attention 69
    So What Should We Do from Here on Out? . 70
    Part II Penetration Testing and Tools 73
    Chapter 4Using Metasploit 75
    Metasploit: The Big Picture . 75
    Getting Metasploit . 75
    Using the Metasploit Console to Launch Exploits . 76
    Exploiting Client-Side Vulnerabilities with Metasploit 83
    Using the Meterpreter 87
    Using Metasploit as a Man-in-the-Middle Password Stealer 91
    Weakness in the NTLM Protocol . 92
    Configuring Metasploit as a Malicious SMB Server 92
    Brute-Force Password Retrieval with
    the LM Hashes + Challenge 94
    Building Your Own Rainbow Tables 96
    Downloading Rainbow Tables . 97
    Purchasing Rainbow Tables . 97
    Cracking Hashes with Rainbow Tables 97
    Using Metasploit to Auto-Attack 98
    Inside Metasploit Modules . 98
    Chapter 5Using the BackTrack LiveCD Linux Distribution 101
    BackTrack: The Big Picture . 101
    Creating the BackTrack CD . 102
    Booting BackTrack 103
    Exploring the BackTrack X-Windows Environment . 104
    Writing BackTrack to Your USB Memory Stick . 105
    Saving Your BackTrack Configurations . 105
    Creating a Directory-Based
    or File-Based Module with dir2lzm . 106
    Creating a Module from a SLAX Prebuilt Module
    with mo2lzm 106
    Creating a Module from an Entire Session
    of Changes Using dir2lzm . 108
    Automating the Change Preservation from One Session
    to the Next 109
    Creating a New Base Module with
    All the Desired Directory Contents 110
    Cheat Codes and Selectively Loading Modules . 112
    Metasploit db_autopwn . 114
    Tools . 118
    Part III Exploits 101 119
    Chapter 6Programming Survival Skills . 121
    C Programming Language . 121
    Basic C Language Constructs 122
    Sample Program 126
    Compiling with gcc . 127
    Computer Memory . 128
    Random Access Memory (RAM) . 128
    Endian 128
    Segmentation of Memory . 129
    Programs in Memory 129
    Buffers 130
    Strings in Memory 130
    Pointers . 130
    Putting the Pieces of Memory Together 131
    Intel Processors 132
    Registers . 132
    Assembly Language Basics . 133
    Machine vs. Assembly vs. C . 133
    AT&T vs. NASM . 133
    Addressing Modes . 135
    Assembly File Structure 136
    Assembling 137
    Debugging with gdb 137
    gdb Basics . 137
    Disassembly with gdb . 139
    Python Survival Skills . 139
    Getting Python . 140
    Hello World in Python . 140
    Python Objects . 140
    Strings 141
    Numbers 142
    Lists 143
    Dictionaries 144
    Files with Python . 144
    Sockets with Python . 146
    Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook
    Chapter 7Basic Linux Exploits . 147
    Stack Operations . 148
    Function Calling Procedure . 148
    Buffer Overflows . 149
    Overflow of meet.c 150
    Ramifications of Buffer Overflows 153
    Local Buffer Overflow Exploits 154
    Components of the Exploit . 155
    Exploiting Stack Overflows by Command Line . 157
    Exploiting Stack Overflows with Generic Exploit Code . 158
    Exploiting Small Buffers 160
    Exploit Development Process . 162
    Real-World Example . 163
    Determine the Offset(s) 163
    Determine the Attack Vector 166
    Build the Exploit Sandwich . 167
    Test the Exploit . 168
    Chapter 8Advanced Linux Exploits . 169
    Format String Exploits 169
    The Problem . 170
    Reading from Arbitrary Memory . 173
    Writing to Arbitrary Memory 175
    Taking .dtors to root . 177
    Heap Overflow Exploits . 180
    Example Heap Overflow . 181
    Implications . 182
    Memory Protection Schemes . 182
    Compiler Improvements . 183
    Kernel Patches and Scripts 183
    Return to libc Exploits . 185
    Bottom Line . 192
    Chapter 9Shellcode Strategies . 195
    User Space Shellcode . 196
    System Calls . 196
    Basic Shellcode . 197
    Port Binding Shellcode . 197
    Reverse Shellcode . 199
    Find Socket Shellcode 200
    Command Execution Code . 201
    File Transfer Code . 202
    Multistage Shellcode . 202
    System Call Proxy Shellcode 202
    Process Injection Shellcode . 203
    Other Shellcode Considerations 204
    Shellcode Encoding . 204
    Self-Corrupting Shellcode 205
    Disassembling Shellcode . 206
    Kernel Space Shellcode 208
    Kernel Space Considerations 208
    Chapter 10Writing Linux Shellcode 211
    Basic Linux Shellcode . 211
    System Calls . 212
    Exit System Call 214
    setreuid System Call . 216
    Shell-Spawning Shellcode with execve 217
    Implementing Port-Binding Shellcode . 220
    Linux Socket Programming . 220
    Assembly Program to Establish a Socket . 223
    Test the Shellcode . 226
    Implementing Reverse Connecting Shellcode 228
    Reverse Connecting C Program 228
    Reverse Connecting Assembly Program . 230
    Encoding Shellcode . 232
    Simple XOR Encoding . 232
    Structure of Encoded Shellcode 232
    JMP/CALL XOR Decoder Example 233
    FNSTENV XOR Example 234
    Putting It All Together . 236
    Automating Shellcode Generation with Metasploit . 238
    Generating Shellcode with Metasploit 238
    Encoding Shellcode with Metasploit 240
    Chapter 11Basic Windows Exploits 243
    Compiling and Debugging Windows Programs 243
    Compiling on Windows 243
    Debugging on Windows with Windows Console Debuggers 245
    Debugging on Windows with OllyDbg 254
    Windows Exploits 258
    Building a Basic Windows Exploit 258
    Real-World Windows Exploit Example 266
    Part IV Vulnerability Analysis . 275
    Chapter 12Passive Analysis 277
    Ethical Reverse Engineering 277
    Why Reverse Engineering? . 278
    Reverse Engineering Considerations 279
    Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook
    Source Code Analysis . 279
    Source Code Auditing Tools . 280
    The Utility of Source Code Auditing Tools . 282
    Manual Source Code Auditing . 283
    Binary Analysis 289
    Manual Auditing of Binary Code . 289
    Automated Binary Analysis Tools 304
    Chapter 13Advanced Static Analysis with IDA Pro 309
    Static Analysis Challenges 309
    Stripped Binaries 310
    Statically Linked Programs and FLAIR . 312
    Data Structure Analysis . 318
    Quirks of Compiled C++ Code 323
    Extending IDA . 325
    Scripting with IDC 326
    IDA Pro Plug-In Modules and the IDA SDK 329
    IDA Pro Loaders and Processor Modules 332
    Chapter 14Advanced Reverse Engineering 335
    Why Try to Break Software? 336
    The Software Development Process 336
    Instrumentation Tools 337
    Debuggers . 338
    Code Coverage Tools 340
    Profiling Tools 341
    Flow Analysis Tools 342
    Memory Monitoring Tools 343
    Fuzzing 348
    Instrumented Fuzzing Tools and Techniques 349
    A Simple URL Fuzzer 349
    Fuzzing Unknown Protocols 352
    SPIKE . 353
    SPIKE Proxy 357
    Sharefuzz 357
    Chapter 15Client-Side Browser Exploits 359
    Why Client-Side Vulnerabilities Are Interesting 359
    Client-Side Vulnerabilities Bypass Firewall Protections . 359
    Client-Side Applications Are Often Running
    with Administrative Privileges 360
    Client-Side Vulnerabilities Can Easily Target Specific People
    or Organizations . 360

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