Tài liệu grammar exercises (45 tests)

Thảo luận trong 'ÔN THI ĐẠI HỌC' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Đây là tài liệu ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh phần Use of English (45 đề-mỗi đề gồm 40 câu: 15 câu MCQ; 25 câu Errors) định dạng Microsoft Office Word (có đáp án), giúp giáo viên và học sinh rất dễ dàng sử dụng và copy.

    1. According to the third law of thermodynamics, _____ possible is –273.16 degrees centigrade.
    (A) that temperature is lowest
    (B) the temperature is lower
    (C) lowest temperature
    (D) the lowest temperature.

    2. After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both _____ her novels and shorts stories.
    (A) in which the influence
    (B) of which influenced
    (C) to have influence
    (D) its influence in

    3. Muskrats generally _____ close to the edge of a bog, where their favorite plant foods grow plentifully.
    (A) staying
    (B) they are staying
    (C) stay
    (D) to stay there

    4. Oliver Ellsworth, _____ of the United States Supreme Court, was the author of the bill that established the federal court system.
    (A) he was the third chief justice
    (B) the third chief justice was
    (C) who the third chief justice
    (D) the third chief justice

    5. _____ Colonial period the great majority of Connecticut's settlers came from England.
    (A) Since
    (B) The time
    (C) During the
    (D) It was

    6. A politician can make a legislative proposal more _____ by giving specific examples of what its effect will be.
    (A) to understanding
    (B) understandably
    (C) understandable
    (D) when understood

    7. Playing the trumpet with dazzling originality, _____ dominated jazz for 20 years.
    (A) Louis Armstrong
    (B) The influence of Louis Armstrong
    (C) The music of Louis Armstrong
    (D) Louis Armstrong's talent

    8. Before every presidential election in the United States, the statisticians try to guess the proportion of the population that _____ for each candidate.
    (A) are voted
    (B) voting
    (C) to be voted
    (D) will vote

    9. _____ at a river ford on the Donner Pass route to California, the city of Reno grew as bridges and railroad were built.
    (A) Settle
    (B) To settle
    (C) It was settling
    (D) Having been settled

    10. The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminants _____ heavily polluted outside air.
    (A) than does
    (B) more
    (C) as some that are
    (D) like of

    11. The decimal numeral system is one of the _____ ways of expressing numbers.
    (A) useful most world's
    (B) world's most useful
    (C) useful world's most
    (D) most world's useful

    12. Emily Dickinson's garden was a place _____ great inspiration for her poems.
    (A) that she drew
    (B) by drawing her
    (C) from which she drew
    (D) drawn from which

    13. The mountains surrounding Los Angeles effectively shield the city from the hot, dry winds of the Mojave Desert, _____ the circulation of air.
    (A) but they also prevent
    (B) also prevented by them
    (C) and also to prevent
    (D) and also preventing

    14. Not only _____ to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil.
    (A) to use seismology
    (B) is seismology used
    (C) seismology is used
    (D) using seismology

    15. Nebraska has floods in some years, _____.
    (A) in others drought
    (B) droughts are others
    (C) while other droughts
    (D) others in drought

    16. Pop Art was a movement of the 1950's and 1960's whom imagery was based on readily recognized American
    A B C
    products and people.
    17. Because the tachinid fly is a parasite of harmful insects, much species have been imported into the United
    A B C
    States to combat insect pests.
    18. All almost the electricity for industrial use comes from large generators driven by steam turbines.
    A B C D
    19. The Egyptians first discovered that drying fruit preserved it, made it sweeter, and improvement its flavor.
    A B C D

    20. During his twelve year there, Ellsi Marsalis turned the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts into a rich
    A B C
    training place for future jazz stars.
    21. Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerned with operations on sets of numbers or other elements that
    A B C
    are often represented at symbols.
    22. As her focus changed, the love poetry that Edna St. Vincent Millay produced in the 1920's increasing gave
    A B C D
    way to poetry dealing with social injustice.
    23. When a pearl is cut in half and examined under a microscope, but its layers can be seen.
    A B C D
    24. A conductor uses signals and gesture to let the musicians to know when to play various parts of a composition.
    A B C D
    25. If a glass lizard loses its tails, a new one grows to replace it.
    A B C D
    26. Many of the recording instruments used in vary branches of science are kymographs.
    A B C D
    27. It was near end of prehistoric times that the first wheeled vehicles appeared.
    A B C D
    28. Martin Luther King Jr.'s magnificent speaking ability enabling him to effectively express the demands for
    A B C D
    social justice for Black Americans.
    29. Designers of athletic footwear finely tune each category of shoe to its particularly activity by studying human
    A B C D
    motion and physiology.
    30. Gothic Revival architecture has several basis characteristics that distinguish it from other nineteenth-century
    A B C D
    architectural styles.
    31. Since rats are destructive and may carry disease, therefore many cities try to exterminate them.
    A B C D
    32. In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved for advertising.
    A B C D
    33. Recently in the automobile industry, multinational companies have developed to the point where such few
    A B
    cars can be described as having been made entirely in one country.
    C D
    34. Scientists believe that by altering the genetic composition of plants it is possible to develop specimens that
    are resisting to disease and have increased food value.
    B C D
    35. The purpose of traveler's checks is to protect travelers from theft and accidental lost of money.
    A B C D
    36. The early periods of aviation in the United States was marked by exhibition flights made by individual fliers
    A B C
    or by teams of performers at country fairs.
    37. The American anarchist Emma Goldman infused her spirited lectures, publishes, and demonstrations with a
    A B
    passionate belief in the freedom of the individual.
    C D
    38. Being the biggest expanse of brackish water in the world, the Baltic Sea is of special interesting to scientists.
    A B C D
    39. The main advertising media include direct mail, radio, television, magazine, and newspaper.
    A B C D
    40. While studying the chemistry of human body, Dr. Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the research she
    A B
    conducted on the role of hormones.
    C D
    còn nữa .

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