Tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 - Unit 1 Full

Thảo luận trong 'Lớp 10' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Period 2: A. READING

    [TD]Teaching date[/TD]

    - Ss read the text and guess the meaning of the new words, ask and answer base on the content of the text, scan and take note the information
    - Students should appreciate the daily activities of some people.
    1. Grammar: - The present simple tense
    2. Vocabulary: Words related to daily activities: working time, working day, .
    III. SKILLS: Reading for gist and for specific information.
    IV. TEACHING AIDS: some pictures of farmers' activities and hand- out.

    [TABLE="width: 655"]
    [TD]Teacher's activities
    [TD]Students' activities[/TD]
    [TD]WARM UP: (5mn)
    Gives some hand-out 1 and gets Ss to match A with B, then asks:

    Where does a teacher work?
    Where does a farmer work?

    We'll understand more about the life of a farmer in unit 1.
    1. Pre-reading: (10mn)
    Shows the pictures and introduces some words and phrases:
    Guides Ss to read in chorus

    Gives hand- out 2 and guides Ss to do it.
    Introduces: Mrs Tuyet and Mr Vy are farmers.

    Asks Ss to check the information and read the text.

    2. While- reading: (20 mn)
    Asks Ss to read the text silently.
    Requires Ss to do task 1 in groups of 4
    Gives the correct answer

    Task 2:
    Gets Ss to ask and answer in pairs.

    Listens and checks their answers
    Guides Ss to make a brief note about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily routines.

    Can help some bad Ss

    3. Post- reading: (8mn)
    Asks Ss to close the book and discuss about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily routines.
    Assigns homework (3mn)

    COMMENTS (2mn)
    [TD][​IMG]Match A with B in pairs
    [TD] A
    1. teacher
    2. doctor
    3. worker
    4. seller
    5. farmer[/TD]
    [TD] B
    a. market
    b. school
    c. hospital
    d. field
    e. factory[/TD]
    He / She works at a school.
    He / She works in the field.
    Peasant (n) = farmer (n)
    -Lead the buffalo to the field
    -Pump water (v)
    -Transplant (v)
    -Plough (v) (n)
    -Harrow (v) (n)
    - Fellow (n) = friend
    Read the chart and guess what Mr Vy does and Mrs Tuyet does.
    [TABLE="width: 354"]
    [TD]Their activities[/TD]
    [TD]Mr Vy[/TD]
    [TD]Mrs Tuyet[/TD]
    [TD]1. take care of children
    2. transplanting
    3. drinking tea and chatting with friends
    4. ploughing and harrowing the plot of land
    5. preparing meals
    6. leading a buffalo to the field
    7. boiling water[/TD]
    Open the book and check the information
    about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily routines.
    Skim the text and do tasks.
    Task 1: Practise with groups of 4
    Check the correct answer.
    1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A
    Practise task 2 with pairwork.
    Suggested answers:
    1. He's a peasant / a farmer.
    2. He gets up at 4.30 and then he goes down the
    kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea.
    3. In the morning, he ploughs and harrows on his
    plot of land, drinks tea and smokes local
    tobaco during his break.
    4. In the afternoon, they repair the banks of their
    plot of land. Mr Vy pums water in to it while his wife does the transplanting
    5. Yes they are. Because they love working and they love their children.
    Scan the passage and make a brief (short) note about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet. Do it individual and compare their note with a partner.
    Suggested answers:
    * In the morning:
    - 4:30 : The alarm goes off, Mr Vy gets up, goes down to the kitchen, boils water for tea, drinks tea, has a quick breakfast, lead the buffalo to the field.
    - 5:15 : leaves the house
    - 5:30 : arrive in the field, ploghs and harrows his plot of land
    - 7:45 : takes a rest
    - 10:30 : goes home
    - 11:30 : has lunch with family
    * In the afternoon:
    - 2:30 p.m : Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet go to the field again, repair the banks of their plot of land. He pums water in to it. She does the transplanting.
    - 6:00 p.m: finish work
    - 7:00 p.m : have dinner
    * After dinner:
    - watch TV, go to bed
    - sometimes visit neighbours, chat with them
    - Close the book and talk about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet's daily routines.
    - Talk about their parents' daily routines.

    - Write a paragraph about a farmer's daily routines in Viet Nam. (about 80 words)
    - Do exercise 1, 2 (p. 4, 5) in workbook.
    - Prepare lesson 2: speaking


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