Tài liệu Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 - Trọn bộ

Thảo luận trong 'Lớp 10' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    I-Knowledge: Guiding students how to learn English 10
    II-Skills: Speaking skill and listenning to T
    I-Settlement: Greeting the class & checking students’ attendance.
    II-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions:
    III- New lesson:
    Teacher’s activities
    Students’ activities

    WARMER -UP: Lucky Number
    -T divides the whole class into two groups and play game
    1.Lucky Number
    2.How many boys are there in your class?
    3.Do you know what your English teacher’s name is?
    4.Lucky Number
    5.What do you prepare for this semester?
    6.Do you like studying English ?Why or Why not ?
    7.How do you learn English well?
    8.Do you speak English fluently?
    I-Content: Including six topics
    1.You and me
    5.Nature and Environment
    6.People and places
    -> six topics are divided into sixteen units
    II-The design of each unit in textbook:
    1.Unit: express the theme
    2.Reading:developing reading skill
    3.Speaking:developing speaking skill
    4.Listening:developing listenning skill
    5.Writing:developing writing skill
    6.Language focus:learning grammar and pronounciation
    -After 3 unit , you have one period for test yourself.It helps you test yourself about what you’ve learnt.
    1-check frequence knowledge for the previous lesson.
    2-Fifteen minutes test (3 times)
    3-One period test (2 times )
    4-Semester test (Once for each semester)
    IV-The new point in learning E 10
    -Communicative method /approach
    -Task - based method /teaching
    -The book is designed with 4 skills
    -Commplete and various tests
    - Learner - centered approach
    -T asks Ss to work in pairs and make acquainted with a friend by using suggested questions:
    1.What’s your name?
    2.How old are you?
    3.Where do you live?
    4.Where do you study?
    5.What subjects do you study at school?
    6.What’s your favourite subject?Why do you like it?
    7.What do you often do in your free-time?
    8.What do you want to be in the future?

    -Work in group of two.
    The leader of each group chooses a number for your own group and do the following requirement in each question.If the answer is correct,they will get 10 marks.

    -Students listen to T’s explanation about six topics

    -Listen and take notes in their notebooks.

    -Listen and take notes in their notebooks.

    Work in pair and make a small conversation with a friend.

    IV-Consolidation:-Retell what you’ve learnt and what you willprepare for this semester
    V-Homework -Prepare Unit1 Lesson1:READIN
    Date / /200 . A DAY IN THE LIFE OF .
    I-Knowledge: Helping students to read for specific information about a day in the life of a farmer
    II-Skills: Reading and communicative skill
    I-Settlement: Greeting the class & checking students’ attendance.
    II-Checking: No check
    III- New lesson: Lesson 1 :READING
    Teacher’s activities
    Students’ activities

    -T asks Ss to close your textbooks and then share handouts.
    -T asks Ss to match the work and places together.
    1.teacher a.market
    2.doctor b.school
    3.worker c.hospital
    4.seller d.field
    5.farmer e.factory
    -After 3 minutes ,T goes around the class and asks Ss
    T:Where does a teacher work?
    S:He/she works at a school
    -T : to understand more about the life of a famer, today we learn Unit 1.
    (Activity1" class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin :D">escribe the picture
    -T asks Ss to look at the picture on page 12 and talk about the activities of people in the picture
    * Who is he /she?
    * What is he/ she doing?
    * where is he/ she doing? .
    (Activity2[IMG]" class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue :p">resent vocabulary:
    T helps Ss to explain some newwords
    + peasant [ pezent]= farmer
    +to lead the buffalo to the field.
    +to plough and harrow:caìy vaì bæìa
    +to repair the banks of the pilot of land ( translation):mäüt miãúng âáút, mäüt maính ruäüng
    + fellow peasant(n) farmer working in the same field.
    +to pump water:båm næåïc
    +To take a short rest(translation):to have a rest for a short time.
    +transplant (v):grow rice
    -T asks Ss to pronounce above words and phrases loudly in chorus
    -T asks Ss to read through the text and practise TASK in textbook
    TASK1:Multiple choice
    -T asks Ss to read the passages individually and choose the option A,B or C that best suits the meaning of the italicised words. -T goes around the class and provides helf if necessary.
    -T calls on some Ss to read aloud their answers. Ask them to explain their choice.
    TASK2:Answering Questions:
    -Have Ss work in pair and ask and answer about the passages
    -Call on some pair to do the task in front of the class.
    -Give feedback and suggested answers

    TASK 3:Note completion
    -T ask Ss to scan the passage and make a brief note about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet’s daily routines.
    -Tell Ss to compare their notes with a friend.
    -Give correct answer
    (T asks Ss to close your textbooks and discuss about the activities of daily life Mr Vy and Mr Tuyet.
    (Talking about activities of daily life of your parents.
    Ss listen to T’s requirement
    Ss work in groups of four

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