Chuyên Đề giáo án anh văn 8 unit 13 lesson speak

Thảo luận trong 'Các Môn Khác' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Unit 13: Festivals
    Lesson 2: Speak
    I. Objectives:
    By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about some traditional festivals in the world. And compare how they prepare for the festivals/ holidays.
    II/ Vocabulary: pomegrandnates,
    III/ Teaching aids: Books and notebooks, board, posters.
    IV/ Procedure:
    [TABLE="width: 755"]
    [TD]Teacher’s and students’ activities[/TD]
    Warm up


    While –speaking

    Post - speaking[/TD]
    [TD]* Find things in common
    - Ask students some questions.
    - Divide class into 2 groups
    - Choose one student randomly in one group, and ask him/ her to call out his/ her words and if the words is interest, while students in the other group check if there are any same words.

    * Speak I :
    I. Teach vocabulary
    - Elicit the vocabulary from Ss
    - Students copy the words.
    II. Ordering :
    - Ask students to read the dialogue on page 123 and put the sentences in the correct order
    - Call on some students go to the board to give their answers.
    - Feed back and correct
    - Call on students working in pair and choose a pair practice
    * Speak II :
    - Guide students choose a favorite topic at book
    - Lead the students to a uniform topic
    - Give students some sample sentences and some words

    -Student prepare the topic in about 5 minutes. Teacher can help student with difficult word
    -Give student a example dialogue on the board

    -Call on 2 student role play read it[/TD]
    [TD]What do you think of 5 things they often prepare for Tet and write them down on a piece of paper ?
    Suggestions :
    - Decorate/ clean / paint the house/room/ the yard, .
    - Buy cakes / candy / drinks/ food/ fruits,
    - Cook/ make cakes, .
    - Get / buy new dress, .
    - Write / send New Year cards to friends, relatives

    + Vocabulary:
    Pomegranate (n): quả lựu
    Harvest festival : Harvest lễ hội

    Answer key :
    A – F ; C – H , D – J , B – G , E – I

    -the uniform topic is a school festival
    * Structures:
    - Let's + bare infinitive.
    - Please + bare infinitive
    - Can you + bare infinitive
    - Could you + bare infinitive
    - Would you please + bare infinitive . :nhờ người khác làm
    - Would / Do you mind + Ving : phiền ai đó giúp làm
    *Đồng ý :
    -Of course
    - No problem
    -What can I do for you ?
    - How can I help you ?
    *Không đồng ý:
    -I’m sorry. I’m busy
    -No, I don’t mind
    -I’m sorry but I can’t
    * Words
    - clean the doors/windows
    -tidy the classroom
    -decorate the classroom
    -collect the garbages
    - practise singing songs school
    -plant the tree around the school yard

    *Example dialogue

    Minh: Have you tidied the classroom?
    Lan : Yes, I have. Where are you going , Minh?
    Minh: To the market. I have to buy lights and some pictures
    Lan : Could you buy the corlor paints at the shop round the corner?
    Minh:Sure . I will
    Lan : Thanks, Minh. Is there anything you want me to do while you’re out?
    Minh: Not really. But I want our classroom to look nice at the festival.
    Lan : Mom, I know what to do now. I’ll clean all glass windows
    Minh : That’s very good . Bye-bye, Lan
    Lan : Bye, Minh
    * Homework: - Write your own dialogue in your note books
    - Do the exercises in the work book

    Ngày tháng năm 2013

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