Tài liệu Genetics Principles And Analysis - Daniel L. Hartl (1999)

Thảo luận trong 'Sinh Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Giáo trình môn di truyền học được viết bởi Daniel L. Hartl

    Brief Contents

    Chapter 1

    The Molecular Basis of Heredity and Variation

    Chapter 2

    Principles of Genetic Transmission

    Chapter 3

    Genes and Chromosomes

    Chapter 4

    Genetic Linkage and Chromosome Mapping

    Chapter 5

    The Molecular Structure and Replication of the Genetic Material

    Chapter 6

    The Molecular Organization of Chromosomes

    Chapter 7

    Variation in Chromosome Number and Structure

    Chapter 8

    The Genetics of Bacteria and Viruses

    Chapter 9

    Genetic Engineering and Genome Analysis

    Chapter 10

    Gene Expression

    Chapter 11

    Regulation of Gene Activity

    Chapter 12

    The Genetic Control of Development

    Chapter 13

    Mutation, DNA Repair, and Recombination

    Chapter 14

    Extranuclear Inheritance

    Chapter 15

    Population Genetics and Evolution

    Chapter 16

    Quantitative Genetics and Multifactorial Inheritance

    Chapter 17

    Genetics of Biorhythms and Behavior

    Page iv




    Introduction: For the Student


    Chapter 1

    The Molecular Basis of Heredity and Variation

    1-1 DNA: The Genetic Material

    Experimental Proof of the Genetic Function of DNA

    Genetic Role of DNA in Bacteriophage

    1-2 DNA Structure: The Double Helix

    1-3 An Overview of DNA Replication

    1-4 Genes and Proteins

    Transcription of DNA Makes RNA

    Translation of RNA Makes Protein

    1-5 Mutation

    1-6 How Genes Determine Traits

    Pleiotropy: One Gene Can Affect More Than One Trait

    Epistasis: One Trait Can Be Affected by More Than One Gene

    Effects of the Environment

    1-7 Evolution

    The Molecular Continuity of Life

    Adaptation and Diversity

    The Role of Chance in Evolution

    Chapter End Material

    Chapter Summary

    Key Terms

    Review the Basics

    Guide to Problem Solving

    Analysis and Applications

    Further Reading

    Special Features

    Connection: It's the DNA!

    Oswald T. Avery, Colin M. MacLeod,

    and Maclyn McCarty 1944

    Studies on the chemical nature of the substance inducing

    transformation of pneumococcal types

    Connection: Shear Madness

    Alfred D. Hershey and Martha Chase 1952

    Independent functions of viral protein and nucleic acid in

    growth of bacteriophage

    GeNETics on the Web

    Chapter 2

    Principles of Genetic Transmission

    2-1 The Monohybrid Crosses

    Traits Present in the Progeny of the Hybrids

    Mendel's Genetic Hypothesis and Its Experimental Tests

    The Principle of Segregation

    Important Genetic Terminology

    Verification of Mendelian Segregation by the Testcross

    2-2 Segregation of Two or More Genes

    The Principle of Independent Assortment

    Dihybrid Testcrosses

    The Big Experiment

    2-3 Mendelian Inheritance and Probability

    Mutually Exclusive Events: The Addition Rule

    Independent Events: The Multiplication Rule

    2-4 Segregation in Human Pedigrees

    2-5 Genetic Analysis

    The Complementation Test in Gene Identification

    Why Does the Complementation Test Work?

    Multiple Alleles

    2-6 Modified Dihybrid Ratios Caused by Epistasis

    2-7 Complications in the Concept of Dominance

    Amorphs, Hypomorphs, and Other Types of Mutations

    Incomplete Dominance

    Codominance and the Human ABO Blood Groups

    Incomplete Penetrance and Variable Expressivity

    Chapter End Material

    Chapter Summary

    Key Terms

    Review the Basics

    Guide to Problem Solving

    Analysis and Applications

    Challenge Problems

    Further Reading

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