Tài liệu Financial fragility or information asymmetry? - The inter-war banking crisis in Norway

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  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    EBHA Conference 2001: Business and Knowledge
    C3: Information Asymmetries in the Financial Industry

    Financial fragility or information asymmetry? -
    The inter-war banking crisis in Norway

    Sverre Knutsen
    Norwegian School of Management

    July 2001

    Copyright by Sverre Knutsen

    Working papers represent drafts of work in progress and are made available for purposes of
    comment and discussion only. This working paper may not be quoted, cited, or reproduced or
    stored in any form without the permission of the author.
    Financial fragility or information asymmetry? -
    The inter-war banking crisis in Norway


    This paper analyses the severe banking crisis that shook the Norwegian banking

    system to its foundation during the early 1920s. The prevalent explanation among

    Norwegian historians is that the major cause for the crisis was 'flawed monetary

    policy'. The so-called par policy that aimed at returning to gold at the prewar parity

    caused depression, it is argued. This brought about deflation, which in turn affected

    business adversely. Consequently the banks’ amount of non-performing loans

    increased drastically. The problem is, however, that the value of the krone did not

    start to rise substantially until 1924/25. The resulting gold-parity depression occurred

    1925-28, whilst the most serious phase of the banking crisis took part during the years

    1921-24. As will be demonstrated in this paper, the policy carried out by the central

    bank over the period 1921-23 can hardly be labeled par policy at all. Actually, the

    main feature of central bank policy during these years was ‘production assistance’ by

    the way of bank support. This fallacy of chronology is the first of two major research

    problems I'll address in this paper.

    The second major problem to be addressed in the paper is whether an

    analytical framework build on the notion of asymmetric information or a financial

    fragility approach best can explain the main causes of the inter-war banking crisis.

    Mainstream economists have been neglecting topics like economic depression and

    financial crises during most of the period since the end of World War II. The subject

    was left to economic historians and a handful of heterodox economists. It was not

    until the epidemic of financial crises during the 1980s and 1990s when mainstream

    economists focused the theme of financial instability. In particular this literature has

    surged in the wake of the 1997-1998 Asian financial crises. A large part of this

    expanding literature emphasizes information and incentive problems like moral

    hazard and asymmetric information in credit contracts or in bank-depositor relations


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