Thạc Sĩ Factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce model developed for small and medium enterprises in vie

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
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    #1 Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13
    Last edited by a moderator: 22/11/13
    Luận án tiến sĩ năm 2013
    Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự chấp nhận mô hình thương mại điện tử phát triển cho các doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa ở Việt Nam
    Luận án được trình bày bằng tiếng Anh

    1.1. Background of the Study 2
    1.2. Statement of the Problems 5
    1.3. Significance of the Study 5
    1.4. Scope and Limitation 6
    2.1. Internet 7
    2.2. E-commerce 9
    2.3. E-Commerce Models. 12
    2.4. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) . 16
    2.5. Technology Acceptance Model 18
    2.6. Grandon and Perason' s Model 20
    2.7. Innovations Diffusion Theory (IDT) 23
    2.8. Model of Factors Influencing Electronic Commerce Adoption and Diffusion in
    Small- & Medium-sized Enterprises 27
    2.9. Model for Assessing E-commerce Success in SMEs . 29
    2.10. Conceptual Framework . 33
    3.1. Research Design 38
    3.2. Determination of sample size 38
    3.3. Sampling design and techniques . 39
    3.4. Research instrument 39
    3.5. Data processing method 40
    RESULTS . 41
    4.1. Respondents‟ profile . 41
    4.2. Factors afecting the adoption of e-commerce . 45
    4.3. Logistic Regression . 55
    5.1. Summary of the findings . 66
    5.2. Conclusion 68
    5.3. Recommendations . 70

    For recent decades, Information technology (IT) has been changing the world by
    significantly contributing to fasten the globalization process in which all competitors
    come to have equal opportunities in a flattened world as well as creating a real
    revolution in every field of science and life.
    The application of IT in production and business is not out of this trend either.
    The concept of IT application in commercial activities, also known as e-commerce,
    came into the world and become a new trend. E-commerce has been gradually
    replacing the old ways of doing business because of its variousprominent advantages,
    such as faster buying/selling procedure, lowered operational costs , more convenience
    for customers to place orders, increased efficiency with unlimited space and time
    properties, etc.
    However, for developing countries in general and for Vietnam in particular, ecommerce is a relatively new thing although the development of this trend have been
    taking place in both width and depth. It has not actually been completed for this area
    in State management. The application in the enterprises as well as in the agencies and
    organizations is also at explorative level, to support the traditional business form or to
    combine these two forms with each other.
    In fact, many enterprises have applied and developed e-commerce and some of
    them have become good models in this area such as VIETGO, a pricing joint stock
    company with e-commerce page; and Peaceoft solution company
    with website - Mạng xã hội mua sắm trực tuyến nhiều hàng số 1 Việt Nam - Mua bán đấu giá trực tuyến từ, etc Despite its increased popularity, the
    exploitation and application of e-commerce are always two sides of a problem:
    Firstly, we are in a transitional period from traditional business to e-commerce
    business method, so it is necessary to always make pragmatic and short-term
    comparison of the efficiency between these two methods.
    Secondly, there also requires a different and more intellectual way of looking at
    e-commerce. In order to successfully apply and develop e-commerce, it is required
    that negative aspects such as a fraudulence, distrust and sabotage, etc. are limitted by
    raising public awareness, developing firms‟ policy, executing management of
    ecommerce These things, however, have been difficult to control because of the fast,
    powerful and high-tech characteristics of e-commerce.
    The development of e-commerce has happened in the same manner as the
    development of traditional commerce, in which the first step was unprompted as each
    individual, company, agency or organization realized its internal benefits then it
    became more advanced and multiform. However, to expand and develop it to a high
    level as well as to create real benefits for society, it needs an intervention of “State
    hand” from the angle that these entities can not or do not want to do.
    For the above reasons, there is a question to ponder how do we develop and
    manage e-commerce in order to minimize the negativity and make optimal use of the
    positivity, and to successfully promote high efficiency to the society, the community,
    and each individual?
    1.1. Background of the Study
    It can not be denied that benefits achieved by e-commerce have a great impact
    to the development of a nation‟s economy. Many developed countries in the world,
    among which United States was the first, have created favorable conditions for ecommerce to be developed, leading human being in achiving great business results.
    Although there are many problems needed to be solved in the application of ecommerce, the developed countries, realizing its huge advantages, has quickly
    emloyed and developed e-commerce with the expectation of achieving the foundation
    for digital economy.
    Internet is changing the lifestyle and the way of working. Internet creates good
    conditions for everyone, from university researchers and students in big cities to
    people in remote mountainous areas , in which everyone have the opportunity to
    access the same endless information resources. Moreover, Internet also provides
    means of communication for people or places to carry out transactions at any time.
    Enterprises with different scales all can communicate to their partners and customers
    via Internet. Online activities help them quickly get necessary information, thereby
    improving the quality of products and services with low cost.
    The Government of Vietnam has placed special emphasis on developing ecommerce and assigned the Ministry of Commerce to be the clue agency who is
    responsible for examining and constructing the projects of e-commerce development
    in Vietnam. On 22/11/2001, the Center of Promoting Software Development, directly
    under Department of Vietnam Trade and Industry, opened the first training course
    named “E-commerce for Business” that was held free in Dong Nai with the purpose of
    helping enterprises step by step approach e-commerce and serve business activities on
    Since an initial application of e-commerce still faces a number of difficulties, it
    is essential to create real power, which comes from the infrastructure for e-commerce,
    strategy to develop e-commerce business in small and medium enterprises,
    government support, and awareness of business e-commerce applications in business.
    The intelligentsia needs to meet the requirements of specialty, and the cultural
    standards of the people also need to be gradually improved, especially for young
    people, one of the main forces helping to deploy e-commerce.
    According to figures from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, at present,
    small and medium enterprises account for more than 85% of enterprises in Vietnam,
    with registered capital of nearly 2,313,857 billion dongs (equivalent to 121 billion
    dollars) and 100% having Internet access. While more and more customers are
    looking for new products and trade opportunities with Southeast Asian countries,
    Vietnamese enterprises are also seeking new opportunities to reach them through ecommerce. Along with maintaining domestic operations actively, Vietnam will
    definitely continue to receive more attentions from importers in a near future (Mr
    Vincent Wong, Senior Managing Director of Business Development and Customer
    Services Department of Group shared).
    In 2012, Vietnam Association of E-commerce (VECOM) constructed the Ebusiness Index in order to support agencies, organizations and enterprises
    evaluating quickly the application of e-commerce on a national scale as well as in
    each province and central city. E-business Index, abbreviated to EBI, helps agencies,
    organizations and enterprises to evaluate quickly the degree of ecommerce application
    and to compare the developments by the years in each locality, concurrently
    support to an assessment and comparison between the localities based on a system
    of index.
    So in Vietnam today there is only VECOM which constructed the EBI to assess
    a degree of e-commerce application in the enterprises and home organizations. But
    this is only statistical and investigative index that reflects a degree of e-commerce
    application annually, it can not bring out an index that helps enterprises identifying

    A. Books
    1. DAVIS, F. D. (1989) Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user
    acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, september, 319–340
    2. Davis, F.D. (1993). “User acceptance of information technology: system
    characteristics, user perceptions and behavioural impacts”. International
    Journal of Man-Machine Studies 38, pp. 475-487.
    3. Chong Yee Ling (),Model of Factors Influences on Electronic Commerce
    Adoption and Diffusion in Small & Medium-sized Enterprises, School of
    Information SystemsCurtin University of Technology, Australia
    4. Fatima Ajmal, Norizan Binti Mohd Yasin (2012), Electronic Commerce
    adoption Model for Small & Medium Sized Enterprises, IACSIT Press,
    5. GRANDON, E. & PEARSON, J. (2003) Strategic Value and Adoption
    of Electronic Commerce: An Empirical Study of Chilean Small and
    Medium Businesses. Journal of Global Information Technology
    6. GRANDON, E. & PEARSON, J. (2004) Electronic Commerce Adoption:
    An Empirical Study of Small and Medium US Businesses. Information
    and Management
    B. Website
    1. Internet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    2. | Memahami Tujuan Hidup, Hikmah & Rahasia Hukum Alam Alloh
    C. Others
    1. Maryam Ghorishi (2009): “E-commerce adoption model in Iranian SMEs” ,
    Master‟s thesis 14-21
    2. Trần thị Cẩm Hải (2011) Master‟s thesis: “Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc
    ứng dụng thương mại điện tửtrong các doanh nghiệp nhỏvà vừa trên địa bàn
    thành phố Đà Nẵng” Master‟s thesis
    3. Nguyễn Quốc Nghi, Hoàng ThịHồng Lộc, và Lê ThịDiệu Hiền (2011)
    scientific journal
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