Tài liệu Expert Oracle Database 11g Administration

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    PART 1 ■ ■ ■ Background, Data Modeling, UNIX/Linux, and SQL*Plus
    ■CHAPTER 1 The Oracle DBA’s World . 3
    The Oracle DBA’s Role 3
    The DBA’s Security Role 4
    The DBA’s System Management Role . 5
    The DBA’s Database Design Role . 7
    DBA Job Classifications . 8
    Types of Databases 9
    Online Transaction Processing and Decision-Support
    System Databases . 9
    Development, Test, and Production Databases 9
    Training and Certification . 10
    Training . 10
    Certification 11
    Resources and Organizations for Oracle DBAs . 13
    Oracle by Example 14
    Oracle Database Two-Day DBA Course . 14
    Oracle MetaLink 15
    Oracle Web Conference 15
    The Daily Routine of a Typical Oracle DBA 15
    Some General Advice 16
    Know When You Need Help . 16
    Remember You Are Not Alone . 16
    Think Outside the Box . 17
    Primum Non Nocere . 17
    viii ■CONTENTS
    ■CHAPTER 2 Relational Database Modeling and Database Design 19
    Relational Databases: A Brief Introduction . 19
    The Relational Database Model 20
    Database Schemas 20
    Relational Algebra . 21
    Relational Calculus 22
    SQL . 22
    Relational Database Life Cycle 23
    Requirements Gathering and Analysis 23
    Logical Database Design . 24
    Physical Database Design 34
    Implementing the Physical Design . 37
    Reverse-Engineering a Database 38
    Object-Relational and Object Databases 38
    The Relational Model 38
    The Object Model . 39
    The Object-Relational Model 39
    Semi-Structured Data Models . 40
    ■CHAPTER 3 Essential UNIX (and Linux) for the Oracle DBA . 43
    Overview of UNIX and Linux Operating Systems 43
    UNIX 43
    Linux 44
    Midrange Systems 45
    Understanding the UNIX Shell(s) . 45
    Accessing the UNIX System . 46
    Overview of Basic UNIX Commands 48
    Getting Help: The man Command 50
    Changing the Prompt 51
    Finding Files and Directories 52
    Controlling the Output of Commands . 52
    Showing the Contents of Files . 52
    Comparing Files 53
    Understanding Operating-System and Shell Variables . 53
    Redirecting Input and Output 56
    Protecting Files from Being Overwritten 57
    Navigating Files and Directories in UNIX 57
    Files in the UNIX System . 57
    Linking Files . 57
    ■CONTENTS ix
    Managing Files . 58
    Permissions: Reading from or Writing to Files in UNIX . 59
    Directory Management . 62
    Editing Files with the vi Editor . 63
    Creating and Modifying Files Using vi 63
    Moving Around with the head and tail Commands 65
    Extracting and Sorting Text . 65
    Using grep to Match Patterns . 65
    Cutting, Pasting, and Joining Text . 66
    Shell Scripting 68
    What Is a Shell Program? . 68
    Using Shell Variables 69
    Evaluating Expressions with the test Command 69
    Executing Shell Programs with Command-Line Arguments 70
    Analyzing a Shell Script 70
    Flow-Control Structures in Korn Shell Programming 71
    Dealing with UNIX Processes 74
    Gathering Process Information with ps . 74
    Running Processes after Logging Out 75
    Running Processes in the Background 75
    Terminating Processes with the kill Command . 75
    UNIX System Administration and the Oracle DBA . 76
    UNIX Backup and Restore Utilities . 76
    The crontab and Automating Scripts . 77
    Using Telnet 78
    Remote Login and Remote Copy . 78
    Using SSH, the Secure Shell 79
    Using FTP to Send and Receive Files . 79
    UNIX System Performance Monitoring Tools . 80
    Disks and Storage in UNIX 85
    Disk Storage Configuration Choices 86
    Monitoring Disk Usage . 86
    Disk Storage, Performance, and Availability . 87
    RAID Systems 88
    RAID Levels 89
    Choosing the Ideal Disk Configuration 90
    Redundant Disk Controllers . 92
    RAID and Backups 92
    RAID and Oracle 93
    Other Storage Technologies 93
    Storage Area Networks 93
    Networked Attached Storage 94
    InfiniBand 94
    Automatic Storage Management 94
    Oracle and Storage System Compatibility . 95
    ■CHAPTER 4 Using SQL*Plus and Oracle Enterprise Manager . 97
    Starting a SQL*Plus Session 97
    Setting the Environment 98
    Starting a SQL*Plus Session from the Command Line . 98
    Connecting by Using the CONNECT Command 100
    Connectionless SQL*Plus Session with /NOLOG . 101
    Connecting to SQL*Plus Through a Windows GUI 101
    Operating in SQL*Plus 101
    Exiting SQL*Plus . 102
    SQL*Plus and SQL Commands . 103
    SQL*Plus Security 103
    Setting the SQL*Plus Environment with the SET Command . 106
    Setting Common SQL*Plus Variables 107
    SQL*Plus Error Logging . 111
    SQL*Plus Command-Line Options 113
    SQL*Plus Administrative Commands 115
    CLEAR Command 115
    STORE Command 115
    SHOW Command 116
    Key SQL*Plus “Working” Commands 118
    SQLPROMPT Command . 118
    DESCRIBE Command . 119
    HOST Command . 119
    SPOOL Command 120
    ACCEPT and PROMPT Commands 121
    EXECUTE Command 121
    PAUSE Command 121
    Commands for Formatting Output and Reporting 122
    BREAK Command 122
    COLUMN Command 123
    COMPUTE Command . 123
    REPFOOTER Command . 123
    REPHEADER Command . 123
    BTITLE and TTITLE Commands . 123
    ■CONTENTS xi
    Creating Command Files in SQL*Plus 124
    Saving the SQL Buffer Contents to a File . 124
    Executing SQL Scripts in SQL*Plus 124
    Creating a Windows Batch Script . 126
    DEFINE and UNDEFINE Commands 126
    Predefined SQL*Plus Variables . 127
    Using Comments in SQL*Plus 128
    Listing SQL Commands . 128
    Editing Within SQL*Plus . 129
    Inserting and Deleting Lines . 130
    Adding to Text . 131
    Incorporating Comments with the REMARK Command . 132
    Copying Tables with the COPY Command 132
    Making DML Changes Permanent with SQL*Plus 133
    Creating Web Pages Using SQL*Plus 134
    Key SQL*Plus Database Administration Commands . 134
    RECOVER Command 134
    STARTUP and SHUTDOWN Commands 134
    ARCHIVE LOG Command 135
    Using SQL to Generate SQL 135
    Oracle SQL Developer 136
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 136
    Benefits of Using OEM to Manage Databases . 137
    OEM Architecture and Components . 139
    Configuring and Using the Database Control 140
    Accessing the Database Control 143
    A Brief Tour of the Database Control 144
    Performance 145
    Availability 146
    Server 146
    Schema 147
    Data Movement 148
    Software and Support 148
    Oracle Software Cloning 148
    Configuring Using the Setup Page 148
    The Related Links Section and the Advisor Central Page . 150
    Creating Database Control Roles . 150
    Linking to MetaLink 150
    Policy-Based Configuration Framework 151
    Tracking Database Feature-Usage Statistics 151
    OEM Grid Control 153
    xii ■CONTENTS
    Managing the Management Agent 156
    The Oracle Management Service . 157
    Connecting to the Grid Control . 157
    Logging Into the Grid Control . 157
    Features of the Grid Control 158
    Using the Grid Control Home Page 159
    Monitoring Your Entire System with the Grid Control . 159
    PART 2 ■ ■ ■ Oracle Database 11g Architecture, Schema, and Transaction Management
    ■CHAPTER 5 Oracle Database 11g Architecture 165
    Oracle Database Structures 165
    Logical Database Structures . 165
    Physical Database Structures 173
    Other Files 176
    Oracle Processes 179
    Interaction Between the User and Oracle Processes . 179
    The Server Process . 179
    The Background Processes 180
    Oracle Memory Structures . 186
    Understanding Main Memory 186
    The System Global Area . 187
    The Program Global Area 193
    A Simple Oracle Database Transaction 196
    Committing and Rolling Back 197
    Committing a Transaction . 197
    Rolling Back a Transaction 198
    Data Consistency and Data Concurrency . 198
    The Database Writer and the Write Ahead Protocol 199
    The System Change Number . 199
    Undo Management . 200
    Backup and Recovery Architecture 201
    User-Managed Backup and Recovery . 201
    RMAN 201
    Oracle Secure Backup 202
    Flashback Recovery Techniques 202
    ■CONTENTS xiii
    The Oracle Data Dictionary and the Dynamic Performance Views 202
    The Oracle Data Dictionary 203
    The Dynamic Performance (V$) Views . 204
    The Three Sets of Data Dictionary Views . 204
    How Is the Data Dictionary Created? 204
    Using the Static Data Dictionary Views 204
    The Oracle Optimizer . 205
    Talking to the Database . 205
    Connecting to Oracle . 205
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 206
    SQL*Plus . 207
    Oracle Utilities . 207
    Data Pump Export and Import 207
    SQL*Loader . 207
    LogMiner . 207
    Automatic Diagnostic Repository Control Interface . 208
    Scheduling and Resource Management . 208
    The Oracle Scheduler . 208
    Database Resource Manager 208
    Automatic Database Management 208
    Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor . 209
    Automatic Undo Retention Tuning 209
    Automatic Optimizer Statistics Collection 209
    Automatic Storage Management . 209
    Automatic SQL Tuning 209
    Common Manageability Infrastructure . 210
    Automatic Workload Repository 210
    Active Session History 210
    Server-Generated Alerts 211
    Automated Tasks Feature . 211
    Advisory Framework 212
    Change Management . 212
    Efficient Managing and Monitoring 213
    ■CHAPTER 6 Managing Tablespaces 215
    Tablespace Extent Sizing and Space Management 216
    Allocating the Extent Size: Autoallocate vs. Uniform . 216
    Automatic vs. Manual Segment Space Management . 217
    xiv ■CONTENTS
    Creating Tablespaces . 218
    Data Files and Tablespaces 219
    Extent Allocation and Deallocation 220
    Storage Parameters 220
    Storage Allocation to Database Objects 222
    Adding Space to a Tablespace . 223
    Removing Tablespaces . 224
    Number of User Tablespaces 225
    Tablespace Quotas . 226
    Proactive Tablespace Space Alerts 226
    Managing Logging of Redo Data 227
    Renaming Tablespaces . 228
    Read-Only Tablespaces . 229
    Taking Tablespaces Offline 229
    Temporary Tablespaces . 229
    Creating a Temporary Tablespace 230
    Altering a Temporary Tablespace . 231
    Shrinking Temporary Tablespaces 231
    Default Temporary Tablespace . 232
    Temporary Tablespace Groups . 233
    Default Permanent Tablespaces 235
    Bigfile Tablespaces . 236
    Restrictions on Using Bigfile Tablespaces 237
    Creating Bigfile Tablespaces . 237
    Altering a Bigfile Tablespace . 238
    Viewing Bigfile Tablespace Information 238
    Managing the Sysaux Tablespace 238
    Creating the Sysaux Tablespace 239
    Usage Restrictions for the Sysaux Tablespace 240
    Encrypting Tablespaces . 240
    Why You Need Encrypted Tablespaces 240
    Creating the Oracle Wallet . 241
    Creating an Encrypted Tablespace 242
    Data Dictionary Views for Managing Tablespaces . 243
    DBA_FREE_SPACE . 243
    DBA_SEGMENTS . 244
    V$DATAFILE . 246
    V$FILESTAT . 246
    ■CONTENTS xv
    Easy File Management with Oracle Managed Files 247
    Benefits of Using OMF 248
    Creating Oracle Managed Files . 248
    Different Types of Oracle Managed Files . 250
    Copying Files Between Two Databases 253
    COPY_FILE 253
    GET_FILE . 254
    PUT_FILE . 254
    Finding Out How Much Free Space Is Left 255
    Working with Operating System Files 256
    Using the UTL_FILE Package . 256
    Key UTL_FILE Procedures and Functions 257
    Exceptions 258
    A Simple Example Using the UTL_FILE Package . 258
    ■CHAPTER 7 Schema Management . 261
    Types of SQL Statements 261
    System-Control Statements 262
    Session-Control Statements . 262
    Embedded SQL Statements 262
    Data Manipulation Language Statements 263
    Transaction-Control Statements 263
    Data Definition Language Statements . 264
    Oracle Schemas . 264
    Oracle Tables . 265
    Estimating the Table Size . 266
    Creating a Simple Table . 268
    What Is a Null Value? . 269
    Default Values for Columns 270
    Virtual Columns 270
    Adding a Column to a Table . 271
    Dropping a Column from a Table . 271
    Renaming a Table Column . 272
    Renaming a Table 272
    Removing All Data from a Table 272
    Creating a New Table with the CTAS Option 273
    Placing a Table in Read-Only Mode . 273
    Table Compression . 274
    Dropping Tables . 276
    xvi ■CONTENTS
    Special Oracle Tables . 277
    Temporary Tables 277
    Index-Organized Tables . 278
    External Tables 280
    Partitioned Tables 280
    Range Partitioning . 281
    Interval Partitioning . 282
    Hash Partitioning . 283
    List Partitioning 284
    Reference Partitioning 284
    Virtual Column-Based Partitioning 286
    System Partitioning 287
    Composite Partitioning 287
    Partition Maintenance Operations . 290
    Data Dictionary Views for Managing Tables 292
    Clusters 295
    Hash Clusters . 296
    Oracle Indexes . 296
    Guidelines for Creating Indexes 297
    Oracle Index Schemes 298
    Estimating the Size of an Index . 298
    Creating an Index 299
    Special Types of Indexes 300
    Bitmap Indexes 301
    Reverse-Key Indexes . 301
    Key-Compressed Indexes . 301
    Function-Based Indexes . 302
    Partitioned Indexes . 302
    Invisible Indexes . 303
    Monitoring Index Usage . 304
    Index Maintenance . 305
    Managing Database Integrity Constraints 306
    Primary Key Constraints . 306
    Not Null Constraints 307
    Check Constraints 307
    Unique Constraints . 307
    Referential Integrity Constraints 308
    Integrity Constraint States . 308
    Rely Constraints . 310
    Deferrable and Immediate Constraints . 310
    ■CONTENTS xvii
    Constraint- and Index-Related Views 310
    Using Views . 312
    Using Materialized Views 314
    Query Rewriting . 315
    The Rewrite_or_Error Hint . 315
    Rewrite Integrity . 316
    Refreshing Materialized View Data 316
    Using the DBMS_MVIEW Package 317
    Creating Materialized Views . 317
    Creating the Materialized View . 318
    Using the SQL Access Advisor 320
    Using the OEM Database Control . 320
    Using the DBMS_ADVISOR Package . 323
    Using the QUICK_TUNE Procedure 324
    Using Synonyms . 324
    Creating a Public Synonym 325
    Creating a Private Synonym . 326
    Dropping a Synonym . 326
    Managing Synonyms . 326
    Switching to a Different Schema . 327
    Using Sequences 327
    Using Triggers . 328
    Viewing Object Information 329
    Views for Managing Database Objects . 329
    DBA_TABLES 330
    DBA_VIEWS . 332
    DBA_MVIEWS . 333
    DBA_INDEXES . 333
    INDEX_STATS . 334
    xviii ■CONTENTS
    ■CHAPTER 8 Oracle Transaction Management 337
    Oracle Transactions 337
    COMMIT Statement 338
    ROLLBACK Statement 339
    Transaction Properties 340
    Transaction Concurrency Control . 341
    Concurrency Problems 341
    Schedules and Serializability . 342
    Isolation Levels and the ISO Transaction Standard . 342
    Oracle’s Isolation Levels 344
    Transaction- and Statement-Level Consistency . 345
    Changing the Default Isolation Level 345
    Implementing Oracle’s Concurrency Control 347
    Oracle Locking Methods 348
    Oracle Lock Types . 348
    Allowing DDL Locks to Wait for DML Locks . 350
    Explicit Table Locking . 350
    Explicit Locking in Oracle 351
    Managing Oracle Locks . 353
    Using Undo Data to Provide Read Consistency 356
    Automatic Undo Management 356
    Guaranteed Undo Retention 362
    Using the OEM to Manage Undo Data . 365
    Flashback Error Correction Using Undo Data 366
    Querying Old Data with Flashback Query 367
    Flashback Using the DBMS_FLASHBACK Package . 368
    Flashback Versions Query . 369
    Flashback Transaction Query 372
    Using Flashback Transaction Query and Flashback
    Versions Query Together 375
    The Flashback Table Feature 376
    Transaction Management . 380
    Discrete Transactions . 380
    Autonomous Transactions . 380
    Resumable Space Allocation . 382
    Resumable Operations 383
    Common Resumable Errors 383
    Using the Resumable Space Allocation Feature . 383
    Notification of Suspended Operations . 386
    Operation-Suspended Alert 386
    Monitoring Resumable Space Allocation . 386
    ■CONTENTS xix
    Managing Long Transactions 386
    Benefits of Using the Workspace Manager . 387
    Table Versioning and Workspaces 387
    PART 3 ■ ■ ■ Installing Oracle Database 11g, Upgrading, and Creating Databases
    ■CHAPTER 9 Installing and Upgrading to Oracle Database 11g 391
    Installing Oracle . 391
    Reviewing the Documentation . 392
    Determining Disk and Memory Requirements . 392
    Optimal Flexible Architecture 393
    Mount Points 394
    Directory and File-Naming Conventions 394
    Performing Preinstallation Tasks . 400
    Checking the Preinstallation Requirements . 400
    System Administrator’s Preinstallation Tasks . 401
    Oracle Owner’s Preinstallation Tasks 410
    A Final Checklist for the Installation . 413
    Accessing the Installation Software . 414
    Installing the Software 416
    Using Response Files to Install Oracle Software . 421
    After the Installation 422
    System Administrator’s Post-Installation Tasks . 423
    Oracle Owner’s Post-Installation Tasks 424
    Uninstalling Oracle . 425
    Removing All Oracle Databases Running on Your Server . 425
    Removing the Oracle Software . 426
    Upgrading to Oracle Database 11g 426
    Routes to Oracle Database 11g . 426
    Upgrade Methods and Tools . 427
    The Manual Upgrade Process 427
    The Database Upgrade Assistant . 428
    The Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 428
    The Post-Upgrade Status Tool 429
    Preparing the Database for the Upgrade . 430
    xx ■CONTENTS
    Upgrading with the DBUA . 430
    Starting the DBUA 430
    Running the DBUA . 431
    Restoring the Pre-Upgrade Database 433
    Upgrading Manually 434
    Upgrade and Downgrade Scripts . 434
    Creating a Spool File . 434
    Running the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool . 435
    Backing up the Database 437
    Copying the Parameter File 437
    Starting Up the New Database . 437
    Running the Upgrade Script 438
    Running the Upgrade Actions Script . 438
    Restarting the Instance . 438
    Running the Post Upgrade Actions Script 439
    Checking for Invalid Objects . 439
    Recompiling and Validating Objects . 439
    Running the Post-Upgrade Status Tool 440
    Ending the Spool File . 441
    Restarting the New Database 441
    After the Upgrade 441
    Resetting Passwords for Stronger Password Protection 441
    Downgrading to an Old Version . 441
    ■CHAPTER 10 Creating a Database . 443
    Getting Ready to Create the Database . 443
    Installing the Oracle Software 444
    Creating the File System for the Database . 444
    Ensuring Sufficient Memory Allocation . 445
    Getting Necessary Authorizations . 446
    Setting the OS Environment Variables . 446
    Creating the Parameter File 446
    Types of Database Parameter Files . 446
    The Initialization Parameter File 447
    Changing the Initialization Parameter Values . 448
    Important Oracle Database 11g Initialization Parameters . 449
    Undocumented Initialization Parameters . 473
    Viewing the Current Initialization Parameter Values 473
    ■CONTENTS xxi
    Creating a New Database . 474
    Manual Creation . 474
    Using the DBCA to Create a Database . 486
    Using a Server Parameter File 493
    Creating a Server Parameter File . 494
    Setting the Scope of Dynamic Parameter Changes 496
    Creating an SPFILE or PFILE from Memory . 497
    Starting Up and Shutting Down the Database from SQL*Plus 497
    Starting the Database . 497
    Automatically Starting Databases . 499
    Restricting Database Access . 501
    Shutting Down the Database . 502
    Quiescing a Database . 505
    Suspending a Database . 505
    Dropping a Database . 506
    Using the Data Dictionary to Monitor Database Status 507
    What Next? . 507
    PART 4 ■ ■ ■ Connectivity and User Management
    ■CHAPTER 11 Connectivity and Networking 511
    Oracle Networking and Database Connectivity 511
    Networking Concepts: How Oracle Networking Works 513
    How a Web Application Connects to Oracle . 513
    Database Instance Names . 514
    Global Database Names . 514
    Database Service Names 514
    Connect Descriptors 514
    Connect Identifiers . 515
    Connect Strings 515
    Establishing Oracle Connectivity 516
    The Oracle Client 517
    Installing the Oracle Client . 518
    Using the TWO_TASK Environment Variable 519
    The Instant Client 519
    Installing the Instant Client 519
    xxii ■CONTENTS
    The Listener and Connectivity 520
    Automatic Service Registration . 521
    Listener Commands 522
    Listener Management 523
    Naming and Connectivity 525
    The Local Naming Method . 525
    The Easy Connect Naming Method 529
    Database Resident Connection Pooling 531
    The External Naming Method 533
    The Directory Naming Method . 534
    Oracle and Java Database Connectivity 537
    Establishing Database Connectivity . 538
    Working with the Database 538
    A Complete Program . 541
    ■CHAPTER 12 User Management and Database Security 543
    Managing Users . 544
    Temporary and Default Tablespaces 544
    Creating a New User 544
    Altering a User . 547
    Dropping a User . 547
    Creating and Using User Profiles 548
    Managing Resources . 554
    The Database Resource Manager . 554
    Using the Database Resource Manager 555
    Using OEM to Administer the Database Resource Manager . 566
    Controlling Database Access . 567
    Privileges in an Oracle Database . 567
    Roles 574
    Using Views and Stored Procedures to Manage Privileges 577
    DBA Views for Managing Users, Roles, and Privileges 577
    Fine-Grained Data Access . 578
    Auditing Database Usage 586
    Standard Auditing 587
    Fine-Grained Auditing . 593
    Authenticating Users . 596
    Database Authentication 596
    External Authentication . 601
    Proxy Authentication 602
    Centralized User Authorization . 602
    ■CONTENTS xxiii
    Enterprise User Security . 603
    Shared Schemas . 603
    Single Sign-On 603
    Data Encryption 603
    Tablespace Encryption 608
    Oracle Internet Directory 611
    Database Security Dos and Don’ts 611
    Automatic Secure Configuration 611
    User Accounts . 611
    Passwords 611
    Operating System Authentication . 612
    Database Auditing 612
    Granting Privileges . 612
    Dealing with Environments with Multiple DBAs . 613
    Protecting the Data Dictionary . 613
    Setting Permissions 613
    The Network and the Listener 614
    Fine-Grained Network Access Control . 615
    Oracle’s Advanced Security Option 618
    Application Security 618
    Useful Techniques for Managing Users 619
    PART 5 ■ ■ ■ Data Loading, Backup, and Recovery
    ■CHAPTER 13 Loading and Transforming Data . 625
    An Overview of Extraction, Transformation, and Loading . 625
    Using the SQL*Loader Utility . 627
    Exploring the SQL*Loader Control File . 628
    Generating Data During the Load . 636
    Invoking SQL*Loader . 637
    Exploring the Loader Log File 638
    Using Return Codes 639
    Using the Direct-Path Loading Method 639
    Some Useful SQL*Loader Data-Loading Techniques . 642
    xxiv ■CONTENTS
    Using External Tables to Load Data . 645
    Creating the External Table Layer . 646
    Populating External Tables 649
    Using an External Table . 652
    Using SQL*Loader to Generate External Table
    Creation Statements . 653
    Transforming Data . 656
    Deriving the Data from Existing Tables 656
    Using SQL to Transform Data 657
    Using the SQL MODEL Clause 666
    Using Oracle Streams for Replication and Information Sharing 670
    Exploring the Streams Architecture . 671
    Setting Up Oracle Streams . 671
    ■CHAPTER 14 Using Data Pump Export and Import 677
    Introduction to the Data Pump Technology . 677
    Benefits of the Data Pump Technology 678
    Uses for Data Pump Export and Import 679
    Data Pump Components 680
    Data-Access Methods 680
    Data Pump Files . 681
    Data Pump Privileges . 685
    The Mechanics of a Data Pump Job . 685
    Performing Data Pump Exports and Imports 686
    Data Pump Export Methods 687
    Data Pump Export Modes . 688
    Data Pump Export Parameters . 689
    Data Pump Export Examples . 704
    Data Pump Import Types and Modes 705
    Data Pump Import Parameters . 705
    Monitoring a Data Pump Job . 713
    Viewing Data Pump Jobs 713
    Viewing Data Pump Sessions 714
    Viewing Data Pump Job Progress . 714
    Using the Data Pump API 715
    Transportable Tablespaces 716
    Uses for Transportable Tablespaces 716
    Transporting a Tablespace 716
    ■CONTENTS xxv
    Transporting Tablespaces Across Platforms with
    Different Endian Formats . 720
    ■CHAPTER 15 Backing Up Databases . 725
    Backing Up Oracle Databases 725
    Important Backup Terms 726
    Backup Guidelines . 728
    Testing Your Backups . 730
    Maintaining a Redundancy Set . 730
    Backup Strategies 731
    The Flash Recovery Area 734
    Benefits of the Flash Recovery Area . 734
    Setting the Size of the Flash Recovery Area 736
    Ways to Create a Flash Recovery Area . 736
    Backing Up the Flash Recovery Area 739
    Working with the Flash Recovery Area . 740
    Recovery Manager . 741
    Benefits of RMAN 742
    RMAN Architecture . 743
    Connecting to RMAN . 745
    Scripting with RMAN . 747
    Important RMAN Terms . 752
    Specifying Backup Tags and Backup Formats 753
    Making Copies of RMAN Backups . 754
    RMAN Backup Locations 755
    RMAN Commands 755
    RMAN Configuration Parameters . 761
    Working with the Recovery Catalog . 766
    Maintaining the Recovery Catalog 769
    Virtual Private Catalogs . 772
    Examples of RMAN Backups . 774
    Restarting an RMAN Backup . 777
    Specifying Limits for Backup Duration . 777
    Incrementally Updated Backups 778
    Fast Incremental Backups . 779
    RMAN Compressed Backups . 780
    Archival Backups 780
    Monitoring and Verifying RMAN Jobs 782
    Backing Up the Control File 784
    xxvi ■CONTENTS
    Oracle Secure Backup 785
    Benefits of Oracle Secure Backup 786
    Oracle Secure Backup Administrative Domain 786
    Installing Oracle Secure Backup 786
    Using the Oracle Backup Web Interface Tool . 788
    Configuring Oracle Secure Backup 788
    Performing Backups with Oracle Secure Backup 789
    User-Managed Backups . 790
    Making Whole Database Backups 790
    Making Partial Database Backups 794
    Monitoring User-Managed Online Backups . 794
    Database Corruption Detection . 795
    Detecting Media Corruption 795
    Detecting Data Block Corruption 795
    Enhanced Data Protection for Disaster Recovery 798
    High-Availability Systems . 798
    Oracle Data Guard and Standby Databases . 799
    ■CHAPTER 16 Database Recovery 801
    Types of Database Failures 801
    System Failures . 802
    Data Center Disasters 802
    Human Error 802
    Media Failures . 802
    Failures and Data Repair 803
    The Oracle Recovery Process 804
    Crash and Instance Recovery 804
    Faster Instance Startup . 805
    Media Recovery . 806
    Media Recovery vs. Nonmedia Recoveries . 808
    Performing Recovery with RMAN . 809
    RMAN’s Advantages for Recovery 810
    Using VALIDATE BACKUP to Validate RMAN Backups 810
    Using the RESTORE . VALIDATE Command . 811
    Using the RESTORE . PREVIEW Command . 811
    Identifying Necessary Files for Recovery . 812
    RMAN Recovery Procedures . 812
    Recovering with Incrementally Updated Backups 812
    ■CONTENTS xxvii
    Monitoring RMAN Jobs 813
    User-Managed Recovery Procedures 813
    Typical Media Recovery Scenarios 814
    Complete Recovery of a Whole Database 814
    Recovering a Tablespace 817
    Recovering a Datafile . 818
    Incomplete Recovery . 820
    Recovering from the Loss of Control Files 824
    Recovering a Datafile Without a Backup . 828
    The Data Recovery Advisor 829
    Working with the Data Recovery Advisor . 830
    Cloning a Database . 833
    Using RMAN to Clone a Database . 834
    Using Database Control to Clone a Database . 838
    Manually Cloning a Database 839
    Techniques for Granular Recovery 840
    Tablespace Point-in-Time Recovery . 840
    Using LogMiner for Precision Recovery 841
    Flashback Techniques and Recovery 847
    Flashback Levels 848
    Flashback vs. Traditional Recovery Techniques . 848
    Flashback Drop 849
    Flashback Database 853
    Using Restore Points . 861
    Guaranteed Restore Points 862
    Viewing Restore Points 863
    Repairing Data Corruption and Trial Recovery . 864
    Block Media Recovery 864
    Trial Recovery . 865
    Troubleshooting Recovery Errors . 866
    The ORA-01194 Error . 866
    The ORA-01152 Error . 867
    The ORA-00376 Error . 868
    The Transaction Backout Feature . 868
    Flashback Data Archive . 870
    Managing the Flashback Data Archive . 870
    Enabling the Flashback Data Archive 872
    Using Flashback Data Archives: Examples . 873
    xxviii ■CONTENTS

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