Luận Văn Evaluation of existing algorithms scheduling for Real-Time service flows for WiMAX uplink

Thảo luận trong 'Viễn Thông' bắt đầu bởi Ác Niệm, 23/12/11.

  1. Ác Niệm

    Ác Niệm New Member

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    Nowadays, the demand for Internet broadband access is growing rapidly, which results in lots of new standards of accessing Internet broadband. Together with the increasing development of traditional wired broadband networks, wireless network access is expanding more and more. Wireless broadband access standard IEEE 802.16 came into existence as a result of this fact. IEEE 802.16 standards are established for Wireless Metropolitan Area Network- WMAN, however, the main part of 802.16 packet scheduling still remains unspecified. This thesis, thus, reviews analytical methods to evaluate the efficiency of real time system models with the use of single- server queue that have been used by many researchers. The service principle in the queue is EDF (Earliest Deadline First). Real-time jobs with exponentially distributed deadlines arrive according to a Poisson process, all jobs have deadlines until the end of service. The thesis also introduces a non-preemptive EDF scheduling algorithm and admission control for real-time polling services in WiMAX.


    It has been an honor that I have had the chance to study in the field that I have been taught and interested in. It was obvious that I had to try my best to finish my work, but without the help of many people, this could not have been completed.
    Firstly, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thong from the University of Technology, Sydney, for his helpful and enthusiastic instructions throughout the period of time that I worked on this thesis.
    I am also very grateful to Mr. Nguyen Quoc Tuan, M.E. of the Department of Telecommunications, College of Technology, Vietnam National University Hanoi, for his sincere help and providing the best setting within the time I studied and researched in the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications.
    Next, I am very thankful to Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh Tam, Ms. Nguyen Hai Ha, B.A. and Ms. Tran Thanh Thu, B.A. from the College of Foreign Languages, Vietnam National University Hanoi, who have helped me correct the English of this thesis.

    I would also like to thank all my teachers and peers that helped me during the time that I have spent here at the university.
    Last but not least, I also want to give my sincere thanks to my family who have constantly supported me during my four years studying far away from home.
    Hanoi, date month year 2008
    Nguyen Minh Khue

    Tables of Contents

    Tables of Contents 1
    Acknowledgements 4
    List of figures 4
    List of tables 5
    Glossary 6
    Acronyms 8
    Chapter 1. 11
    1.1 Quality of Service Fundamentals 12
    1.2 QoS in IEEE 802.16 14
    1.2.1 Admission Control 15
    1.2.2 Scheduling 16
    1.3 Research Motivation and objectives 16
    1.4 Thesis organization 17
    Chapter 2. IEEE 802.16 Standards 18
    2.1 Protocol layer in 802.16 18
    2.1.1 Physical layer 18
    2.1.2 MAC Layer 20
    2.2 Admission Control 23
    2.2.1. Objective 24
    2.2.2 Overview of Admission Control 24
    2.2.3 Admission Control Policy 24
    2.3 Services and service flows 26
    2.3.1 Connections and service flow 26
    2.4 QoS architecture model 35
    Chapter 3. Scheduling and Admission for Real-Ttime Traffic 38
    3.1 Scheduling and admission for real-time traffic. 38
    3.1.2 Loss rate for preemptive EDF 44
    3.1.3 Non-preemptive EDF 47
    3.2 Some current scheduling algorithms for real-time polling services 49
    3.2.1 EDF Broadband Wireless Access Scheduling Algorithm 51
    3.2.2 Admission Control 55
    Chapter 4. Simulation Results 57
    4.1 Theoretical Performance of single queue EDF scheduling algorithms 57
    4.2 Simulation of NP-EDF scheduling algorithm for rtPS services in WiMAX 59
    4.3 Conclusion 61
    References 62

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