Tài liệu Estimating risk parameters and costs of financing

Thảo luận trong 'Tài Chính - Ngân Hàng' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    In the last chapter, we laid the groundwork for estimating the costs of equity and

    capital for firms by looking at how best to estimate a riskless rate that operates as a base

    for all costs, an equity risk premium for estimating the cost of equity and default spreads

    for estimating the cost of debt. We did not, however, consider how to estimate the risk

    parameters for individual firms. In this chapter, we will examine the process of estimating

    risk parameters for individual firms, both for estimating cost of equity and the cost of


    For the cost of equity, we will look at the standard process of estimating the beta

    for a firm and consider alternative approaches. For the cost of debt, we will examine bond

    ratings as measures of default risk and the determinants of these ratings.

    We will close the chapter by bringing together the risk parameter estimates for

    individual firms and the economy-wide estimates of the riskfree rate and risk premia to

    estimate a cost of capital for the firm. To do this, we will argue that the sources of capital

    have to be weighted by their relative market values.

    The Cost of Equity and Capital

    Firms raise money from both equity investors and lenders to fund investments.

    Both groups of investors make their investments expecting to make a return. In chapter 4,

    we argued that the expected return for equity investors would include a premium for the

    equity risk in the investment. We label this expected return the cost of equity. Similarly,

    the expected return that lenders hope to make on their investments includes a premium

    for default risk and we call that expected return the cost of debt. If we consider all of the

    financing that the firm takes on, the composite cost of financing will be a weighted average

    of the costs of equity and debt and this weighted cost is the cost of capital.

    We will begin by estimating the equity risk in a firm and using the equity risk to

    estimate the cost of equity and we follow up by measuring the default risk to estimate a

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