Tài liệu Eclipse Modeling Framework: A Developer's Guide

Thảo luận trong 'Kế Toán - Kiểm Toán' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    The Eclipse Series
    Conventions Used in This Book
    Online Examples

    Part 1. EMF Overview
    Chapter 1. Eclipse

    Section 1.1. The Projects
    Section 1.2. The Eclipse Platform
    Section 1.3. More Information

    Chapter 2. Introducing EMF
    Section 2.1. Unifying Java, XML, and UML
    Section 2.2. Modeling vs. Programming
    Section 2.3. Defining the Model
    Section 2.4. Generating Code
    Section 2.5. The EMF Framework
    Section 2.6. EMF and Modeling Standards

    Chapter 3. Model Editing with EMF.Edit
    Section 3.1. Displaying and Editing EMF Models
    Section 3.2. Item Providers
    Section 3.3. Command Framework
    Section 3.4. Generating EMF.Edit Code

    Chapter 4. Using EMF—A Simple Overview
    Section 4.1. Example Model: The Primer Purchase Order
    Section 4.2. Creating EMF Models and Projects
    Section 4.3. Generating Code
    Section 4.4. Running the Application
    Section 4.5. Continuing Development

    Part II. Defining EMF Models
    Chapter 5. Ecore Modeling Concepts
    Section 5.1. Core Model Uses
    Section 5.2. The Ecore Kernel
    Section 5.3. Structural Features
    Section 5.4. Behavioral Features
    Section 5.5. Classifiers
    Section 5.6. Packages and Factories
    Section 5.7. Annotations
    Section 5.8. Modeled Data Types

    Chapter 6. Java Source Code
    Section 6.1. Java Specification for Packages
    Section 6.2. Java Specification for Classes
    Section 6.3. Java Specification for Enumerations
    Section 6.4. Java Specification for Data Types
    Section 6.5. Java Specification for Maps

    Chapter 7. XML Schema
    Section 7.1. Schema Definition of Packages
    Section 7.2. Schema Definition of Classes
    Section 7.3. Schema Definition of Attributes
    Section 7.4. Schema Definition of References
    Section 7.5. Schema Simple Types

    Chapter 8. UML
    Section 8.1. UML Packages
    Section 8.2. UML Specification for Classifiers
    Section 8.3. UML Specification for Attributes
    Section 8.4. UML Specification for References
    Section 8.5. UML Specification for Operations

    Part III. Using the EMF Generator
    Chapter 9. EMF Generator Patterns
    Section 9.1. Modeled Classes
    Section 9.2. Attributes
    Section 9.3. References
    Section 9.4. Operations
    Section 9.5. Class Inheritance
    Section 9.6. Reflective Methods
    Section 9.7. Factories and Packages
    Section 9.8. Switch Classes and Adapter Factories
    Section 9.9. Customizing Generated Classes

    Chapter 10. EMF. Edit Generator Patterns
    Section 10.1. Item Providers
    Section 10.2. Item Provider Adapter Factories
    Section 10.3. Editor
    Section 10.4. Action Bar Contributor
    Section 10.5. Wizard
    Section 10.6. Plug-Ins

    Chapter 11. Running the Generators
    Section 11.1. EMF Code Generation
    Section 11.2. The Generator GUI
    Section 11.3. The Command-Line Generator Tools
    Section 11.4. The Template Format

    Chapter 12. Example—Implementing a Model and Editor
    Section 12.1. Getting Started
    Section 12.2. Generating the Model
    Section 12.3. Implementing Volatile Features
    Section 12.4. Implementing Data Types
    Section 12.5. Running the ExtendedPO2 Editor
    Section 12.6. Restricting Reference Targets
    Section 12.7. Splitting the Model into Multiple Packages
    Section 12.8. Editing Multiple Resources Concurrently

    Part IV. Programming with EMF
    Chapter 13. EMF Client Programming
    Section 13.1. Packages and Factories
    Section 13.2. The EMF Persistence API
    Section 13.3. EMF Resource Implementations
    Section 13.4. Adapters
    Section 13.5. Working with EMF Objects
    Section 13.6. Dynamic EMF

    Chapter 14. EMF.Edit Programming
    Section 14.1. Overriding Commands
    Section 14.2. Customizing Views

    Part V. EMF API
    Chapter 15. The org.eclipse.emf.common Plug-In
    Section 15.1. The org.eclipse.emf.common Package
    Section 15.2. The org.eclipse.emf.common.command Package
    Section 15.3. The org.eclipse.emf.common.notify Package
    Section 15.4. The org.eclipse.emf.common.util Package

    Chapter 16. The org.eclipse.emf.common.ui Plug-In
    Section 16.1. The org.eclipse.emf.common.ui Package
    Section 16.2. The org.eclipse.emf.common.ui.celleditor Package
    Section 16.3. The org.eclipse.emf.common.ui.viewer Package

    Chapter 17. The org.eclipse.emf.ecore Plug-In
    Section 17.1. The org.eclipse.emf.ecore Package
    Section 17.2. The org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin Package
    Section 17.3. The org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource Package
    Section 17.4. The org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util Package

    Chapter 18. The org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi Plug-In
    Section 18.1. The org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi Package

    Part VI. EMF.Edit API
    Chapter 19. The org.eclipse.emf.edit Plug-In
    Section 19.1. The org.eclipse.emf.edit Package
    Section 19.2. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.command Package
    Section 19.3. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain Package
    Section 19.4. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider Package
    Section 19.5. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.resource Package
    Section 19.6. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.tree Package
    Section 19.7. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.tree.provider Package
    Section 19.8. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.tree.util Package

    Chapter 20. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui Plug-In
    Section 20.1. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui Package
    Section 20.2. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action Package
    Section 20.3. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.celleditor Package
    Section 20.4. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.dnd Package
    Section 20.5. The org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider Package

    Appendix A. UML Notation
    Classes and Interfaces
    Enumerations and Data Types
    Class Relationships

    Appendix B. Summary of Example Models

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