Tài liệu Động lực học cổ điển và lượng tử cấu trúc nano đa lớp

Thảo luận trong 'Hóa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    1.1.3 Electromagnetic waves 6
    1.1.4 Potentials of field . 7
    1.1.5 TMand TE waves 10
    1.1.6 Debye potentials . 13
    1.1.7 Energy of field . 22
    1.1.8 Metallized sphere . 28
    1.1.9 Frequency dispersion . 30
    1.2 The Variational Principle . 32
    1.2.1 TheWhitham’s average variational principle 34
    1.2.2 Energy in a layeredmicrosphere . 36
    1.3 MultilayeredMicrosphere . 37
    1.4 The Transfer Matrix Method (Solving Equations for a
    System of Spherical Layers) . 37
    1.5 Reflection Coefficient and Impedance of a Spherical Stack . 43
    1.6 Conclusion . 48
    xii Contents
    2. Electromagnetic Field in Homogeneous Microspheres
    Without Surface Structures 50
    2.1 Experiments withMicrospheres . 50
    2.2 Lorentz–Mie theory and its extensions 57
    2.2.1 Lorentz–Mie theory of elastic scattering 58
    2.2.2 Theory of spontaneous emission . 62
    2.2.3 Mie scattering by concentrically stratified spheres . 65
    2.3 Peculiarities of the modes of an open spherical cavity . 65
    2.3.1 Indexes and order of a whispering-gallery mode 65
    2.3.2 The problem of normalization of the
    whispering-gallerymodes . 66
    2.4 Quality factor of a whispering-gallerymode . 69
    2.4.1 Radiative quality factor of an ideal dielectric sphere 69
    2.4.2 Effect of light absorption on the quality factor . 72
    2.4.3 Light scattering on inhomogeneities of the refractive
    index 72
    2.4.4 Effect of a spherical submicrometer-size inclusion . 76
    2.4.5 Comparison of different WGM-scattering models . 77
    2.4.6 Q factor of a loaded cavity 79
    3. Electromagnetic Eigen Oscillations and Fields in a
    Dielectric Microsphere with Multilayer Spherical Stack 81
    3.1 Introduction 81
    3.2 Geometry and Basic Equations 84
    3.3 Eigenfrequencies of the Spherical Resonator Coated
    by the Stack 86
    3.4 Radial Distribution of Fields . 91
    3.5 Discussions . 95
    3.6 Conclusion . 99
    4. Transmittance and Resonance Tunneling of the Optical
    Fields in the Microspherical Metal-Dielectric Structures 101
    4.1 Introduction 101
    4.2 Geometry and Basic Equations 103
    4.3 Results and Discussions 106
    4.4 Conclusion . 112
    Contents xiii
    5. Confinement of Electromagnetic Oscillations in a
    Dielectric Microsphere Coated by the Frequency
    Dispersive Multilayers 113
    5.1 Introduction 113
    5.2 Basic Equations 114
    5.3 Results and Discussions 116
    5.4 Conclusion . 120
    6. Oscillations in Microspheres with an Active Kernel 121
    6.1 Basic Equations . 122
    6.2 Results and Discussions . 123
    6.3 Conclusion 129
    7. Transfer Matrix Approach in a Non-Uniform Case 130
    7.1 Approach to a Non-UniformCase . 131
    7.2 Example. Non-UniformElectron’s Concentration 134
    II The Quantum Phenomena in Microspheres
    8. Coupling of Two-Level Atom with Electromagnetic Field 145
    8.1 Transitions under the Action of the
    Electromagnetic Field 147
    8.2 The Equations for Probability Amplitudes 148
    8.3 Derivation of the Equation for Polarization of TLA:
    Dielectric Permittivity . 150
    8.4 Temporal Dynamics of Polarization and the
    Probability Amplitudes . 153
    9. Classical Field 157
    9.1 Schr¨odinger Equation 157
    9.2 Matrix Formfor Two-Level Atom . 158
    10. Quantization of Electromagnetic Field 161
    10.1 Energy of Field . 162
    10.2 Structure of VacuumField . 166
    xiv Contents
    11. Schr¨odinger and Interaction Pictures 168
    11.1 Equations for the State Vectors 168
    11.2 Equations for Operators 171
    11.2.1 Operator’s calculations . 172
    12. Two-Level Atom (The Matrix Approach, a Quantized Field) 173
    12.1 Equations for Probability Amplitudes in
    Spherical Coordinates 178
    13. Dynamics of Spontaneous Emission of Two-Level Atom
    in Microspheres: Direct Calculation 182
    13.1 Introduction . 182
    13.2 Basic Equations . 185
    13.3 Results and Discussions . 190
    13.4 Triple photon state . 200
    13.4.1 Basic equations . 200
    13.4.2 Wigner function . 207
    13.5 Conclusions . 211
    III Numerical Methods and Object-Oriented
    Approach to the Problems of Multilayered
    14. Use of Numerical Experiment 217
    14.1 Introduction . 221
    14.2 The Brief Review of C++ Operators . 222
    14.2.1 Data . 222
    14.2.2 Operators 225
    14.2.3 Functions 230
    14.2.4 Interacting the data of class with
    member functions 237
    14.2.5 Classes 239
    14.2.6 Access to members . 240
    14.2.7 Virtual functions 243
    14.2.8 Overloading the mathematical operator 247
    Contents xv
    15. Exception Handling 250
    15.1 Code . 252
    16. Visual Programming: Controls, Events and Handlers 254
    16.1 DOS and Visual Programming . 254
    16.2 Controls, Events and Handlers . 255
    16.3 Graphical User Interface 259
    17. Quantum Electromagnetic Field 260
    17.1 Introduction . 260
    17.2 Code . 261
    17.3 Classes 264
    18. Root Finding for Nonlinear and Complex Equations 270
    18.1 Introduction . 270
    18.2 Code . 271
    18.3 Classes 275
    19. Evaluation of Complex ODE 284
    19.1 Introduction . 284
    19.2 Code . 285
    19.3 Classes 290
    20. The Complex Vectorial and Matrix Operations 293
    20.1 Introduction . 293
    20.2 Code . 294
    20.3 Classes 305
    21. Spontaneous Emission of Atom in Microsphere 324
    21.1 Introduction . 324
    21.2 Code . 327
    21.3 Classes 327
    22. Electromagnetic Oscillations in Layered Microsphere 340
    22.1 Introduction . 340
    xvi Contents
    Appendix A: Calculation of Field’s Energy in a Sphere 349
    Appendix B: Calculation of Surface Integral 352
    Appendix C: Continuity of Tangential Fields 353
    Appendix D: Integral on Bessel Functions 354
    Appendix E: Surface Integrals for Dipole 355
    Appendix F: Some Mathematical Formulas 357
    Appendix G: Various Head *.h Files 360
    Bibliography 364
    Index 377
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