Thạc Sĩ Digital content of display distribution system optimization for technology management applications 

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 17/11/15.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
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    Page iv
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    This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it
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    © Nguyen Nguyen Phuong Nam/MITM05014/2012-2015

    Page vi
    The main purpose of he Digital Content On The Display Distribution System
    (DCDDS) is to wherever and whenever you need to catch up on something
    information, DCDDS would provide an eye catching, cost effective, high impact
    mobility or static displaying for its target audiences. All proposed current
    multimedia display systems seem to meet this target basically. In fact, there are
    many firms or organizations have only limited to the management of website
    content, news or local news by text simply. These systems are often applied in the
    field of e-commerce. In the huge buildings such as shopping malls, supermarkets,
    cinemas, amusement parks, high-class apartments, museums, libraries, the
    multimedia display systems are deployed with the high cost due to long signal cable
    and multiple controllers, the digital contents stored in the memory of display
    devices would not changed rapidly and securely, inflexible to integrate with the
    running IT systems. Because the solution for these multimedia display systems do
    not apply the wireless network communication. Therefore, the efficient technologies
    are the essential need for these multimedia systems. The applications with the trend
    of wireless connectivity would demand the lower cost for the performance and the
    security. This thesis will go through the operation of the particular DCDDS, as well
    as the performance and the security for DCDDS. Then the operations and the
    quantitative assessments for DCDDS are also demonstrated in the open source
    operating system based on the VMware virtualization platform.
    Page vii
    ABSTRACT . vi
    1.1 Overview .1
    1.2 Problem Statement 2
    1.3 Methodology .2
    1.4 Thesis Scope and Limitation .5
    1.4.1 Thesis Scope .5
    1.4.2 Thesis Limitation 7
    1.5 Structure of Thesis 7
    2.1 Introduction of Multimedia Network 9
    2.2 The proposed Issues for Future Multimedia Networks .9
    2.3 Wireless Multimedia Communication 10
    2.4 Security for Wireless Multimedia Network 11
    2.4.1 For Network Infrastructure .11 The Preshared Key Mode 11 The Enterprise Mode .11
    2.4.2 Introduction of Video Compression Technologies 12
    2.4.3 For The Video Encryption Algorithms 14 Fully Layered Encryption 14 Permutation based Encryption 15 Selective Encryption .16 Perceptual Encryption .16
    3.1 Comparison of Microcontroller Unit (MCU) Technology 18
    3.1.1 Tiny210V2 .18 Page viii What Is Tiny210V2 ? 18 The Structure of Tiny210V2 .19 Assessment 19
    3.1.2 Raspberry Pi .19 What Is Raspberry Pi? .19 The Structure of Raspberry Pi .20 Assessment 20
    3.1.3 Difference between ARM and x86 21
    3.1.4 Apache Web Server 2.0 and The Earlier Versions 22 Apache MPM Prefork .22 Apache MPM Worker .23
    3.1.5 Apache Web Server 2.4 with Event MPM .24
    3.2 Comparison of Transcoding Technology 25
    3.2.1 Grass Vally with Canopus Procoder 25 Assessment 26
    3.2.2 Harmonic with Promedia Carbon .26 Assessment 26
    3.2.3 Telestream with Flipfactory .27 The Typical Product of FlipFactory 27 Assessment 27
    3.3 The Operation of DCDDS .28
    3.3.1 The Operation of Server Zone 29 The Operation of Web Server .30 The Operation of H264-Storage 31 The Operation of FlipFactory Farm 31
    3.3.2 The Operation of Terminal Zone .33 The Operation of Terminal 34 The Operation of Raspberry Pi model B+ .35
    4.1 Introduction .36
    4.2 Virtualization Limitation .36
    4.3 Virtualization Purposes .36
    4.4 Testing Scenarios 37
    4.4.1 Web Server .37
    4.4.2 H264-Storage .38
    4.4.3 FlipFactory Farm 38
    4.4.4 Raspberry Pi .39
    4.5 Testing Evaluation and Discussion .39
    4.5.1 Web Server .40 The Simple Content Test .40 Complex Dynamic Content Test .42
    4.5.2 H264-STORAGE .43 Performance Test for mp4 files .44 Performance Test for HD, SD files. 47
    4.5.3 FLIPFACTORY FARM .50
    4.5.4 RASPBERRY PI MODEL B+ .53 Consumption of unrefreshed Memory From 10MB To 50MB .54 Consumption of Refreshed Memory From 10MB To 50MB .55
    4.6 Virtualization Conclusion .57
    5.1 Conclusion .59
    5.2 Future Work 60
    APPENDIX .63
    Appendix A: Install VMWare Workstation 10.0.0 .63
    Appendix B: Configure Apache 2.2.15 Web Server and Apache 2.4.2. Web Server 63
    Appendix B1: Install Apache 2.2.15 Web Server .63
    Appendix B2: Install Apache 2.4.2 Web Server .65 Page x
    1. Compile and configure httpd-2.4.2.tar.gz with the Event MPM .65
    2. Compile and configure php-5.4.4.tar.bz2 69
    3. Compile and configure mysql-5.5.16.Tar.Gz 70
    4. Compile and configure phpMyadmin-4.2.10 for mysql-5.5.16.tar.gz 71
    Appendix B3: Issues of Security, Monitoring and Recording System Logs 72
    1. Performing SSH without entering password on OpenSSH .72
    2. Monitoring and Recording System Logs .72
    2.1 System Status 72
    2.2 Rsync Logs 72
    2.3 APACHE 2.4.2 Logs .72
    2.4 MYSQL Logs 72
    Appendix C: Configure H264-Storage 73
    Appendix C1: Install H264-Storage 73
    Appendix C2: Issues of Security, Monitoring and Recording System Logs 73
    1. Performing SSH without entering password on OpenSSH .73
    2. Monitoring and Recording System Logs .74
    2.1 System Status 74
    2.2 Rsync Logs 74
    2.3 Monitoring the failure of Raid device .74
    2.4 Samba Logs .74
    2.5 vsFTP Logs .75
    Appendix D: Configure FF1 and FF2 .75
    Appendix D1: Install and Configure FF1, FF2 .76
    Appendix D2: Issues of Security, Monitoring and Recording System Logs 77
    1. System Status 77
    2. FlipFactory Service .78
    3. Job Status .78
    Appendix E: Configure Terminal 78
    Appendix E1: Install Terminal 78 Page xi
    Appendix E2: Issues of security 79
    Appendix F: Install Raspberry Pi Model B .81
    Appendix F1: Issues of Performance, Security and Quality of Service 81
    1. Performance 81
    2. Security and Quality of Service (QoS) 82

    Page xii
    Figure 1. Multimedia information display system of SUN-TECH IDS .3
    Figure 2. The proposed DCDDS in Viet Nam 4
    Figure 3. Technical Card in Infosys+ 6
    Figure 4.The advertising spots of HTV7, HTV9 and THVL1 6
    Figure 5. IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN in OSI reference model .10
    Figure 6. The model of IEEE 802.11 at physical layer .11
    Figure 7. Selective Encryption System .16
    Figure 8. Tiny210V2 .18
    Figure 9. The structure of Tiny210V2 19
    Figure 10. Raspberry Pi model B+ 20
    Figure 11. The structure of Raspberry Pi model B+ .20
    Figure 12. Market share of the top million busiest sites .22
    Figure 13. The Prefork Multi Processing Module 23
    Figure 14. The Worker Multi Processing Module 24
    Figure 15. The proposed model of DCDDS 29
    Figure 16. The operation of DCDDS in server zone .30
    Figure 17. Factory Farm in DCDDS .33
    Figure 18. The operation of DCDDS in terminal zone .34
    Figure 19. The testing scenarios in the server zone 37
    Figure 20. The testing scenarios in terminal zone .39
    Figure 21. Mean transaction time for simple content test .41
    Figure 22. Mean transaction time for complex dynamic content test .43
    Figure 23. Performance for file size from 10MB to 50MB – IPOPs 45
    Figure 24. Performance for file size from 10MB to 50MB - Throughput 46
    Figure 25. Performance for file size from 150MB to 400MB – IPOPs 48
    Figure 26. Performance for file size from 150MB to 400MB - Throughput 49
    Figure 27. The TimeDuration of the FlipFactory server history at HTV .52
    Figure 28. The capacity of file on FTP Sever at HTV 53 Page xiii
    Figure 29. Consumption of unrefreshed memory for file size 10MB to 50MB .54
    Figure 30. Consumption of refreshed memory for file size 10MB to 50MB .56

    Page xiv
    Table 1. MPEG and VCEG .13
    Table 2. Comparison of Video Encryption Algorithms 17
    Table 3. Simulation setup parameters for Apache 2.4 Web Server 38
    Table 4. Simulation setup parameters for H264-Storage 38
    Table 5. Simulation setup parameters for file size from 10 MB to 50MB .39
    Table 6. ab parameters 40
    Table 7. The data of mean transaction time for simple content test .41
    Table 8. The data of mean transaction time for complex dynamic content test .42
    Table 9. fio parameters 44
    Table 10. H264-Storage performance from 10MB to 50MB for mp4 files 44
    Table 11. The default block size in Linux system 46
    Table 12. The write penalty of RAID .47
    Table 13. H264-Storage performance from 150MB to 400MB for HD, SD files 47
    Table 14. IOPs for RAID 5 and minNumDisks 49
    Table 15. Performance of the process of transcoding and delivering files .50
    Table 16. The data for I/O Write Bytes on the FlipFactory server at HTV 51
    Table 17. Parameters for the theory formula 53
    Table 18. Consumption of unrefreshed memory from 10MB to 50MB .54
    Table 19. Parameters for consumption of unrefreshed memory .55
    Table 20. Consumption of refreshed memory from 10MB to 50 MB 56
    Table 21. Parameters for consumption of refreshed memory .57
    Table 22. mdadm parameters for indicating RAID device failure 74
    Table 23. The profile of MPG to MP4HD 76
    Table 24. The profile of MPG to MP4SD .76
    Table 25. The profile of MPG4 TO MP4TRIM 77

    Page 1
    1.1 Overview
    Recent years, it has been marked that the rapid, powerful development of
    information technology and microprocessor technology, that leads many kinds of IT
    equipment become compact, many functions, and portability. Many manufacturers
    have indeed concentrated on producing the credit card sized single-board computers
    (SBC) with full of computer ports. These single-board computers embedding the
    open-source OS and support IP based applications. Seamless connectivity becomes
    more popular and preferable for these applications, it means that applications
    achieve the diversity of using purposes and ready in connection with existing
    multimedia display devices such as the high definition TV (HDTV) (1920×1080
    pixels about 2.07 megapixels per frame). Along with the popularity of IEEE
    802.11n standard (frequency 5 GHz, maximum speed 600 Mbps, activities range 50
    -125m), the ability of communication and integration into these embedded systems
    to distribute and show the digital contents richer and more flexible. Which is
    the purpose of activities from DCDDS (Digital Content on the Distribution
    Display System). To meet these requirements, DCDDS looked for its digital content
    solution with Apache 2.4 Web Server based on the Linux platform which the Event
    MPM would dedicate the threads for the new requests, RAID-based Storage System
    based on the command line Linux platform which ensures the security and the data
    integrity as well as the performance in any given situation, Telestream FlipFactory
    which is a standard for transcoding, delivering the digital contents automatically
    and securely, Terminal based on the graphic Linux platform which is shell script
    programmed for distributing the digital contents into Raspbery Pi model B+
    securely with the lower cost, Raspberry Pi model B+ is a microcontroller which has
    the capable of a computer for receiving the encoded contents automatically and
    securely, then decoding and displaying the digital HD signals on HDTV with
    standard HDMI. All of them incorporate together tightly. Therefore DCDDS would be the better candidate for the current multimedia display
    systems with the ability for the performance and the security. Although, this thesis
    would not cover all technical aspects of multimedia display system. DCDDS is nice
    to support a diversity of eye-catching contents, including video, static displaying
    and resolves the problems from the management to the effectiveness of the mode of
    information transmission. Thus DCDDS would be one of the models would applied
    in Viet Nam for near future.
    1.2 Problem Statement
    Looking at the history of the multimedia display system development, every
    multimedia display system has its own display purposes, so they have their own
    advantages and disadvantages. The newer system seem to have the better features as
    they improve their previous disadvantages, and especially they always developed
    based on their own hardware technology. In these multimedia display systems, they
    aim to the HD quality of the digital contents in wired network where is much more
    stable and reliable than wireless network. Furthermore, the wired network have
    hardware resources stronger than a wireless network. Actually, there are quite many
    paper and thesis about the wired digital multimedia system. This thesis target is to
    approach with a wireless display distribution system of the digital multimedia
    achieving HD quality which based Linux platform.
    This thesis also mentions the performance and the security of DCDDS model during
    the displaying and distribution process of its digital contents. In the other words,
    DCDDS is almost based on the Linux platform, so potentially leading to the
    diversity in its own display purposes. This point is considered as a little contribution
    of this thesis.
    1.3 Methodology
    Sun-Tech IDS is a leading service audiovisual provider in Hong Kong which
    develops the high quality products for worldwide customers. SUN-TECH IDS
    technologies based on the hardware are the multimedia display systems which
    support the diversity for the video formats in the wired network environment. The
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