Tài liệu Developing Web Applications With Visual Basic Net And Visual C Sharp Net

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Chapter 1, “Introduction to Web Programming,” introduces you to the concepts and terms used throughout this book, including how Web applications work, the parts of a Web application, how the .NET Framework is organized, and how to use the Visual Studio programming environment. The sections in this chapter are intended to provide a high-level overview of concepts that are explained in greater detail in subsequent chapters.
    Chapter 2, “Creating Web Forms Applications,” teaches how to create a Web application using Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET. You learn how to start a new project, create a basic user interface, write code to respond to events, and preserve data within your application. Because ASP.NET is integrated with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), you also learn about IIS and how to use it to organize your Web application.
    Chapter 3, “Working with Web Objects,” explains creating and organizing objects in Visual Studio .NET, using the objects provided by ASP.NET, and saving objects and data between requests to Web forms. Visual Basic, Visual C#, and ASP.NET are based on a common framework, so the object-oriented programming techniques you learn in this chapter apply through all aspects of .NET programming.
    Chapter 4, “Creating a User Interface,” demonstrates how to use ASP.NET controls to create a user interface for a multi-page Web forms application. This chapter teaches you about different styles of Web forms, how to choose controls based on the tasks you want to perform, how to validate data fields, and how to navigate between the Web forms in your application.
    Chapter 5, “Storing and Retrieving Data with ADO.NET,” shows how to use ADO.NET to access and modify data stored in SQL and OLE databases from Web forms. You learn about the data tools included with Visual Studio and how to use them to create connections to, get records from, and perform commands on databases. You will also learn how to display data on a Web form using either data binding or code. Finally, you learn how to use transactions to maintain the integrity of a database.
    Chapter 6, “Catching and Correcting Errors,” explains how to deal with problems that may occur in your application due to external circumstances. This chapter helps you identify, anticipate, and handle these types of problems effectively within your application.
    Chapter 7, “Advanced Web Forms Programming,” teaches how to perform advanced programming tasks that don' t fit neatly into any other category. Although you can successfully create Web applications without knowing the topics covered in this chapter, the lessons found here are an important part of mainstream Web programming and they help complete your skill set.
    Chapter 8, “Maintaining Security,” covers how to control access to your Web application using the three different techniques that ASP.NET provides for identifying and authorizing users. You also learn how to secure data transmitted across the Internet so that it cannot be read by others.
    Chapter 9, “Building and Deploying Web Applications,” describes how to publish your completed Web applications on a Web server for general use. You also learn how to monitor and maintain the application once it is in use so that it continues to perform well as the demands of your users change.
    Chapter 10, “Testing Web Applications,” teaches how to systematically test your Web application during development. You learn how to plan, create, run, and correct problems found by tests.
    Chapter 11, “Creating Custom Web Controls,” demonstrates how to create your own, custom user-interface components. This chapter explains the different types of controls you can create, describes the relative advantages of each, and shows you how to create each different type of control.
    Chapter 12, “Working with Multimedia,” shows how to add sound, video, and animation to Web applications and how to control their display and playback in code.
    Chapter 13, “Formatting Web Application Output,” teaches you how to format the user interface of a Web application using cascading style sheets (CSS) and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT). This chapter explains the best uses for each formatting technique and tells you how to combine the two techniques.
    Chapter 14, “Providing Help,” discusses the different ways that you can display user assistance (Help) from within a Web application. You learn how to use the HTML Help Workshop to create compiled Help files, and how to display those files from a Web application interactively.
    Chapter 15, “Globalizing Web Applications,” explains how to detect a user' s culture and create appropriate responses, ranging from redirecting the user to a separate, localized Web application, to handing cultural differences within code and displaying a localized user interface.
    The appendix, “Questions and Answers,” lists all of the review questions from the book, showing the page number for each question and the suggested answer.
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