Thạc Sĩ Designing an expert system for commercial loan decisions

Thảo luận trong 'Ngân Hàng' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
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    Điểm thành tích:

    Huynh Ngoc Lieu

    A Research Study submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
    Master of Business Administration

    Examination Committee Prof. Jyoti P. Gupta (Chairman)
    Dr. Do Ba Khang
    Dr. R. Sadananda
    Nationality Vietnamese
    Previous degree Bachelor of Economics
    HoChiMinh City University of Economics
    HoChiMinh City, Vietnam

    Scholarship Donor Government of Switzerland

    Asian Institute of Technology
    School of Management
    Bangkok, Thailand
    April, 1996


    Behind every achievement lies an unfathomable sea of gratitude to those who actuated it, without whom it would never have come into existence. To them I lay the words of gratitude imprinted deep within me.

    I place on record my gratitude to my Advisor, Prof. J.P.Gupta, who kindly gave me the valuable time, knowledge, and advice to develop and complete my research.

    I owe a deep indebtedness, which I acknowledge with pleasure and am sincerely thankful to my Committee members, Dr Do Ba Khang and Dr. R. Sadananda, for their precious advises in serving as members of the examination committee.

    Thanks are due to Mr. Dominique Rohner, Director of SAV program for his help and encouragement during the learning period in Vietnam as well as AIT.

    I thank all the members of the SAV program, specially those who sincerely gave me a lots of help.

    I would like to express my deep appreciation to the Government of Switzerland for providing me with a scholarship to pursue my M.B.A at AIT by the SAV program in Vietnam.

    I wish to thank my all friends, colleagues at my faculty at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, specially those who geared up my confidence and revived my spirits, every time I was feeling down.

    I thank my mother, for giving me everything in my life and teaching me the way it should be.


    The primary job of a loan officer is to decide on the conditions of a loan. To do this, the loan officer has to track the applicant’s credit history as well as check previous and current financial status. The nature of the task is repetitive, yet unstructured. To improve the throughput and accuracy of loans granted and to insure greater consistency of loan review, several credit analysis expert system have been developed.

    This study gives the design of an expert system for commercial loan decisions. It can help loan officers to reduce the time devoted to the analysis in evaluating loan applicants and to improve the quality of the evaluation. The domain of credit analysis application covered by this study is to analize commercial loans for industrial or retail borrowers, and it will work for loans of any size.



    Title Page i
    Acknowledgments ii
    Abstract iii
    Table of Contents iv
    Abbreviations v
    List of Figures vi

    1 Introduction 1
    1.1. Rationale 1
    1.2. Objective 2
    1.3. Scope of the Research 3

    2 Literature Review 4
    2.1. Financial Perspective 4
    2.2. Existent Systems 8
    2.3. Relative Comparison between Methodologies 9

    3 Theoretical Considerations 12
    3.1. Credit Analysis: What Make a Good Loan? 12
    3.2. Financial Ratio Analysis of a Customer’s Financial Statements 14
    3.3. Commercial Loan Decision Making Process 19
    3.4. Architecture of Expert Systems 19
    3.5. Applying Expert System to Commercial Loan Decisions 24

    4 Design and Methodology 26
    4.1. Methodology 26
    4.2. Design 26
    4.2.1. Overall Structure Design 26
    4.2.2. Implementing Knowledge Base Design 28

    5 Conclusions and Recommendations 50
    5.1. Overview 50
    5.2. Recommendations 51

    References 53
    Appendix 1: Running the Program 55
    Appendix 2: System Information 76
    Appendix 3: Sample Reports 89


    CP Current Period
    PP Prior Period
    PY Prior Year
    LFY Last Fiscal Year
    CM Current Maturities
    LTD Long-Term Debt
    ELTD Existing Long-Term Debt
    CMLTD Current Maturities Long-Term Debt
    NLTD New Long-Term Debt
    CMNLTD Current Maturities New Long-Term Debt
    TNW Tangible Net Worth
    ST Short-Term
    STD Short-Term Debt
    N/A Not Applicable
    SG&A Sales, General and Administrative Expenses
    COGS Cost of Goods Sold
    NP Notes Payable
    Ave Average
    Pro Prorated
    CO Class Override
    Abs Absolute Value
    B/S Balance Sheet
    I/S Income Statement
    R/E Retained Earnings
    CVLI Cash Value Life Insurance
    A/P Accounts Payable
    A/R Accounts Receivable
    NR Notes Receivable
    Liab Liabilities
    Non-Int Non-Interest
    Non-Curr Non-Current
    EBITDA Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation Amortization
    EBIT Earnings Before Interest Taxes
    Sub Subordinated


    2.1 Loan Negotiation Phases
    2.2 Hierarchical Model of the Loan Evaluation process
    3.1 Commercial Loan Decision Making Process
    3.2 Generic Architecture of Conventional Expert System
    4.1 Overall Structure Design
    4.2 Database Structure
    4.3 Rulebase Structure