Sách Defense and Detection Strategies against Internet Worms - Jose Nazario

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    Defense and Detection Strategies against Internet Worms - Jose Nazario

    For quite a long time, computer security was a rather narrow field of
    study that was populated mainly by theoretical computer scientists, electrical
    engineers, and applied mathematicians. With the proliferation of open
    systems in general, and of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) in
    particular, this situation has changed fundamentally. Today, computer and
    network practitioners are equally interested in computer security, since they
    require technologies and solutions that can be used to secure applications
    related to electronic commerce. Against this background, the field of computer
    security has become very broad and includes many topics of interest.
    The aim of this series is to publish state-of-the-art, high standard technical
    books on topics related to computer security. Further information about the
    series can be found on the WWW at the following URL:
    Also, if you’d like to contribute to the series by writing a book about a topic
    related to computer security, feel free to contact either the Commissioning
    Editor or the Series Editor at Artech House.

    For a listing of recent titles in the Artech House
    Computer Security Series, turn to the back of this book.

    Foreword . xvii
    Preface xxi
    Acknowledgments xxvii
    1 Introduction . 1
    1.1 Why worm-based intrusions? 2
    1.2 The new threat model 3
    1.3 A new kind of analysis requirement 4
    1.4 The persistent costs of worms 5
    1.5 Intentions of worm creators 6
    1.6 Cycles of worm releases 7
    1.6 References 8
    Part I Background and Taxonomy 9
    2 Worms Defined 11
    2.1 A formal definition 12
    2.2 The five components of a worm 12
    2.3 Finding new victims: reconnaissance 14
    2.4 Taking control: attack 15
    2.5 Passing messages: communication 15
    2.6 Taking orders: command interface 16
    2.7 Knowing the network: intelligence 17
    2.8 Assembly of the pieces 18
    2.9 Ramen worm analysis 19
    2.10 Conclusions 21
    2.10 References 21
    3 Worm Traffic Patterns 23
    3.1 Predicted traffic patterns 23
    3.1.1 Growth patterns 23
    3.1.2 Traffic scan and attack patterns 25
    3.2 Disruption in Internet backbone activities 26
    3.2.1 Routing data 26
    3.2.2 Multicast backbone 27
    3.2.3 Infrastructure servers 28
    3.3 Observed traffic patterns 28
    3.3.1 From a large network 28
    3.3.2 From a black hole monitor 30
    3.3.3 From an individual host 31
    3.4 Conclusions 34
    3.4 References 34
    4 Worm History and Taxonomy 37
    4.1 The beginning 38
    4.1.1 Morris worm, 1988 39
    4.1.2 HI.COM VMS worm, 1988 41
    4.1.3 DECNet WANK worm, 1989 42
    4.1.4 Hacking kits 43
    4.2 UNIX targets 44
    4.2.1 ADMw0rm-v1, 1998 44
    4.2.2 ADM Millennium worm, 1999 45
    4.2.3 Ramen, 2000 46
    4.2.4 1i0n worm, 2001 47
    4.2.5 Cheese worm, 2001 48
    4.2.6 sadmind/IIS worm, 2001 48
    4.2.7 X.c: Telnetd worm, 2001 49
    4.2.8 Adore, 2001 49
    4.2.9 Apache worms, 2002 50
    4.2.10 Variations on Apache worms 51
    4.3 Microsoft Windows and IIS targets 53
    4.3.1 mIRC Script.ini worm, 1997 53
    4.3.2 Melissa, 1999 54
    4.3.3 Love Letter worm, 2001 54
    4.3.4 911 worm, 2001 55
    4.3.5 Leaves worm, 2001 56
    4.3.6 Code Red, 2001 56
    4.3.7 Code Red II, 2001 58
    4.3.8 Nimda, 2001 59
    4.3.9 Additional e-mail worms 60
    4.3.10 MSN Messenger worm, 2002 60
    4.3.11 SQL Snake, 2002 61
    4.3.12 Deloder, 2002–2003 62
    4.3.13 Sapphire, 2003 62
    4.4 Related research 63
    4.4.1 Agent systems 64
    4.4.2 Web spiders 64
    4.5 Conclusions 65
    4.5 References 65
    5 Construction of a Worm . 69
    5.1 Target selection 69
    5.1.1 Target platform 70
    5.1.2 Vulnerability selection 71
    5.2 Choice of languages 72
    5.2.1 Interpreted versus compiled languages 72
    5.3 Scanning techniques 74
    5.4 Payload delivery mechanism 75
    5.5 Installation on the target host 76
    5.6 Establishing the worm network 77
    5.7 Additional considerations 78
    5.8 Alternative designs 78
    5.9 Conclusions 80
    5.9 References 80
    Part II Worm Trends 81
    6 Infection Patterns . 83
    6.1 Scanning and attack patterns 83
    6.1.1 Random scanning 83
    6.1.2 Random scanning using lists 85
    6.1.3 Island hopping 86
    6.1.4 Directed attacking 87
    6.1.5 Hit-list scanning 88
    6.2 Introduction mechanisms 89
    6.2.1 Single point 89
    6.2.2 Multiple point 90
    6.2.3 Widespread introduction with a delayed trigger 90
    6.3 Worm network topologies 91
    6.3.1 Hierarchical tree 91
    6.3.2 Centrally connected network 93
    6.3.3 Shockwave Rider-type and guerilla networks 94
    6.3.4 Hierarchical networks 95
    6.3.5 Mesh networks 96
    6.4 Target vulnerabilities 97
    6.4.1 Prevalence of target 97
    6.4.2 Homogeneous versus heterogeneous targets 98
    6.5 Payload propagation 99
    6.5.1 Direct injection 99
    6.5.2 Child to parent request 100
    6.5.3 Central source or sources 101
    6.6 Conclusions 102
    6.6 References 102
    7 Targets of Attack . 103
    7.1 Servers 103
    7.1.1 UNIX servers 104
    7.1.2 Windows servers 104
    7.2 Desktops and workstations 105
    7.2.1 Broadband users 105
    7.2.2 Intranet systems 107
    7.2.3 New client applications 107
    7.3 Embedded devices 108
    7.3.1 Routers and infrastructure equipment 109
    7.3.2 Embedded devices 109
    7.4 Conclusions 110
    7.4 References 110
    8 Possible Futures for Worms 113
    8.1 Intelligent worms 113
    8.1.1 Attacks against the intelligent worm 117
    8.2 Modular and upgradable worms 118
    8.2.1 Attacks against modular worms 121
    8.3 Warhol and Flash worms 122
    8.3.1 Attacks against the Flash worm model 125
    8.4 Polymorphic traffic 126
    8.5 Using Web crawlers as worms 127
    8.6 Superworms and Curious Yellow 129
    8.6.1 Analysis of Curious Yellow 130
    8.7 Jumping executable worm 130
    8.8 Conclusions 131
    8.8.1 Signs of the future 132
    8.8.2 A call to action 132
    8.8 References 132
    Part III Detection . 135
    9 Traffic Analysis 137
    9.1 Part overview 137
    9.2 Introduction to traffic analysis 138
    9.3 Traffic analysis setup 139
    9.3.1 The use of simulations 141
    9.4 Growth in traffic volume 142
    9.4.1 Exponential growth of server hits 143
    9.5 Rise in the number of scans and sweeps 143
    9.5.1 Exponential rise of unique sources 145
    9.5.2 Correlation analysis 147
    9.5.3 Detecting scans 148
    9.6 Change in traffic patterns for some hosts 148
    9.7 Predicting scans by analyzing the scan engine 150
    9.8 Discussion 156
    9.8.1 Strengths of traffic analysis 156
    9.8.2 Weaknesses of traffic analysis 156
    9.9 Conclusions 158
    9.10 Resources 158
    9.10.1 Packet capture tools 158
    9.10.2 Flow analysis tools 158
    9.10 References 159
    10 Honeypots and Dark (Black Hole) Network Monitors 161
    10.1 Honeypots 162
    10.1.1 Risks of using honeypots 163
    10.1.2 The use of honeypots in worm analysis 163
    10.1.3 An example honeypot deployment 164
    10.2 Black hole monitoring 164
    10.2.1 Setting up a network black hole 166
    10.2.2 An example black hole monitor 167
    10.2.3 Analyzing black hole data 167
    10.3 Discussion 170
    10.3.1 Strengths of honeypot monitoring 170
    10.3.2 Weaknesses of honeypot monitoring 171
    10.3.3 Strengths of black hole monitoring 171
    10.3.4 Weaknesses of black hole monitoring 172
    10.4 Conclusions 172
    10.5 Resources 173
    10.5.1 Honeypot resources 173
    10.5.2 Black hole monitoring resources 173
    10.5 References 208
    11 Signature-Based Detection 175
    11.1 Traditional paradigms in signature analysis 176
    11.1.1 Worm signatures 177
    11.2 Network signatures 177
    11.2.1 Distributed intrusion detection 179
    11.3 Log signatures 180
    11.3.1 Logfile processing 181
    11.3.2 A more versatile script 184
    11.3.3 A central log server 188
    11.4 File system signatures 190
    11.4.1 Chkrootkit 190
    11.4.2 Antivirus products 192
    11.4.3 Malicious payload content 194
    11.5 Analyzing the Slapper worm 195
    11.6 Creating signatures for detection engines 198
    11.6.1 For NIDS use 198
    11.6.2 For logfile analysis 200
    11.6.3 For antivirus products and file monitors 201
    11.7 Analysis of signature-based detection 204
    11.7.1 Strengths of signature-based detection methods 204
    11.7.2 Weaknesses in signature-based detection methods 205
    11.8 Conclusions 206
    11.9 Resources 206
    11.9.1 Logfile analysis tools 206
    11.9.2 Antivirus tools 207
    11.9.3 Network intrusion detection tools 207
    13.6 References 208
    Part IV Defenses . 209
    12 Host-Based Defenses 211
    12.1 Part overview 211
    12.2 Host defense in depth 213
    12.3 Host firewalls 213
    12.4 Virus detection software 214
    12.5 Partitioned privileges 216
    12.6 Sandboxing of applications 219
    12.7 Disabling unneeded services and features 221
    12.7.1 Identifying services 221
    12.7.2 Features within a service 223
    12.8 Aggressively patching known holes 223
    12.9 Behavior limits on hosts 225
    12.10 Biologically inspired host defenses 227
    12.11 Discussion 229
    12.11.1 Strengths of host-based defense strategies 229
    12.11.2 Weaknesses of host-based defense strategies 229
    12.12 Conclusions 230
    12.11 References 230
    13 Firewall and Network Defenses 233
    13.1 Example rules 234
    13.2 Perimeter firewalls 236
    13.2.1 Stopping existing worms 237
    13.2.2 Preventing future worms 238
    13.2.3 Inbound and outbound rules 238
    13.3 Subnet firewalls 239
    13.3.1 Defending against active worms 239
    13.4 Reactive IDS deployments 239
    13.4.1 Dynamically created rulesets 240
    13.5 Discussion 242
    13.5.1 Strengths of firewall defenses 242
    13.5.2 Weaknesses of firewall systems 242
    13.6 Conclusions 242
    13.6 References 243
    14 Proxy-Based Defenses . 245
    14.1 Example configuration 246
    14.1.1 Client configuration 248
    14.2 Authentication via the proxy server 249
    14.3 Mail server proxies 249
    14.4 Web-based proxies 251
    14.5 Discussion 253
    14.5.1 Strengths of proxy-based defenses 253
    14.5.2 Weaknesses of proxy-based defenses 253
    14.6 Conclusions 254
    14.7 Resources 254
    14.7 References 254
    15 Attacking the Worm Network . 257
    15.1 Shutdown messages 259
    15.2 “I am already infected” 260
    15.3 Poison updates 261
    15.4 Slowing down the spread 262
    15.5 Legal implications of attacking worm nodes 263
    15.6 A more professional and effective way to stop worms 264
    15.7 Discussion 266
    15.7.1 Strengths of attacking the worm network 266
    15.7.2 Weaknesses of attacking the worm network 266
    15.8 Conclusions 267
    15.8 References 267
    16 Conclusions . 269
    16.1 A current example 269
    16.2 Reacting to worms 270
    16.2.1 Detection 271
    16.2.2 Defenses 272
    16.3 Blind spots 273
    16.4 The continuing threat 273
    16.4.1 Existing worms 274
    16.4.2 Future worms 274
    16.5 Summary 275
    16.6 On-line resources 275
    16.6.1 RFC availability 275
    16.6.2 Educational material 275
    16.6.3 Common vendor resources 275
    16.6.4 Vendor-neutral sites 276
    16.6 References 277
    About the Author . 279
    Index . 281
    When I first heard about the concept of an Internet worm—long before I
    had my first close encounter with the network, back in the ages of its
    innocence—I was simply charmed—charmed and strangely attracted. It is difficult
    to answer why—in those days, the term did not seem to be synonymous
    with destruction, but with ingenuity—and something simply captivating hid
    behind such a broad and apparently trivial idea. Worms were a threat to be
    feared, but also the promise of a challenge. This promise put a sparkle into the
    eyes of many computer enthusiasts, people fascinated with the world of a
    machine—call them hackers if you wish—who, even though most of them
    would never admit this, walked a thin line between ambition and humility,
    imagination and reality, and the law and a common crime, people who would
    often find themselves on different sides of the barricade because of blind luck
    or sheer chance and not because of fundamental differences in how they perceived
    their world. For many, this world was the network.
    Those were the naive years, for me and for my colleagues. We had faced
    a fascinating idea that brought an expectation of a spectacular progress, a
    mental exercise for both those who defend the network and those who have
    chosen a less righteous path and we subconsciously hoped for the idea to
    become a reality. We both feared and admired this perspective, for we
    understood that it could not be undone. We waited for the inevitable to
    come, for the next Morris worm perhaps—an elegant, fresh, novel, and
    effective predator that would make us feel good, once more fighting arm to
    arm against the threat that had to and would be stopped. We wanted to be
    amazed, and wanted to win a spectacular battle with no casualties. The last
    thing we imagined was that worms would become just another vector of
    pointless and mindless destruction. Why would they?
    The last few years of the 1990s turned out to be a sudden and crude
    wakeup call. The reality turned those rusty ideals and silly dreams into
    empty words that I am ashamed to write. Worms turned out to be rude and
    primitive vandals, annoyances, and scavengers preying on the weak. Many
    have seen a significant regression in how those programs were developed
    and how the authors used the heritage of worms’ ancestors, “unplugged”
    viruses, which were creations with an extensive history of a constant and
    quite dramatic arms race. The Morris worm, even though fairly simple,
    seemed to be simply far more advanced and sophisticated than what came
    much later. The term became synonymous with bloat and malice. The most
    ambitious goal was to perform a denial of service attack against a wellknown
    target, so that the author gets his or her 5 minutes in the media. The
    “real” worm was nowhere to be found, and so we became frustrated with
    the painful predictability of the reality, and with the fact the network did
    not seem to be able to learn from its past mistakes, falling victim for the
    same almost effortless trick over and over again.
    It is important to educate, and I do feel it is a duty of every IT security
    professional to help others, often first convincing them they need to be
    helped, but what would I have told Jose then? I think would have advised
    him against writing this book, mostly because there was not much essential
    knowledge to add since David Ferbrache’s excellent book, which was the
    first book I read on this subject, and what good would there be in having a
    new book on the market?
    Today, however, partly because of Jose’s work, we are on the brink of a
    new era in worm development and prevention. The revolution is not coming,
    but we are starting to comprehend that simplicity can give a serious
    advantage, we are starting to learn, from some seemingly uninteresting incidents,
    how complex and surprising the dynamics of a worm ecosystem are
    and how they change because of a virtually irrelevant difference in a target
    selection algorithm or worm size. We are beginning to discover how to predict
    and analyze incidents better, and we are finally starting to use our
    brains to do so. Worm authors are beginning to notice that in a world that
    slowly but constantly obtains better defense systems and becomes more
    coordinated in its response against new threats, their developments must be
    smarter and better prepared. We are at a point where a new arms race is
    beginning and where we have enough data and understanding to observe
    the marvels of worm dynamics as they happen. For enthusiasts, the field is
    becoming a fascinating subject again; for professionals, the defense against
    worms is becoming more of a challenge and requires them to comprehend
    the entire world of such a creation much better.
    Today, I am very glad a book like this is going to be published, and I am
    glad Jose is the one to write it. Although our paths have crossed only
    recently—3 years ago—I know he is an enthusiast at heart, and simply in
    love with his subject of choice, and that is what makes him seek the right
    answer instead of just stating the obvious. His academic background lets
    him look at the life of a worm from a new, fresh perspective—but he is also
    an IT professional, speaking from an authoritative position and carefully
    avoiding common traps that lurk for the newcomers to the field. Although
    this is exactly the kind of praise a reader expects from a foreword, I strongly
    believe it could not get any better than having him here. The effect of his
    work—this book—is a first true overview of the history, techniques, trends,
    goals, and prospects in worm development, but also a solid dose of enlightening
    commentary, insight, original concepts, and predictions, always
    backed with a reasonable and unbiased analysis—a virtue hard to find in
    this complex and rapidly developing field. It is a very important contribution
    to this still-chaotic and fragmented field of research—and for that reason, I
    am truly glad that Jose gave me a chance to contribute to the book.
    Have a good reading.
    Michal Zalewski
    Security Researcher and Analyst
    Warsaw, Poland
    October 2003

    The recent security history of the Internet is plagued with worms with colorful
    names: Melissa, Code Red, Sapphire, Nimda, and Ramen. All of
    these names commonly inspire knowing looks in the faces of network and
    security engineers. They remember the scramble to clean up the mess and
    contain the damage, countless hours or even days of damage inventory and
    cleanup, and the hours off-line.
    Melissa was not the first time a worm hit the Internet, and Sapphire
    won’t be the last. As I was writing this book, several new worms appeared
    and by the time you have read it, several more new ones will have surfaced.
    My own experience with worms had been tangential up until early
    2001. I had, of course, been curious about them, hearing reports of the Morris
    worm from 1988. As I was investigating several large incidents in the late
    1990s, I started to see an increasing use of automation by worm creators.
    This ultimately to the ADMw0rm, several variants, and many other worms.
    Early in 2001, before Code Red and Nimda and during the spread of
    Ramen, I began work on a paper titled “The Future of Internet Worms” [1].
    Together with Rick Wash, Chris Connelly, and Jeremy Anderson, we outlined
    several facets of new worms and made proposals about where worms
    could be headed. Most importantly, we attempted to encourage people to
    think about new directions in detection and defense strategies. The idea
    behind the paper, namely, the dissection of worms into six basic components,
    was more or less a “moment.” From there, the rest of it fell into place.
    The detection and defense strategies took the longest to develop because we
    wanted to do them right.
    That paper and its analysis forms the core of this book. Artech
    approached me in early 2002 to write this book and I was quite excited to do
    so, especially since I hadn’t seen a book on worms yet. Given the new challenges
    worms bring to the security professional, from the automation to the
    patterns of spread they use, worms need to be treated as more than close
    cousins of viruses.
    I hope this book fills a gap in Internet security discussions, and I hope it
    does so well. My goal was to write a book that could be used by a wide audience,
    particularly a more academic audience.
    Intended audience
    The book is written by an information security professional with several
    years of hands-on experience. The intended audience of this book is a similar
    set of professionals, namely:
    ◗ Security professionals. This book should assist in putting the rising
    trends of worms into perspective and provide valuable information in
    detection and defense techniques. While some of the material here is
    theoretical, much is practically oriented.
    ◗ Information security researchers. At the time of this writing, this is the only
    book focusing solely on worms. Many reviewers have lumped worms
    together with viruses and other malicious mobile code but have failed
    to discuss their differences adequately. Worms have their own kinetics
    and features which work both for them and against them, as described
    in this book.
    ◗ Computer scientists. Information security is quickly becoming a more
    widely accessible education topic. This book is intended to supplement
    a course in network and system security.
    Layout of this book
    This book is laid out in four major parts. The first part provides background
    information for the field of worms research. This includes a formal definition
    of worms (Chapter 2), a discussion of the traffic they generate (Chapter
    3), and the history and taxonomy of worms in Chapter 4. This section concludes
    by examining how a worm is constructed and how its major life cycle
    steps are implemented (Chapter 5).
    The second part examines trends observed with network worms. It
    begins with a look at the infection patterns used by worms, including the
    network topologies they generate and the traffic patterns seen there (Chapter
    6). The targets that worms have attacked over the years, including the
    likely targets of the immediate future, are discussed in Chapter 7. Last, an
    analysis of several papers that analyze the potential and likely futures of
    worms is presented in Chapter 8.
    The third and fourth parts are more practical and attempt to use and
    build on the knowledge discussed in the first two sections. Part III analyzes
    how to detect worms, both in their early and late stages, using a variety of
    mechanisms. The strengths and weaknesses of three approaches—traffic
    analysis (Chapter 9), honeypots and dark network monitors (Chapter 10),
    and signature analysis (Chapter 11)—are discussed.
    The last part looks at ways to defend against network worms. Four major
    methods are discussed including host-based defenses in Chapter 12, network
    firewalls and filters (Chapter 13), application layer proxies (Chapter
    14), and a direct attack on the worm network itself in Chapter 15. The merits
    of each approach are analyzed and several examples are given for each
    Readers will notice that the bulk of the material is in the third section
    and covers detection of worms. This was done for several major reasons.
    First, the detection of a worm when compared to an attacker acting alone
    requires a different set of data. When a worm is active, the time remaining
    to defend the network is dramatically shorter than it would be with a lone
    attacker. The second reason for the bias of the book’s contents is the fact
    that the strategies for defending against any worm are similar to those for
    defending against any attacker. However, the defenses must be raised more
    quickly and can sometimes be automated. Third, detection techniques hold
    substantially more interest for the author, and are the focus of much of my
    research and work. A natural bias arises from this interest and experience,
    leading to greater familiarity with this aspect of network security.
    Assumed background
    It would be impossible to introduce all of the background needed to understand
    Internet worms in one book. An attempt would surely fail to give adequate
    coverage and is better explained elsewhere. Furthermore, no room
    would be left to explain the focus of this book—how to detect and defend
    against Internet worm incidents.
    The reader is expected to have a good grasp of operating system concepts,
    including processes and privileges. A knowledge of both UNIX and
    Windows NT systems will go a long way toward understanding this material.
    An understanding of TCP/IP networking is assumed, as well as an
    understanding of Internet scale architecture. Last, an understanding of
    security priciples, including vulnerabilities and how they are exploited, is
    required. Only working knowledge of these concepts is all that is needed,
    not mastery. For the interested reader, the following references are reccomended:
    ◗ TCP/IP_Illustrated, Vol. 1, by W. Richard Stevens. Widely regarded as
    an authoritative volume on the subject, though a bit dated [2].
    ◗ Internetworking_with_TCP/IP, Vol. 1, by Douglas E. Comer. An excellent
    and highly regarded volume, also more up to date than Stevens [3].
    ◗ Advanced_Programming_in_the_UNIX_Environment, W. Richard Stevens.
    Perhaps the single best guide to general UNIX internals [4].
    ◗ Inside Microsoft Windows 2000, David A. Solomon and Mark Russinovich.
    A similar guide to Windows NT and 2000 internals [5].
    ◗ Hacking_Exposed, 3rd ed., Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, and George
    Kurtz. An excellent sweep of current security concerns and how they
    are exploited by an attacker [6].
    ◗ Network Intrusion Detection: An Analyst’s Handbook, 2nd ed., Stephen
    Northcutt, Donald McLachlan, and Judy Novak. An excellent introduction
    to the hands-on knowledge of network-based intrusion detection
    ◗ Firewalls and Internet Security, William R. Cheswick and Steven M.
    Bellovin. A recently released second edition brings this classic up to
    date [8].
    ◗ Interconnections, Radia Perlman. Excellent coverage of network infrastructure
    from principles to practice [9].
    The coverage provided by these references has made them the staple of
    many information security professionals.
    Legal issues
    A reader who has already flipped through this book or taken a close look at
    the table of contents will notice little mention is made of legal actions as a
    fight against network worms. This legal action would be against the author
    of the original worm or even the owners of hosts that are infected with a
    worm and targeting your hosts or network.
    The reasons why this information is missing are quite simple. First, I am
    not legally qualified to give such advice. Laws in the United States, United
    Kingdom, and elsewhere differ substantially as to culpability for actions and
    negligence. Second, it is difficult to trace the worm back to an author or
    even to an introduction point. Even if it can be done, the evidence in computer
    crimes is typically tampered with, either deliberately or accidentally,
    and the forensic value of it is therefore significantly diminished.
    Effective tracking is only worsened when an amatuer attempts to perform
    an investigation. So far, very few books have been written on criminal
    and civil penalties for computer crimes. The laws in most countries are
    unclear in this area and are still being developed. As such, it is best to leave
    it to the authorities to perform such investigations. However, as a legal
    defense, it is typically wise to clean up and remedy any worm-compromised
    hosts you find on your own network, lest you become a groundbreaking
    legal case.
    Furthermore, software companies may begin facing liability lawsuits for
    their software flaws that lead to worms. A Korean group has filed a lawsuit
    against Microsoft Corporation’s Korean subsidiary, along with a Korean ISP
    and the country’s Information Ministry [10]. The lawsuit holds the plaintiffs
    responsible for the outages caused by the Sapphire worm in January 2003,
    which interrupted their business operations and ultimately cost them
    money. It is unclear as to the future this lawsuit will enjoy, but this action
    has been suggested before.
    UNIX examples
    Most of the examples in this book are shown on UNIX systems. This is due
    to my everyday use of UNIX, as well as to the plethora of tools available for
    analyzing networks on UNIX systems. With the advent of Windows NT and
    2000, many more tools became available for those platforms. Additionally,
    the Cygwin POSIX environment added a UNIX-like command line. There is
    no longer a limitation to running many of the commands and much of the
    analysis shown here. These tools include the Korn shell, Perl, and Awk languages
    used in data analysis, tcpdump and other packet capture tools, and
    various packet creation libraries. Also, some of the data are from live networks
    and real IP addresses are sometimes shown.
    Lastly, several commercial tools are shown as examples of utility and
    data. This is not meant to endorse any of the tools in the book. They were
    used as they illustrated the situation and were available on hand. People
    wishing to make purchases of such tools are encouraged to review the literature
    and obtain demonstration copies of the software.

    Writing is hard work, and it takes a cast of many to pull it off. I am, of
    course, grateful to my colleagues at Crimelabs Research. In particular,
    in 2001, I worked with Jeremy Anderson, Rick Wash and Chris Connelly on a
    paper titled “The Future of Internet Worms,” much of which is reused here. I
    am indebted to them for their assistance and lively discussions and most
    importantly, for their contributions to that paper and to this book. The kind
    folks at the Blackhat Briefings were gracious enough to allow someone relatively
    unknown like myself to take the stage and make a presentation, and
    that certainly made a difference in this book coming to life. While writing this
    book, I listened to a lot of music and drank a lot of coffee. While I don’t like to
    sit and listen to trance music, it does help me work. And for what it’s worth, I
    drank a lot of Kona blend while writing. With a little assistance, you’d be surprised
    at what you can accomplish in a weekend.
    My employer, Arbor Networks, and many of my coworkers deserve a big
    hearty thank you. They include Michael Bailey, Robert Stone, and Robert
    Furthermore, I express my sincere appreciation to those who have
    helped to contribute to the data in this book. These people include Dug
    Song, Niels Provos, Michal Zalewski, and Vern Paxson. I cite them where
    appropriate in the text, and thank them here for their ideas and discussions
    with me.
    A big, hearty, and earnest thank you needs to go to the following people
    and groups: CERT, eEye, Incidents.org, the guys at Renesys, the people at
    Triumf.ca, and people on the incidents list at SecurityFocus. Bruce Ediger
    enthusiastically sent me a great writeup of the WANK and OILZ worms
    reproduced from a LLNL paper from 1991.
    Hordes of people sent worm data to a stranger (me!) to analyze. This list
    includes the gang at digitaloffense.net, Henry Sieff, Domas Mituzas, KF,
    James P. Kinney III, Todd Fries, and some of the folks at securityfocus.com.
    Others include Vern Paxson, Andrew Daviel, and Ivan Arce. I am very
    grateful to them for their data. Not all of it appears here, but it was useful in
    the building of this book. Thank you.
    I begged, borrowed, and gathered equipment to construct “wormnet” for
    data analysis from the following people: Paul Schneider, Matt Smart, John
    Poland, and Beth Platt. Aidan Dysart helped show me how to prepare some
    much better looking figures, and Bill Merrill prepared some improved figures
    for me in a short time frame.
    Gigantic thanks go to the following people for reviews of the manuscript
    as it was being prepared: Tom Flavel, Seth Arnold, Michal Zalewski, Jennifer
    Burchill, Duncan Lowne, and Stephen Friedl. Jennifer went through the
    manuscript with a fine-tooth comb and really improved my very rough
    draft. Stephen assisted with some of the technical issues in the manuscript,
    and Michal offered deep technical and grammatical insight that I value
    Lastly, and most importantly, I must acknowledge Beth and her support.
    You make my life a joy and a pleasure; thanks for the understanding during
    the preparation of this manuscript.

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