Đề thi Olympic cụm trường THPT Ba Đình - Tây Hồ năm học 2011 - 2012 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11

Thảo luận trong 'TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG' bắt đầu bởi Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ, 13/3/13.

  1. Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

    Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ Administrator
    Thành viên BQT

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    [DOWNC="http://w1.mien-phi.com/data/file/2013/thang03/13/Dethi-Olympic-TayHo-TiengAnh-L11-2012.doc"]TẢI TÀI LIỆU[/DOWNC]

    Đề thi Olympic cụm trường THPT Ba Đình - Tây Hồ năm học 2011 - 2012 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Đề thi Olympic

    44. Line ____ : _________->___________ 48. Line ____: _________->____________ 
    45. Line: ____: _________-> ___________ 49. Line ____ : _________-> ___________
    46. Line ____ : _________-> ___________ 50. Line ____ : _________-> ___________
    47. Line ____ : _________-> ___________ 51. Line ____ : _________-> ___________
    52-60. Fill in each blank with one suitable word. (9 points)
    Urbanization has been a constant feature in human development for the past ten thousand years. While there has always been the necessity for a minimum - sometimes a very substantial minimum - of the (52) _______ to work the land, such surplus individuals as can be sustained have tended to gather in cities. Two thousand years ago, the cities of antiquity formed an administrative (53) _______ for the surrounding area, and a refuge from attack. In the Middle Ages, it was the city folk (54)_____ were the first to break the stultifying grip of feudalism, and it was in the cities of Northern Italy that the phenomenon of the Renaissance was born.
    Today only a fraction of mankind lives in the country, and the (55) ________ which does so is decreasing. Mega-cities with populations exceeding ten million are common, and they will become even (56) ______ so over the coming decades. While many aspects of city life are unattractive - pollution, stress, and separation from nature to name but a few - more and more of humanity (57) ______ to be choosing an urban existence. Adjusting to this fact is going to be (58) _________ of the major challenges of the coming century. And what of the country? The (59) _______ are that its relative decline will be reversed as the information revolution makes it possible to enjoy the benefits of social contact (60) ________ needing to leave one's rural residence.
    61- 70. Choose the appropriate words to complete the following passage. (10 points)
    Great Britain, the (61) _____ industrial and maritime power of the 19th century, played a leading (62) _____ in developing parliamentary democracy and in advancing literature and science. At its (63) ______ the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth's (64) _____. The first half of the 20th century saw the UK's strength seriously (65) _____ in two World Wars. The second half (66)____ the dismantling of the Empire and the UK rebuilding itself into a modern and prosperous European nation. The UK currently is weighing the (67) _____ of its integration with continental Europe. A member of the EU, it chose to remain (68)______ of the EMU for the time (69)______ . Constitutional reform is also a significant issue in the UK. Regional assemblies with (70) ________ degrees of power opened in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in 1999.
    61. A. minor                   B. single                   C. dominant                  D. principle
    62. A. role                      B. actor                      C. plays                          D. character
    63. A. best                     B. high                       C. zenith                         D. top
    64. A. nations               B. surface                  C. countries                  D. region
    65. A. losing                 B. missing                 C. depleted                   D. lost
    66. A. bought                B. looked at               C. witnessed                D. watched
    67. A. period                 B. degree                   C. heaviness                D. weight
    68. A. outside               B. far                            C. away                         D. inside
    69. A. now                     B. being                       C. remaining               D. at hand
    70. A. varying                B. optional                   C. various                    D. varied
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