DBTech - vBForms PRO v2.2.0 [ VBWAREZ | BF Key | PRO ]

Thảo luận trong 'Thiết Kế Web' bắt đầu bởi Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ, 6/11/15.

  1. Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

    Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ Administrator
    Thành viên BQT

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    Release: DBTech - vBForms Pro
    Version: 2.2.0
    BF Key: vbwarez.net
    The Branding Free Key (BF Key) is used to remove the plugin's copyrights ! Enter it in plugin settings (via Admin Control Pannel).

    Dragonbyte vBForms is a mod that forces users to fill out a form before posting threads in select forums.

    For instance, you can use it to create a "support ticket" system like the one we have here on DragonByte Tech, or simply gather common information.

    A powerful alert system lets you receive emails for each new form filled out, and usergroup permissions control who can manage the forms in the threads themselves.

    Major Features

    Multiple Form Options You can create an unlimited amount of form categories that allows you to ask any number of different questions on a per-category basis. You can also create separate statuses for forms, which lets you mark forms as "handled".

    AJAX integration We used AJAX wherever we could to help reduce the page reloads

    (Pro) Powerful Alert System A powerful alert system lets you decide who should receive alerts for new forms filled out for select forums only. These fine-grained alerts ensure nobody receives unnecessary emails.

    * Complete Feature List


    Categories / Forms

    • Toggle Active - Whether the category should be usable to the public
    • Private - If yes, all questions submitted will be private between Managers and the thread starter
    • Hide Blank Fields - If yes, this will hide all optional questions that were not filled out from the form display on Show Thread.
    • Show On All Pages - If yes, the completed form will be displayed on all pages of a thread, rather than just the first page.
    • Per-usergroup permissions: Can Use / Can View Others' Form Entries

    Forum Manager

    • Choose what categories are enabled for what forum(s)


    • Toggle Active - Whether the question should be shown on the form
    • Category - What category (form) it belongs to
    • Input type - What type of input is shown: Text Box, Text Area, Yes/No switch, Dropdown
    • Required - Whether this question is required to submit the form
    • Private - Whether answers to this question is displayed to others (Managers can always see answers)
    • Show On Thread List - If yes, this question will be displayed after the thread title on the thread list (A.K.A. "Forum Display").
    • Show Question Title On Thread List - If yes, the title of this question will be displayed before the question data. Only has effect if the above setting is enabled.
    • Data Validation Type - Enforce a specific result: <anything>, Number with decimals, Number without decimals, Positive number, Yes/No, User Name, Valid Email, Valid URL
    • Regular Expression - Additional validation for advanced users, works in conjunction with the above validation types


    • Toggle Active - Whether the status should be available for the form
    • Category - What category (form) it belongs to
    • HTML Markup - Input the open / close HTML tags to use around this status. Used for display on Thread List, if enabled.
    • Default Status - If this is the default status for this category.
    • Is Closed Status - Whether this status is considered a closed status.


    • Form categories can have Priorities attached to them
    • Lets you determine when a form should be updated to a Closed status


    • Disable Hivelocity branding link
    • Display Version Number
    • Enable Modification
    • Reason for turning modification off
    • Enable Navbar Tab (currently no navbar tab exists)
    • Forum Integration (currently no Community or Quick Links menu items exist)
    • Display Form Status On Forum Display
    • Display Form Category On Forum Display


    • Choose form category for enabled forum(s) before starting thread
    • Fill out the form above the normal thread information
    • Any form errors will be displayed in the same way posting errors are displayed atm, remembering existing data
    • Managers can change form status from within the thread via AJAX
    • The "Show Thread" form applies 50% opacity while AJAX changing of form category / status / priority



    • Input type - What type of input is shown: Text Box, Text Area, Yes/No switch, Dropdown, Dropdown with multi-select


    • Email alert when there's less than 24 hours till the form should be closed


    • User Name - The username of the person receiving the notifications. Doesn't need to be updated if a person changes their username, this is handled automatically.
    • Toggle Active - Whether this user should receive notifications after all
    • Per-forum email notifications checkbox
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