Tài liệu Cryptography in C and C++

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Foreword xiii
    About the Author xv
    About the Translator xvi
    Preface to the Second American Edition xvii
    Preface to the First American Edition xix
    Preface to the First German Edition xxiii
    I Arithmetic and Number Theory in C 1
    1 Introduction 3
    2 Number Formats: The Representation of Large Numbers in C 13
    3 Interface Semantics 19
    4 The Fundamental Operations 23

    4.1 Addition and Subtraction 24
    4.2 Multiplication 33
    4.2.1 The Grade SchoolMethod . 34
    4.2.2 Squaring Is Faster 40
    4.2.3 Do Things Go Better with Karatsuba? . 45
    4.3 Division with Remainder 50
    5 Modular Arithmetic: Calculating with Residue Classes 67
    6 Where All RoadsMeet:Modular Exponentiation 81
    6.1 First Approaches 81
    6.2 M-ary Exponentiation . 86
    6.3 Addition Chains andWindows . 101
    6.4 Montgomery Reduction and Exponentiation . 106
    6.5 Cryptographic Application of Exponentiation . 118
    7 Bitwise and Logical Functions 125
    7.1 Shift Operations 125
    7.2 All or Nothing: Bitwise Relations 131
    7.3 Direct Access to Individual Binary Digits 137
    7.4 Comparison Operators . 140
    8 Input, Output, Assignment, Conversion 145
    9 Dynamic Registers 157
    10 Basic Number-Theoretic Functions 167
    10.1 Greatest Common Divisor . 168
    10.2 Multiplicative Inverse in Residue Class Rings . 175
    10.3 Roots and Logarithms . 183
    10.4 Square Roots in Residue Class Rings 191
    10.4.1 The Jacobi Symbol . 192
    10.4.2 Square RootsModulo pk 198
    10.4.3 Square RootsModulo n . 203
    10.4.4 Cryptography with Quadratic Residues 211
    10.5 A Primality Test . 214
    11 Rijndael: A Successor to the Data Encryption Standard 237
    11.1 Arithmetic with Polynomials 239
    11.2 The Rijndael Algorithm . 244
    11.3 Calculating the Round Key . 247
    11.4 The S-Box 248
    11.5 The ShiftRowsTransformation . 249
    11.6 The MixColumnsTransformation 250
    11.7 The AddRoundKeyStep 252
    11.8 Encryption as a Complete Process . 253
    11.9 Decryption . 256
    11.10 Performance 259
    11.11 Modes of Operation 260
    12 Large Random Numbers 261
    12.1 A Simple Random Number Generator . 265
    12.2 Cryptographic Random Number Generators . 268
    12.2.1 The Generation of Start Values . 269
    12.2.2 The BBS Random Number Generator . 273
    12.2.3 The AES Generator . 279
    12.2.4 The RMDSHA-1 Generator . 283
    12.3 Quality Testing . 286
    12.3.1 Chi-Squared Test 287
    12.3.2 Monobit Test 289
    12.3.3 Poker Test 289
    12.3.4 Runs Test 289
    12.3.5 Longruns Test 289
    12.3.6 Autocorrelation Test 290
    12.3.7 Quality of the FLINT/C Random Number Generators . 290
    12.4 More Complex Functions 291
    13 Strategies for Testing LINT 305
    13.1 Static Analysis 307
    13.2 Run-Time Tests . 309
    II Arithmetic in C++ with the Class LINT 317
    14 Let C++ Simplify Your Life 319
    14.1 Not a Public Affair: The Representation of Numbers in LINT . 324
    14.2 Constructors 325
    14.3 Overloaded Operators . 329
    15 The LINTPublic Interface:Members and Friends 337
    15.1 Arithmetic . 337
    15.2 Number Theory . 347
    15.3 Stream I/O of LINTObjects . 352
    15.3.1 Formatted Output of LINTObjects . 353
    15.3.2 Manipulators 360
    15.3.3 File I/O for LINTObjects . 362
    16 Error Handling 367
    16.1 (Don’t) Panic . 367
    16.2 User-Defined Error Handling 369
    16.3 LINTExceptions . 370
    17 An Application Example: The RSA Cryptosystem 377
    17.1 Asymmetric Cryptosystems 378
    17.2 The RSA Algorithm . 380
    17.3 Digital RSA Signatures . 395
    17.4 RSA Classes in C++ . 403
    18 Do It Yourself: Test LINT 413
    19 Approaches for Further Extensions 417
    III Appendices 419
    A Directory of C Functions 421
    A.1 Input/Output, Assignment, Conversions, Comparisons 421
    A.2 Basic Calculations . 422
    A.3 Modular Arithmetic . 423
    A.4 Bitwise Operations . 425
    A.5 Number-Theoretic Functions . 426
    A.6 Generation of Pseudorandom Numbers 427
    A.7 RegisterManagement . 431
    B Directory of C++ Functions 433
    B.1 Input/Output, Conversion, Comparison:Member Functions . 433
    B.2 Input/Output, Conversion, Comparison: Friend Functions 436
    B.3 Basic Operations:Member Functions . 438
    B.4 Basic Operations: Friend Functions 439
    B.5 Modular Arithmetic:Member Functions 440
    B.6 Modular Arithmetic: Friend Functions . 442
    B.7 Bitwise Operations:Member Functions 443
    B.8 Bitwise Operations: Friend Functions . 444
    B.9 Number-TheoreticMember Functions 445
    B.10 Number-Theoretic Friend Functions . 446
    B.11 Generation of Pseudorandom Numbers 450
    B.12 Miscellaneous Functions 450
    C Macros 451
    C.1 Error Codes and Status Values . 451
    C.2 Additional Constants 451
    C.3 Macros with Parameters 453
    D Calculation Times 459
    E Notation 461
    F Arithmetic and Number-Theoretic Packages 463
    References 465
    Index 473

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