Tiến Sĩ Credit services quality of Vietnam Joint stock commercial bank for industry and trade - VietinBank

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 22/11/13.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
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    Luận án tiến sĩ năm 2013
    Đề tài: Credit services quality of Vietnam Joint stock commercial bank for industry and trade - VietinBank
    Chất lượng dịch vụ tín dụng tại ngân hàng thương mại cổ phần công thương Việt Nam (VietinBank).
    Luận án được trình bày bằng tiếng Anh

    Content Page
    Rating Sheet ix
    1.1. Background of the Study . 1
    1.2. Statement of the Purpose 3
    1.3. Significance of the Study . 4
    1.4. Scope and Limitations . 5
    1.5. The structure of the thesis . 6
    2.1. Review of related literature and studies 7
    2 2. Conceptual Framework 16
    2.3. Hypothesis 26
    2.4. Definition of Terms and Variable . 28
    3.1. Research Design 29
    3.2. Research Locals 30
    3.3. Samples and Sampling Techniques Used 31
    3.4. The analytical tools and data processing (Instrumentation) 33
    3.5. Procedure . 33
    3.6. Statistical analysis of the data .
    4.1. Research Results . 36
    4.2. Discussion research 52
    5.1. Summary 66
    5.2. Conclusion . 68
    5.3. Recommendatio . 69
    APPENDICES 1 . 80
    APPENDICES 2 . 85
    APPENDICES 3 . 92
    CURRICULUM VITAE 104 . 104

    1.1. Background of the Study
    The commercial banks are increasingly shows and demonstrated its important role
    in the economy of each country , in which Vietnam is not an exception. During the past
    time, Vietnam's economy has been rapidly the integration with the world economy has
    created many opportunities but also many challenges to every field, all economic
    sectors, which has banks commercial.
    Credit activity is one of the main functions of the commercial banks, and this
    activity is to create the largest source of income for banks in Vietnam. The prosperity of
    the commercial banks will depend on the quality of services, especially credit services.
    Put in the context of the increasingly fierce competition today , improving credit quality
    to satisfy increasingly higher demands from customers are becoming major concerns of
    the commercial banks today.
    The emergence of the joint-stock commercial banks, innovation and strong
    advance of the big state-owned banks has brought better quality services, helping
    businesses and individual’s conditional selection banking transactions and access to
    banking services more easily . This has making competition between banks already
    fierce and now is fiercer. Do not stop at the same attract talent, enough banks are always
    looking for ways to entice customers to their dealings with banks, even banks are
    subject to the preferential policies on interest rates, insurance for customers "VIP" my
    clients have sales if large transactions, the demand for more credit,
    With the fierce competition takes place thus improving the quality of services is
    matter of survival for the competitiveness of the Bank. The fact that banking is highly
    the synchronism, so the problem is that banks do make a difference in service, high
    usability, the banks will have strong competitive advantages.
    VietinBank bank is one of the most large scale operations in Vietnam, with a wide
    branch network, have meet the demands investment from all economic sectors. Activity
    VietinBank credit is the main source of income, have created a large volume of asset for
    the bank. The total revenue, interest income and other expenses directly related to credit
    operations, representing 65% - 75%. However, the service quality of bank credit are still
    many limitations, such as the procedures are still frills loan , the loan the conditions still
    need the collateral, . All of these problems are obstacles for customers in approaching
    services at the bank credit. If these problems are not be resolved soon be potential risks
    for VietinBank in raising the competitiveness of the economy as well as enhance the
    reputation of VietinBank on the domestic market and internationally .
    Over the years, the general quality of service and service quality in commercial
    banks in particular have been many authors in the world research, such as: studies of
    Guo et al (2008) for measuring service quality in the banking market share in China, the
    study of Aldlaigan & Buttle (2002) for measuring the quality of banking services, and
    research research of Sureshchandar et al (2002) on the relationship between service
    quality and customers satisfaction. Most of the research on quality of service is based on
    the theoretical foundation for the quality of service Parasuraman et al (1985, 1988)
    proposes to develop and scale models in his studies.
    In Vietnam, access to credit and the quality of banking services is also quite a lot
    interested in studies author. These typical researches such as: Le Van Huy and Pham
    Thi Thanh Thao (2008) has assessed and consolidated measurement and indicators
    setting priorities to improve quality of service, a case study in the banking sector.
    Measuring customer satisfaction with the quality of banking services in Saigon Joint
    Stock Bank (2009) . Just like the research world, the works are studied using the
    theory of quality SERVQUAL service and scale of Parasuraman (1988) for applications
    in the banking sector. Meanwhile, research by Pham Hong Manh, Ha Thi Thieu Dao
    (2010) on access to credit services to use the theory TDP to assess the accessibility of
    credit services fisherman.
    Consciousness keenly this problem, leadership of VietinBank has many solutions,
    such as: raise charter capital and improve technology , product diversification and
    especially improve the quality of service in stages, including credit services to improve
    the quality of banking services to fast market share rapidly . Apparently, evaluation of
    credit quality service to more responsive customer satisfaction is a regular operation of
    VietinBank to know the quality of their service credit where there are gaps what with
    the customer's expectations for improved measures to improve service quality and its
    competitiveness is very necessary problem.
    Stemming from the above problems have motivated the authors to choose research
    topics: "Credit quality services at Viet Nam joint-stock commercial bank of
    industry and trade - VietinBank". The research results will be the basis of practical
    importance to leadership of VietinBank see where the problem needs attention, improve
    public issues to enhance the quality of our services that is adaptable to the satisfying the
    customers better in the the next time.
    1.2. Statement of the Purpose
    1.2.1. Overall object
    Study level of customer satisfaction with service quality of VietinBank - Red River
    Delta region - Vietnam, then to propose solutions to improve the quality of service
    credit VietinBank, while improving the competitiveness and efficiency of the business
    1.2.2. Special objects
    With the above general objectives, the thesis aims to:
    1. Identify the components of quality service credit of VietinBank;
    2. Build scale components of service quality credit for VietinBank;
    3. Know the significant relationship between qualities of service composition,
    demographic characteristics to satisfaction of customers on credit quality of
    4. Propose model that influence the customer satisfaction about credit quality of
    VietinBank; and,
    5. Give recommendations necessary for the management of VietinBank based on the
    1.2.3. The study questions
    From the thesis objectives on will concentrate the content the answer to the
    following research questions:
    1.What is the composition of the quality of service of VietinBank?
    2.What are the scale components of service quality credit for VietinBank?
    3.What are the significant relationships between qualities of service composition,
    demographic characteristics to satisfaction of customers on credit quality of
    4. What are the possible models that influence the customer satisfaction about credit
    quality of VietinBank?
    5.What are the recommendations necessary for the management of VietinBank
    based on the results?

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