Luận Văn Contrastive Analysis of Non-Finite Verb Phrases (V-ing) between English and Vietnamese

Thảo luận trong 'Ngôn Ngữ Học' bắt đầu bởi Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ, 26/12/14.

  1. Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

    Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ Administrator
    Thành viên BQT

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    1. Background of the study
    English has been an international language that plays a very important role in every field such as science, technology, business, education, etc. Moreover, English as a bridge to connects the world and help with the transference of any aspects. With an aim to integrate into the world, Vietnam has taken English as a foreign language which has been widely used. However each language has its own difficulties and English is no exception specially, grammar in English. Grammar plays a very important role in a language. English grammar consists of many aspects and non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) is only a small part among them. It is, however, no less important. For Vietnamese learners, especially beginners, non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) is still an existing difficulty as it has not been systematically introduced. Many of them avoid using non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) and they prefer simple sentences to complex ones formed by the combination between simple sentences and non-finite verb phrases (V-ing). Non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) in English poses difficulties to learners of English who are quite confused when using non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) in daily conversations.
    As a matter of fact fact, non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) in English, including two types: gerund and participle, is so common to native speaker in their daily use. However, they are often a particular problem for Vietnamese learners of English. Firstly, non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) can occur anywhere in a sentence. Furthermore, V-ing in gerund and participial constructions can have many functions and uses. In order to form a meaningful sentence it requires at least two factors, the meaningfulness of words and the well - formed grammaticality and put in different positions may also cause different meanings of the sentence.
    He saw his old girl friend walking in the park (a)
    Walking in the park, he saw his old girl friend. (b)
    In sentence (a), it implies that when the man saw his old girl friend, she was walking in the park. Sentence (b) says that when the man saw his old girl friend while he was walking in the park.
    Frankly, I myself find it very difficult to use non-finite verb phrases (V-ing). By doing this thesis, my knowledge of non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) has been broadened. For all these reasons, I have decided to choose this subject for my graduation paper with a hope that it would be some of help for Vietnamese learners. To find out the similarities and differences between English form and Vietnamese is also a factor that encourages me to do the study on this field.
    2. Aims of the study
    Within the framework of an M.A. thesis, my thesis “A Contrastive Analysis of Non-Finite Verb Phrases (V-ing) between English and Vietnamese” is mainly aimed at:
    - Describing and classifying all the cases of English non-finite verb phrases (V-ing).
    - Finding out the similarities and different in structure, function of English non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) in Vietnamese verb combinations.
    - Helping Vietnamese learners overcome difficulties when using English non-finite verb phrases (V-ing).
    3. Objectives of the study
    This study “A Contrastive Analysis of Non-Finite Verb Phrases (V-ing) Between English And Vietnamese” is itself a contrastive analysis which attempts to exploit the power of Contrastive Analysis in predicting the problems faced by Vietnamese students in learning English non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) which are certain to be a new concept for them. To fully achieve these aims, the study should answer the following questions:
    - What are the features and syntactic functions of non-finite verb phrases (V-ing) in English?
    - What are similarities and differences of non-finite (V-ing) in English and Vietnamese?
    4. Object of the study
    The object of the study is a Contrastive Analysis of Non - Finite Verb Phrases (V-ing) between English and Vietnames.
    5. Scope of the study
    This thesis is to be focused on using of V-ing form in non-finite verb phrases in English, and contrastive similarities and differences between V-ing form in English and Vietnamese.
    6. Method of the study
    The study is conducted by comprehensively collecting materials from various sources, such as books of grammarians, linguists, and bilingual story such as “Tom Sawyer’s adventure” of English and Vietnamese. Contrastive analysis involves description of elements and classifications of V-ing form in non-finite verb phrases in both languages.
    7. Significance of the study
    Hopefully, the study may help those learner English at all levels to understand well how to use V-ing form correctly in their learning and working environment and to overcome the consequences of interference.
    8. Design of the study
    The main body of the study is divided into three parts: introduction development, and conclusion
    The introduction consists of the background of the study, the aims of study, the objectives of the study, the object of the study, the scope of the study, the method of the study, the significance of the study, the design of the study
    Development consists of 3 chapters:
    - Chapter 1: Provides a presentation of the theoretical background in which emphasis is laid on such concepts as gerund and participle, and on positions and uses of English V-ing form in phrase offers a description and analysis of V-ing form as gerundial and participial constructions in English. This chapter deals with forms of the gerund, uses and functions of gerunds in a sentence.
    - Chapter 2 Deals with the methodology of the study, involving method of study, data collection analysis research procedures, reliability, and ability.
    - Chapter 3: Focused on similarities and differences between V-ing form as gerundial and participial constructions in English and in Vietnamese
    The conclusion consists of the summary of the study, the limitation and suggestion for further of the study

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