Tài liệu Complementary and Alternative Medicine &amp Psychiatry By Philip R. Muskin (Editor)

Thảo luận trong 'Y Khoa - Y Dược' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Điểm thành tích:
    Complementary and Alternative Medicine & Psychiatry
    By: Philip R. Muskin (Editor)

    Audience: Professional
    For Ages: 22+ years old
    Language: English
    Number Of Pages: 297
    Published: 1st June 2000

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine & Psychiatry /by Philip R. Muskin Editor. Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Psychiatry will start psychiatrists and other mental health professionals on the journey toward a more complete understanding of the most common CAM treatments in use today.

    The alternative therapies discussed in this book pre-date our own conventional treatments by hundreds and even thousands of years. These therapies have been conventional medicine for hundred of millions of people who have used them throughout the centuries, and people continue to use them today. One of the few texts that provides an academic and practical review of complementary and alternative medicine, the book is written from the perspective of clinicians who practice in both traditional and alternative medicine. The book covers the major areas in CAM, including herbal medicine and nutrients, acupuncture, meditative therapies, and yoga. It provides the most important and up-to-date scientific data along with controversies that exist in the field. With all of the chapters extensively referenced, the book will serve as a tremendous resource for those interested in exploring these areas in greater depth. As evidenced by the statistics, patients today are taking increasingly active roles in managing their health care. They are using CAM therapies in the medical setting along with or in place of conventional treatment.


    Contributors ix
    Introduction to the Review of Psychiatry Series xi
    John M. Oldham, M.D.
    Michelle B. Riba, M.D., Series Editors
    Introduction: Herbs and Hermeneutics xv
    Philip R. Muskin, M.D.
    Chapter 1
    Integrative Psychopharmacology: A Practical
    Approach to Herbs and Nutrients in Psychiatry 1
    Richard P. Brown, M.D.
    Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D.
    General Issues Related to the Use of
    Complementary and Alternative Compounds 2
    Mood Disorders 3
    Anxiety 18
    Insomnia 21
    Migraine 23
    Endocrine and Reproductive Systems 24
    Sexual Enhancement 35
    Cognitive Enhancement 38
    Obesity 46
    Herb–Drug Interactions 47
    Athletic Enhancement 48
    Physician Education 48
    References 49
    Chapter 2
    Acupuncture for Mental Health 67
    Francine Rainone, D.O.
    Overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine 68
    Pathophysiology 74
    Categories of Disease Process 76
    Role of Emotions 78
    Traditional Chinese Medicine in Practice 81
    Acupuncture and Biomedical Research 85
    Psychiatry and Culture 86
    Research on Acupuncture 88
    Methodologic Problems 94
    Treatment Protocols 95
    Controls in Acupuncture Research 97
    Future Directions 100
    References 102
    Chapter 3
    Uses of Yoga in Psychiatry and Medicine 107
    Ina Becker, M.D., Ph.D.
    The History of Yoga 107
    Obstacles to the Use of Yoga in Western Medicine 109
    Philosophy of Yoga 111
    Psychology of Yoga 114
    The Eight Limbs of Yoga 117
    Yoga in Health and Prevention 124
    Yoga and Psychiatry 126
    Psychiatric Indications for Yoga 130
    Psychiatric Disturbances Caused by Yoga 134
    Medical Indications for Yoga 135
    Injuries From Yogic Exercise 139
    Conclusions 139
    Resources 141
    References 142
    Chapter 4
    Meditation and Psychotherapy: Stress,
    Allostasis, and Enriched Learning 147
    Joseph Loizzo, M.D., M.Phil.
    Meditation in Medicine,
    Neuroscience, and Psychiatry 147
    From Meditation to Psychotherapy:
    The Bridge of Hypnotic Learning 149
    From Trauma to Enrichment:
    Stress, Learning, and the Brain 157
    Meditation and Psychotherapy:
    Two Methods of Enriched Learning 161
    Research, Teaching, and
    Clinical Uses of Meditation 170
    References 181
    Chapter 5
    Complementary Medicine: Implications Toward
    Medical Treatment and the Patient–Physician
    Relationship 199
    Catherine C. Crone, M.D.
    Thomas N. Wise, M.D.
    Definition of Complementary and
    Alternative Medicine 200
    Categories of CAM 200
    General Trends 201
    CAM Users 204
    Physicians and CAM 205
    CAM and Medical Illness 206
    CAM and Chronic Illness 210
    CAM and Life-Threatening Illness 221
    CAM and the Patient–Physician Relationship 230
    References 232
    Afterword 241
    Philip R. Muskin, M.D.
    Index 245

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