Tài liệu Competitiveness and economic policies related to foreign direct investment

Thảo luận trong 'Tài Chính - Ngân Hàng' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    This paper was produced as part of the research project entitled ‘Economic
    competitiveness: recent trends and options for state intervention’

    September 2003

    This paper reflects the views of the author and
    does not represent the policies of the Ministry of Finance
    Author: Magdolna Sass
    MTA Közgazdasági Kutatóközpont
    email: <a class="__cf_email__" href="http://www.cloudflare.com/email-protection" data-cfemail="91e2f0e2e2d1f4f2feffbff2fee3f4bff9e4">[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
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    Editors of the series: Orsolya Lelkes
    Ágota Scharle

    Ministry of Finance
    Strategic Analysis Division

    The Strategic Analysis Division aims to support evidence-based policy-making in
    priority areas of financial policy. Its three main roles are to undertake long-term
    research projects, to make existing empirical evidence available to policy makers and
    to promote the application of advanced research methods in policy making.

    The Working Papers series serves to disseminate the results of research carried out or
    commissioned by the Ministry of Finance.

    Working Papers in the series can be downloaded from the web site of the Ministry of Finance:
    Series editors may be contacted at the <a class="__cf_email__" href="http://www.cloudflare.com/email-protection" data-cfemail="27574a41525d425367574a09404851094f52">[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
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    Foreign direct investment may improve productivity through technology
    transfer on the one hand, and it may also have other positive external effects through
    corporate linkages (e.g. market access, or improved terms of financing) on the other
    hand, thus promoting economic growth. These beneficial effects are not automatic,
    though. Until the mid-nineties Hungary had played a leading role within the region
    in attracting investments. After 1999, however, the country started accumulating
    increasing competitive disadvantages as compared to its competitors. Even though
    stock data adjusted for reinvested profits show less of a lag, the post-1999 figures still
    indicate a gradual deterioration.

    The positive economic effects of the foreign investments already in Hungary
    have also fallen short of expectations. The most important positive impacts
    comprised the competition from firms with foreign owners and the restructuring of
    the economy. However, foreign-owned companies have established few linkages
    with Hungarian economic actors, even though the number of such links has been

    In order to improve our capacity to attract capital it would be important to
    improve the general investment environment by eliminating macro-economic
    imbalances and by developing infrastructure as well as education and training. The
    treatment of the corporate income tax as an incentive to attract investment and the
    reduction of other taxes, contributions and local taxes would also be worth
    considering. The institution system of investment promotion would also require
    considerable changes: a single, more independent, more proactive organisation
    would be needed with decision making powers and concentrating exclusively on
    investment promotion. That institution must have a co-ordination role in granting

    Following our EU accession, the emphasis may be shifted to financial
    incentives, with fiscal incentives diminishing in significance – while, because of the
    EU regulations, the differences in investment promotion between Hungary and its
    main competitors will become smaller, and the regional incentive competition will
    lose some of its intensity. The system of investment incentives should be redesigned
    in order to use arrangements allowed and cofinanced under the EU rules. At the
    same time we must keep in mind that the EU places emphasis on compliance with
    the aid ceiling rather than on the form of assistance.

    The positive impacts of foreign direct investment on the host economy and its
    integration into the host economy is at least as important as the attraction of new
    investments, though these former are more difficult to influence with economic
    policy instruments.


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