Tài liệu Comet and Reverse Aiax

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Chapter 1: What Are Comet and Reverse Ajax? 1
    The Tmiihle with HTTP .> , 2
    Some Common Use Cases . 5
    Monitoring and Data Feeds 5
    Progress Updates 6
    Chat and Collaboration 8
    Siimmaiy ^
    Chapter 2: Simple Ways to Achieve Push 11
    The Magnetic Poetry Appiicatkm . i I
    Creating New Words 15
    Reading Words 15
    Updating Words 17
    Deleting Words 18
    Ifttroiinemg Push Using Polling 19
    Improving Efficiency Using Piggyhaeiiing 25
    Sinmmijy .^
    Chapter 3: Introducing Comet 33
    Implementing a Comet Feed Using XHR 33
    Script Tags, Iframes, ami Comei 40
    Comet and Reverse Aiax firstPress i
    Long Polling ã. 41
    Issues with Naive Comet Implementations 47
    Request Limits in the Browser 48
    Server-Side Performance Concerns 50
    Network Infrastructure 50
    Summary 51
    Chapter 4: Comet the Easy Way 53
    The Emergence of Comet Tools .ãã. 53
    Direct Web Remoting ã 54
    DWR in Action 55
    DWRServlet 58
    DWR and Comet. .- ã ã 62
    Magnetic Poetry Meets DWR on the Client Side 62
    Magnetic Poetry and DWR on the Server Side 64
    Routing Magnetic Poetry Events 66
    Wrapping Up This Implementation 68
    Summary 69
    Chapter 5: Scaling Comet in Java 71
    Thread Management for the Web 71
    wait/notify 72
    Difficulties in Using wait/notify with Comet 76
    Jetty 6 . -. 77
    Using Jetty Continuations 77
    Understanding the Continuation Mechanism 80
    Drawbacks of Continuations 82
    ii firstPress Comet and Reverse Ajax
    Jetty Continuations and DWR . ã .- .-.ã . *ã -. 83
    Future Comet Support in Java 84
    Summary 85
    Chapter 6: Introducing Bayeux 87
    HTTP Request Management . 88
    Naming Channels 90
    Message Format .91
    Standard Channels 94
    Transport Negotiation 95
    Client-Side Implementations 98
    Server-Side Implementations 102
    Using Bayeux with Dojo and Jetty 104
    Server-Side Messaging Ill
    Summary 114
    Chapter 7: Combining Comet with CRUD 117
    Revisiting Magnetic Poetry 119
    Client-Side Initialization Code 120
    Server-Side Initialization Code 125
    Creating Domain Objects. .128
    Comet and Reverse Aiax firstPress iii I
    Updating Domain Ot)je€is . 130
    Deleting Domain ()hjecis .^
    Using Comeidfor Progress Repfpris . 133
    Additionai Resonrces 136
    Further Reading 136
    Further Implementations 137
    Emerging Standards 137

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