Thạc Sĩ Coderivatives of normal cone mappings and applications

Thảo luận trong 'THẠC SĨ - TIẾN SĨ' bắt đầu bởi Phí Lan Dương, 26/6/14.

  1. Phí Lan Dương

    Phí Lan Dương New Member
    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Table of Notations vi
    List of Figures viii
    Introduction ix
    Chapter 1. Preliminary 1
    1.1 Basic Definitions and Conventions 1
    1.2 Normal and Tangent Cones . 3
    1.3 Coderivatives and Subdifferential 6
    1.4 Lipschitzian Properties and Metric Regularity . 9
    1.5 Conclusions 11
    Chapter 2. Linear Perturbations of Polyhedral Normal Cone
    Mappings 12
    2.1 The Normal Cone Mapping F(x, b) . 12
    2.2 The Fr´echet Coderivative of F(x, b) . 16
    2.3 The Mordukhovich Coderivative of F(x, b) . 26
    2.4 AVIs under Linear Perturbations 37
    2.5 Conclusions 42
    Chapter 3. Nonlinear Perturbations of Polyhedral Normal Cone
    Mappings 43
    3.1 The Normal Cone Mapping F(x, A, b) 43
    3.2 Estimation of the Fr´echet Normal Cone to gphF 48
    3.3 Estimation of the Limiting Normal Cone to gphF . 54
    iv3.4 AVIs under Nonlinear Perturbations . 59
    3.5 Conclusions 66
    Chapter 4. A Class of Linear Generalized Equations 67
    4.1 Linear Generalized Equations 67
    4.2 Formulas for Coderivatives 69
    4.2.1 The Fr´echet Coderivative of N (x, α) 70
    4.2.2 The Mordukhovich Coderivative of N (x, α) 78
    4.3 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Stability 83
    4.3.1 Coderivatives of the KKT point set map 83
    4.3.2 The Lipschitz-like property 84
    4.4 Conclusions 91
    General Conclusions 92
    List of Author’s Related Papers 93
    References 94
    vTable of Notations
    IN := {1, 2, .} set of positive natural numbers
    ∅ empty set
    IR set of real numbers
    IR++ set of x ∈ IR with x > 0
    IR+ set of x ∈ IR with x ≥ 0
    IRư set of x ∈ IR with x ≤ 0
    IR := IR ∪ {±∞} set of generalized real numbers
    |x| absolute value of x ∈ IR
    IRn n-dimensional Euclidean vector space
    kxk norm of a vector x
    set of m × n-real matrices
    detA determinant of a matrix A
    A> transposition of a matrix A
    kAk norm of a matrix A
    topological dual of a norm space X

    , xi canonical pairing
    hx, yi canonical inner product
    (\u, v) angle between two vectors u and v
    B(x, δ) open ball with centered at x and radius δ
    B¯(x, δ) closed ball with centered at x and radius δ
    BX open unit ball in a norm space X

    X closed unit ball in a norm space X
    posΩ convex cone generated by Ω
    spanΩ linear subspace generated by Ω
    dist(x; Ω) distance from x to Ω
    {xk} sequence of vectors
    xk → x xk converges to x in norm topology


    → x
    ∗ x

    converges to x

    in weak* topology
    vi∀x for all x
    x := y x is defined by y
    Nb(x; Ω) Fr´echet normal cone to Ω at x
    N(x; Ω) limiting normal cone to Ω at x
    f : X → Y function from X to Y
    (x), ∇f(x) Fr´echet derivative of f at x
    ϕ : X → IR extended-real-valued function
    domϕ effective domain of ϕ
    epiϕ epigraph of ϕ
    ∂ϕ(x) limiting subdifferential of ϕ at x

    2ϕ(x, y) limiting second-order subdifferential of ϕ at x
    relative to y
    F : X ⇒ Y multifunction from X to Y
    domF domain of F
    rgeF range of F
    gphF graph of F
    kerF kernel of F
    Db∗F(x, y) Fr´echet coderivative of F at (x, y)
    D∗F(x, y) Mordukhovich coderivative of F at (x, y)
    viiList of Figures
    4.1 The sequences {(xk, αk)}k∈IN, {zk}k∈IN, and {uk}k∈IN 7

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