Tài liệu C# Programming Language

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Microsoft .NET Development Series
    Part I. C# 1.0

    Chapter 1. Introduction
    Section 1.1. Hello World
    Section 1.2. Program Structure
    Section 1.3. Types and Variables
    Section 1.4. Expressions
    Section 1.5. Statements
    Section 1.6. Classes and Objects
    Section 1.7. Structs
    Section 1.8. Arrays
    Section 1.9. Interfaces
    Section 1.10. Enums
    Section 1.11. Delegates
    Section 1.12. Attributes

    Chapter 2. Lexical Structure
    Section 2.1. Programs
    Section 2.2. Grammars
    Section 2.3. Lexical Analysis
    Section 2.4. Tokens
    Section 2.5. Preprocessing Directives

    Chapter 3. Basic Concepts
    Section 3.1. Application Startup
    Section 3.2. Application Termination
    Section 3.3. Declarations
    Section 3.4. Members
    Section 3.5. Member Access
    Section 3.6. Signatures and Overloading
    Section 3.7. Scopes
    Section 3.8. Namespace and Type Names
    Section 3.9. Automatic Memory Management
    Section 3.10. Execution Order

    Chapter 4. Types
    Section 4.1. Value Types
    Section 4.2. Reference Types
    Section 4.3. Boxing and Unboxing

    Chapter 5. Variables
    Section 5.1. Variable Categories
    Section 5.2. Default Values
    Section 5.3. Definite Assignment
    Section 5.4. Variable References
    Section 5.5. Atomicity of Variable References

    Chapter 6. Conversions
    Section 6.1. Implicit Conversions
    Section 6.2. Explicit Conversions
    Section 6.3. Standard Conversions
    Section 6.4. User-Defined Conversions

    Chapter 7. Expressions
    Section 7.1. Expression Classifications
    Section 7.2. Operators
    Section 7.3. Member Lookup
    Section 7.4. Function Members
    Section 7.5. Primary Expressions
    Section 7.6. Unary Operators
    Section 7.7. Arithmetic Operators
    Section 7.8. Shift Operators
    Section 7.9. Relational and Type-Testing Operators
    Section 7.10. Logical Operators
    Section 7.11. Conditional Logical Operators
    Section 7.12. Conditional Operator
    Section 7.13. Assignment Operators
    Section 7.14. Expression
    Section 7.15. Constant Expressions
    Section 7.16. Boolean Expressions

    Chapter 8. Statements
    Section 8.1. End Points and Reachability
    Section 8.2. Blocks
    Section 8.3. The Empty Statement
    Section 8.4. Labeled Statements
    Section 8.5. Declaration Statements
    Section 8.6. Expression Statements
    Section 8.7. Selection Statements
    Section 8.8. Iteration Statements
    Section 8.9. Jump Statements
    Section 8.10. The try Statement
    Section 8.11. The checked and unchecked Statements
    Section 8.12. The lock Statement
    Section 8.13. The using Statement

    Chapter 9. Namespaces
    Section 9.1. Compilation Units
    Section 9.2. Namespace Declarations
    Section 9.3. Using Directives
    Section 9.4. Namespace Members
    Section 9.5. Type Declarations

    Chapter 10. Classes
    Section 10.1. Class Declarations
    Section 10.2. Class Members
    Section 10.3. Constants
    Section 10.4. Fields
    Section 10.5. Methods
    Section 10.6. Properties
    Section 10.7. Events
    Section 10.8. Indexers
    Section 10.9. Operators
    Section 10.10. Instance Constructors
    Section 10.11. Static Constructors
    Section 10.12. Destructors

    Chapter 11. Structs
    Section 11.1. Struct Declarations
    Section 11.2. Struct Members
    Section 11.3. Class and Struct Differences
    Section 11.4. Struct Examples

    Chapter 12. Arrays
    Section 12.1. Array Types
    Section 12.2. Array Creation
    Section 12.3. Array Element Access
    Section 12.4. Array Members
    Section 12.5. Array Covariance
    Section 12.6. Array Initializers

    Chapter 13. Interfaces
    Section 13.1. Interface Declarations
    Section 13.2. Interface Members
    Section 13.3. Fully Qualified Interface Member Names
    Section 13.4. Interface Implementations

    Chapter 14. Enums
    Section 14.1. Enum Declarations
    Section 14.2. Enum Modifiers
    Section 14.3. Enum Members
    Section 14.4. The System.Enum Type
    Section 14.5. Enum Values and Operations

    Chapter 15. Delegates
    Section 15.1. Delegate Declarations
    Section 15.2. Delegate Instantiation
    Section 15.3. Delegate Invocation

    Chapter 16. Exceptions
    Section 16.1. Causes of Exceptions
    Section 16.2. The System.Exception Class
    Section 16.3. How Exceptions Are Handled
    Section 16.4. Common Exception Classes

    Chapter 17. Attributes
    Section 17.1. Attribute Classes
    Section 17.2. Attribute Specification
    Section 17.3. Attribute Instances
    Section 17.4. Reserved Attributes
    Section 17.5. Attributes for Interoperation

    Chapter 18. Unsafe Code
    Section 18.1. Unsafe Contexts
    Section 18.2. Pointer Types
    Section 18.3. Fixed and Moveable Variables
    Section 18.4. Pointer Conversions
    Section 18.5. Pointers in Expressions
    Section 18.6. The fixed Statement
    Section 18.7. Stack Allocation
    Section 18.8. Dynamic Memory Allocation

    Part II. C# 2.0
    Chapter 19. Introduction to C# 2.0
    Section 19.1. Generics
    Section 19.2. Anonymous Methods
    Section 19.3. Iterators
    Section 19.4. Partial Types

    Chapter 20. Generics
    Section 20.1. Generic Class Declarations
    Section 20.2. Generic Struct Declarations
    Section 20.3. Generic Interface Declarations
    Section 20.4. Generic Delegate Declarations
    Section 20.5. Constructed Types
    Section 20.6. Generic Methods
    Section 20.7. Constraints
    Section 20.8. Expressions and Statements
    Section 20.9. Revised Lookup Rules
    Section 20.10. Right-Shift Grammar Changes

    Chapter 21. Anonymous Methods
    Section 21.1. Anonymous Method Expressions
    Section 21.2. Anonymous Method Signatures
    Section 21.3. Anonymous Method Conversions
    Section 21.4. Anonymous Method Blocks
    Section 21.5. Outer Variables
    Section 21.6. Anonymous Method Evaluation
    Section 21.7. Delegate Instance Equality
    Section 21.8. Definite Assignment
    Section 21.9. Method Group Conversions
    Section 21.10. Implementation Example

    Chapter 22. Iterators
    Section 22.1. Iterator Blocks
    Section 22.2. Enumerator Objects
    Section 22.3. Enumerable Objects
    Section 22.4. The yield Statement
    Section 22.5. Implementation Example

    Chapter 23. Partial Types
    Section 23.1. Partial Declarations
    Section 23.2. Name Binding

    Part III. Appendixes
    Appendix A. Documentation Comments
    Section A.1. Introduction
    Section A.2. Recommended Tags
    Section A.3. Processing the Documentation File
    Section A.4. An Example

    Appendix B. Grammar
    Section B.1. Lexical Grammar
    Section B.2. Syntactic Grammar
    Section B.3. Grammar Extensions for Unsafe Code


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