Sách C programming for microcontrollers

Thảo luận trong 'Sách Khoa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    Xin giới thiệu với các bạn một trong những cuốn sách rất cơ bản để tìm hiểu việc lập trình C cho các loại vi điều khiển. Cuốn sách gồm 11 chương và phần phụ lục:

    Table of Contents:
    Chapter 1: Introduction . 11
    Why C? 12
    Why AVR? .12
    Goals .14
    Chapter 2: Quick Start Guide 17
    Software 19
    WinAVR – Oh, Whenever .19
    Programmers Notepad .19
    AVRStudio – FREE and darn well worth it. .20
    Br@y++ Terminal: 20
    Hardware .21
    Constructing Your Development Platform 21
    Blinking LEDs – Your First C Program .27
    Write it in Programmers Notepad .27
    Download to the Butterfly with AVRStudio 31
    Blinky Goes Live 33
    Simulation with AVRStudio 35
    GOOD GRIEF! .37
    Chapter 3: A Brief Introduction to C – What Makes Blinky Blink? .39
    Comments .39
    Include Files 39
    Expressions, Statements, and Blocks 39
    Operators .40
    Flow Control .40
    Functions .41
    The Main() Thing 42
    Chapter 4: C Types, Operators, and Expressions 45
    Data Types and Sizes .45
    Variable Names .49
    Constants .49
    Declarations .50
    Arithmetic Operators .50
    Relational and Logical Operators 52
    Bitwise Operators 53
    Assignment Operators and Expressions 61
    Conditional Expressions 62
    Precedence and Order of Evaluation . 62
    Projects 65
    Port Input and Output 65
    Cylon Eye Speed and Polarity Control . 70
    Chapter 5: C Control Flow 73
    Statements and Blocks 73
    If-Else and Else-If . 74
    Switch 75
    Loops – While, For and Do-while . 78
    Break and Continue . 79
    Goto and Labels 80
    A few practical examples: strlen, atoi, itoa, reverse 81
    Chapter 6: C Functions and Program Structures . 87
    Function Basics . 87
    Returns 89
    Variables External, Static, and Register 90
    Scope . 91
    Headers 92
    Blocks 92
    Initialization 92
    Recursion 93
    Preprocessor 94
    Projects 98
    Is anybody out there? Communicating with a PC . 98
    Chapter 7: Microcontroller Interrupts and Timers 109
    Interrupts . 109
    Projects 114
    Grab your joystick – and test your interrupts 114
    Timers/Counters 119
    Calibrating the Butterfly oscillator: 121
    Projects 128
    Precision Blinking . 128
    Pulse Width Modulation – LED Brightness Control 134
    Pulse Width Modulation - Motor Speed Control 137
    Speedometer 144
    Chapter 8: C Pointers and Arrays 153
    Addresses of variables 153
    Function Arguments 157
    Arrays 159
    FIFOs and LIFOs: Stacks and Queues (Circular Buffers) 167
    Function Pointers .169
    Complex Pointer and Array Algorithms 170
    Projects 171
    Messenger 171
    Does anybody know what time it is? A Real Time Clock .178
    Music to my ears. “Play it again Sam.” .189
    Chapter 9 – Digital Meets Analog – ADC and DAC 207
    But First - A Debugging Tale 207
    Analog to Digital Conversion .210
    Projects 216
    DAC and ADC - Function Generator / Digital Oscilloscope 227
    Chapter 10: C Structures .241
    Structure Basics .241
    Structures and Functions .243
    Structure Arrays .246
    Typedef 246
    Unions .247
    Bit-fields 247
    Projects 251
    Finite State Machine 251
    Chapter 11 The Butterfly LCD 261
    PC to LCD test program 262
    Conclusion .270
    Appendix 1: Project Kits .273
    Appendix 2: Soldering Tutorial .275
    Appendix 3: Debugging Tale 279
    Appendix 4: ASCII Table .283
    Appendix 5: Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary 285
    Appendix 6: Motor Speed Control Wheel .287
    Appendix 7: HyperTerminal 289
    Index 295

    Table of Figures:
    Figure 1: Dennis Ritchie, inventor of the C programming language stands next to
    Ken Thompson, original inventor of Unix, designing the original Unix
    operating system at Bell Labs on a PDP-11 11
    Figure 2: The Butterfly front . 21
    Figure 3: RS-232 connections . 22
    Figure 4: Battery holder, switch, and batteries. 23
    Figure 5: External battery connection to Butterfly . 23
    Figure 6: Butterfly hooked up to RS-232 24
    Figure 7: Bray's Terminal 24
    Figure 8: Enter name to send to the Butterfly . 25
    Figure 9: Blinky wiring diagram and photo of wired board 26
    Figure 10: Hardware setup for Blinky . 27
    Figure 11: From the cover of the Battlestar Galactica comic Red Cylon 34
    Figure 12: from page 92 of the ATMega169 data book 58
    Figure 13 ATMega169 Block Diagram . 65
    Figure 14: Port I/O switch input and LED output . 69
    Figure 15: Bit 7 high Figure 16: Bit 7 low . 71
    Figure 17: Pulse Width Modulation Duty Cycle . 134
    Figure 18: Motor Speed Control Schematic and Parts 137
    Figure 19: Motor Speed Control Breadboard Labeled 138
    Figure 20: Motor Speed Control Hardware 138
    Figure 21: Motor Base 139
    Figure 22: Motor Wheel Stationary and Spinning 139
    Figure 23: Opto Interrupt Switch - H21A1 . 145
    Figure 24: Opto Interrupter Glued on Motor Base . 145
    Figure 25: Speedometer 146
    Figure 26: The PDP-11 could be programmed by switches, though Dennis Ritchie
    used a Teletype machine to write the C programming language. . 153
    Figure 27: 10-bit successive approximation ADC Figure . 211
    Figure 28: Potentiometer Schematic . 225
    Figure 29: Voltage measurement . 226
    Figure 30: R-2R resistor ladder . 228
    Figure 31: Breadboard of R-2R DAC . 228
    Figure 32: Breadboard R-2R DAC wiring 229
    Figure 33: R-2R DAC with Oscilloscope . 229
    Figure 34: Function Generator / Digital Oscilloscope on HyperTerminal 230 Figure 35: Sine Wave Figure 36: Square Wave 231
    Figure 37: Triangle Wave Figure 38: Sawtooth Wave .231
    Figure 39 Butterfly Menu 253
    Figure 40: Cheap soldering iron, solder and wick from JAMECO .276
    Figure 41: Seasoning the tip 276

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