Tài liệu C# Java Programmers

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Chapter 1 The .NET Philosophy 1
    Introduction 2
    Overview of the .NET Platform 2
    Examining the .NET Framework Features 4
    Multilanguage Development 5
    Platform and Processor Independence 6
    Automatic Memory Management 7
    Versioning Support 7
    Support for Open Standards 8
    Easy Deployment 9
    Interoperability with Unmanaged Code 10
    Providing Security 11
    Understanding the .NET Architecture 13
    The Common Language Runtime 14
    The .NET Framework Class Library 15
    The Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) 17
    Just-In-Time Compilation 17
    Following .NET Code from Source to Binary 18
    Summary 21
    Solutions Fast Track 22
    Frequently Asked Questions 24
    Chapter 2 Introducing C# 27
    Introduction 28
    The C# Language 28
    Similarities with Java 29
    Differences with Java 30
    Getting Started 32
    Installing the .NET Framework SDK 32
    Creating Your First C# Program 33
    Compiling and Running the Program 34
    Using the Debugger Tool 37
    Using Different IDEs 40
    Visual Studio.NET 41
    Other IDEs 44
    A Stroll through C# 45
    Creating the Media Player Application 45
    Rapid Application Development
    with Visual Studio.NET 54
    Summary 60
    Solutions Fast Track 60
    Frequently Asked Questions 62
    Chapter 3 Language Fundamentals 63
    Introduction 64
    Main() Method 64
    Command Line Arguments 66
    Return Values 69
    Single-Line and Multiline Comments 72
    XML Documentation Comments 74
    Data Types and the Common Type System 82
    Variables 85
    Constants 87
    Assignment Statements 87
    Conversions between Data Types 90
    Operators 92
    Mathematical Operators 92
    Assignment Operators 93
    Increment and Decrement Operators 95
    Relational Operators 96
    Logical Operators 97
    Bitwise Operators 98
    Ternary Operator 99
    Operator Precedence 100
    Preprocessor Directives 100
    #define and #undef 102
    #if, #elif, #else, and #endif 102
    #error and #warning 106
    #region and #endregion 107
    #line 108
    Namespaces 110
    Summary 112
    Solutions Fast Track 112
    Frequently Asked Questions 115
    Chapter 4 Programming Structures 117
    Introduction 118
    Strings 118
    The WriteLine Method 118
    Creating Strings 119
    Verbatim String Literal 123
    The StringBuilderClass 123
    Using Regular Expressions 126
    Flow Control 129
    Branch Statements 129
    The if/else Statement 129
    The switch Statement 130
    Iteration Statements 132
    The whileLoop 133
    The do-whileLoop 133
    The forLoop 133
    Jump Statements 134
    The goto Statement 134
    The break Statement 135
    The continue Statement 135
    The return Statement 136
    Arrays 137
    Declaring and Initializing Arrays 137
    Using the params Keyword 140
    Multidimensional Arrays 141
    Rectangular Arrays 141
    Jagged Arrays 144
    The foreach Statement 147
    Indexers 150
    Implementing an Indexer 151
    Multiple Indexers 155
    Multiparameter Indexers 157
    Collections 159
    Collection Interfaces 163
    Exceptions 164
    Catching Exceptions 164
    The try, catch, finally Blocks 164
    Throwing Exceptions 167
    Creating New Exceptions 170
    Rethrowing Exceptions 173
    Summary 175
    Solutions Fast Track 175
    Frequently Asked Questions 178
    Chapter 5 Objects and Classes 179
    Introduction 180
    Using Classes 180
    Access Control 181
    Class Modifiers 182
    Abstract Classes 186
    Sealed Classes 187
    Instance Variables 187
    Static Variables 189
    Constants as Static Members 191
    Using Methods 191
    Access Modifiers 194
    Method Parameters 195
    The ref and out Method Parameters 197
    Overloaded Methods 199
    Creating Objects 202
    Constructors 202
    Overloading Constructors 204
    Static Constructors 206
    Destroying Objects 208
    Memory Management and Garbage
    Collection 208
    C#’s Destructor 209
    The Finalize, Dispose, and Close
    Methods 210
    The using Statement 211
    Summary 214
    Solutions Fast Track 214
    Frequently Asked Questions 215
    Chapter 6 Object-Oriented Programming 217
    Introduction 218
    Inheritance 218
    Defining a Base Class 221
    Calling Base Class Constructors 222
    Polymorphism 226
    Abstract Classes 227
    The abstractModifier 232
    The virtualModifier 234
    The overrideModifier 237
    The newModifier 241
    Inner Classes 244
    Using Interfaces 246
    Creating an Interface 247
    Declaring Interfaces 248
    Implementing Interfaces 249
    The isOperator 253
    The asOperator 258
    Explicit Interface Implementation 258
    Implementation Hiding 260
    Summary 262
    Solutions Fast Track 263
    Frequently Asked Questions 264
    Chapter 7 Other C# Features 267
    Introduction 268
    Properties 268
    Read-Only Fields 271
    Enumerations 272
    Boxing and Unboxing 276
    Boxing 277
    Unboxing 278
    Operator Overloading 279
    Unary Operator Overloading 283
    Binary Operator Overloading 287
    Equals()Method 287
    User-Defined Conversions 288
    The implicitOperator 289
    The explicitOperator 291
    Structs 293
    Defining Structs 294
    Using Structs 297
    Summary 301
    Solutions Fast Track 301
    Frequently Asked Questions 304
    Chapter 8 Delegates and Events 305
    Introduction 306
    Delegates 306
    Using Delegates as Callbacks 307
    Declaration 308
    Instantiation 309
    Invocation 311
    Implementing Callbacks 312
    Using Delegates for Event Handling 316
    Event Handling in Java 317
    Event Handling in C# 319
    Using System.EventArgs 320
    Creating and Handling Events 321
    Multicasting 328
    Order of Operations in Multicasting 331
    Advanced Delegate Usage 331
    Declaring Delegates as Static Members 332
    Delegates and Thread Creation 333
    Summary 335
    Solutions Fast Track 335
    Frequently Asked Questions 337
    Chapter 9 Attributes and Assemblies 339
    Introduction 340
    Working with Attributes 340
    Using Attributes 341
    Creating Custom Attributes 346
    Defining the AttributeUsage Attribute 347
    Declaring an Attribute Class 348
    Declaring Attribute Class Constructors
    and Properties 349
    Using Custom Attributes 351
    Using Reflection 352
    Creating Assemblies 360
    Manifest Data 361
    Building Assemblies 361
    Multiple Module Assembly 362
    Versioning 364
    Creating Versioned Assemblies 365
    Summary 369
    Solutions Fast Track 370
    Frequently Asked Questions 371
    Chapter 10 Multithreading 373
    Introduction 374
    Threads 374
    Creating Threads 375
    Managing Threads 380
    Using Suspend()/Resume() and Abort() 382
    Scheduling Threads 384
    Synchronizing Threads 389
    Using the lock Statement 389
    Using the Monitor Class 391
    Avoiding Deadlock and Starvation 395
    Summary 401
    Solutions Fast Track 401
    Frequently Asked Questions 403
    Chapter 11 Working with I/O Streams 405
    Introduction 406
    File System 406
    Directories 406
    Files 411
    Streams 415
    Stream 416
    FileStream 418
    MemoryStream 419
    BufferedStream 423
    Encoding Data Types 423
    Text 428
    StreamReader and StreamWriter 429
    StringReader and StringWriter 430
    Network I/O 431
    Server Side 432
    Client Side 435
    Synchronous vs. Asynchronous 438
    Web Streams 441
    Serialization 443
    Creating a Serializable Object 443
    Serializing an Object 444
    Deserializing an Object 445
    Transient Data 446
    Deserialization Operations 446
    Summary 450
    Solutions Fast Track 451
    Frequently Asked Questions 453
    Chapter 12 Creating User Interfaces
    with Windows Forms 455
    Introduction 456
    Windows Form Classes 456
    Windows Form Class Hierarchy 457
    Creating a Windows Form Application 458
    Using Controls 460
    Adding Controls 461
    Basic Controls 462
    Buttons 462
    Textboxes 464
    Labels 464
    Handling Events 465
    Using a Text Editor 467
    Using Visual Studio.NET 470
    Creating a File Browser 473
    Summary 476
    Solutions Fast Track 476
    Frequently Asked Questions 478
    Chapter 13 Web Development with C# 479
    Introduction 480
    Web Services Overview 480
    Using SOAP 481
    Creating Web Services 482
    Connecting to a Database 483
    Building a Web Service 486
    Running and Testing Your Web Service 489
    Creating the Books Web Service Using
    VS.NET 491
    Consuming Web Services 495
    Web Service Description Language 496
    Creating Proxy Objects 498
    Using the wsdl.exe Utility 498
    Using Visual Studio.NET 499
    Web Forms Overview 503
    Differences between HTML and Web
    Controls 504
    Understanding HTML Controls 505
    Understanding Web Controls 507
    Using Web Form Controls 507
    HTML Page Access Web Controls 509
    Data Enabling Controls 509
    DataGrid 510
    DropDownList 510
    Validation Control 511
    Required Field Validator 511
    RegularExpressions Validator 512
    Complex Web Controls 513
    Using the AdRotator Control 513
    Using the Calendar Control 514
    Creating a Web Form Application 515
    Summary 522
    Solutions Fast Track 522
    Frequently Asked Questions 524
    Chapter 14 Working with ActiveX,
    COM, and Unmanaged Code 527
    Introduction 528
    Working with Unmanaged Code 529
    Interoperability with Unmanaged Code 530
    Managed Code Calling an
    Unmanaged COM DLL Function 531
    Managed Code Calling an Unmanaged
    COM Object or an ActiveX Control 531
    Unmanaged COM DLL Calling
    Managed .NET Code 531
    Working with the Platform Invocation Utility 532
    Working with COM Components 535
    Creating a Simple COM Component 536
    Runtime Callable Wrappers 539
    Creating a Runtime Callable
    Wrapper for a COM Component 541
    Building a Client for the RCW 544
    Examining Runtime Callable Wrapper
    Properties 546
    Using Late Binding RCWs 548
    Limitations of Using RCWs 551
    Working with ActiveX Controls 552
    Differences between ActiveX
    Controls and Windows Forms Controls 552
    Using the ActiveX Control Importer
    Utility (AxImp.exe) 553
    Using Visual Studio .NET to Import
    ActiveX Controls 555
    Working with Pointers 559
    Unsafe Code 559
    The unsafe Keyword 560
    The fixed Keyword 561
    Summary 564
    Solutions Fast Track 564
    Frequently Asked Questions 566
    Chapter 15 Microsoft Says JUMP—Java User Migration Path 569
    Introduction 570
    What Is J#? 571
    Features of Visual J# 572
    Using Visual J# 573
    Creating a Simple Visual J# Application 578
    Summary 592
    Solutions Fast Track 592
    Frequently Asked Questions 593
    Appendix A C# Keywords and
    Java Equivalents 595
    Index 601

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    Tài liệu Bài tập Java

    Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13, trong diễn đàn: Lập Trình
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  5. Thúy Viết Bài

    Tài liệu Giáo trình Java

    Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13, trong diễn đàn: Lập Trình
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