Tài liệu C#® Developer's Guide to ASP.NET, XML, and ADO.NET

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About the Authors
    About the Contributor
    About the Technical Editor

    Chapter 1. Introduction: The Need for ASP.NET
    Problems with ASP Today
    Introducing ASP.NET

    Chapter 2. Page Framework
    ASP.NET's Control Model
    Separating Presentation from Code Using Code Behind
    Programming HTML Controls
    Attributes of the Page Object
    Creating User Interfaces with Web Controls
    Server Controls and Page Object Reference

    Chapter 3. Debugging ASP.NET Applications
    Tracing Your Web Application's Activity
    Debugging ASP.NET Applications
    Creating Custom Performance Monitors
    Writing to the Windows Event Log

    Chapter 4. State Management and Caching
    State Management: What's the Big Deal?
    Class Reference

    Chapter 5. Configuration and Deployment
    Understanding Configuration Files
    Global and Local Configuration Files
    Structure of Configuration Files
    Accessing Configuration Files Programmatically
    Editing Web Configuration Files in Visual Studio .NET
    Initializing Web Applications Using Global.asax
    Using XCOPY for Deployment
    Managing the Global Assembly Cache

    Chapter 6. Web Services
    Historical Influences
    Network Data Representation
    What Is a Web Service?
    Why Web Services?
    ASP.NET Web Services
    Consuming Web Services
    Class Reference

    Chapter 7. Security
    Identity and Principal
    Windows Authentication
    Forms Authentication
    Passport Authentication
    File Authorization
    URL Authorization
    Custom Roles with Forms Authentication
    Pulling It All Together
    Class Reference

    Chapter 8. HttpHandlers and HttpModules
    An Overview of ASP.NET Request Handling
    Dynamic Handler Assignment
    Class Reference

    Chapter 9. Building User Controls and Server Controls
    Working with User Controls in Web Forms Applications
    Creating Server Controls

    Chapter 10. Using XML
    What Is XML?
    Accessing XML Data Using .NET Framework Classes
    Defining and Validating XML with Schemas
    Processing XML Documents Using Style Sheets
    Class Reference

    Chapter 11. Creating Database Applications with ADO.NET
    Why a New Object Library for Data Access?
    New Features in ADO.NET
    Connecting to a Database
    Running Queries
    Using Data Adapters to Retrieve and Manipulate Data
    Creating Web Forms for Data Entry
    Handling Errors
    ADO.NET Framework Reference


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