Sách Breakthroughs in mathematics - PETER WOLFF

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    Breakthroughs in mathematics - PETER WOLFF

    Euclid-The Beginnings of Geometry
    Descartes-Geometry and Algebra Joined
    Archimedes-Numbers and Counting
    Dedekind-Irrational Numbers
    Russell-The Definition of Number
    Euler-A New Branch of Mathematics : Topology
    Laplace-The Theory of Probability
    Boole-Algebra and Logic Joined

    The nine mathematicians whose works are represented in
    the following pages are among the most famous in the whole
    history of mathematics. Each of them made a significant contribution
    to the science-a contribution which changed the
    succeeding course of the development of mathematics. That
    is why we have called this book Breakthroughs in Mathematics.
    Just as surely as there are technological breakthroughs
    which change our way of living, so are there breakthroughs
    in the pure sciences which have such an impact that they affeet
    all succeeding thought.
    The mathematicians whose works we examine bridge a span
    of more than 2200 years, from Euclid, who lived and worked
    in Alexandria around 300 B.C., to Bertrand Russell, whose
    major mathematical work was accomplished in the fist years
    of the twentieth century. These nine chapters survey the major
    parts of mathematics; a great many of its branches are touched
    on. We shall have occasion to deal with geometry, both Euclidean
    and non-Euclidean, with arithmetic, algebra, analytic
    geometry, the theory of irrationals, set-theory, calculus of
    probability, and mathematical logic. Also, though this is a matter
    of accident, the authors whose works we study come from
    almost every important country in the West: from ancient
    Greece and Hellenistic Rome, Egypt, France, Germany, Great
    Britain, and Russia.
    No collection of nine names could possibly include all the
    great mathematicians. Let us just name some of the most famous
    ones whom we had to ignore here: Apollonius of Perga,
    Pierre de Fermat, Blaise Pascal, Sir Isaac Newton, Gottfried
    Wilhelm Leibniz, Karl Friedrich Gauss, Georg Cantor, and
    many, many others. There are a number of reasons why we
    chose the particular authors and books represented. In part,
    a choice such as this is, of course, based on subjective and
    personal preferences. On objective grounds, however, we were
    mainly interested in presenting treatises or parts of treatises
    that would exemplify the major branches of mathematics, that
    would be complete and understandable in themselves, and
    that would not require a great deal of prior mathematical
    knowledge. There is one major omission which we regret:
    none of the works here deals with the calculus. The reason is
    that neither Newton nor Leibniz (who simultaneously developed
    modern calculus) has left us a short and simple treatise
    on the subject. Newton, to be sure, devotes the beginning of
    his Principia to the calculus, but unfortunately his treatment
    of the matter is not easy to understand.
    What is the purpose in presenting these excerpts and the
    commentaries on them? Very simply, we want to afford the
    reader who is interested in mathematics and in the history of
    its development an opportunity to see great mathematical
    minds at work. Most readers of this book will probably already
    have read some mathematical books-in school if nowhere
    else. But here we give the reader a view of mathematics as it
    is being developed; he can follow the thought of the greatest
    mathematicians as they themselves set it down. Most great
    mathematicians are also great teachers of mathematics; certainly
    these nine writers make every possible effort to make
    their discoveries understandable to the lay reader. (The one
    exception may be Descartes, who practices occasional deliberate
    obscurity in order to show off his own brilliance.) Each
    of these selections can be read independently of the others, as
    an example of mathematical genius at work. Each selection
    will make the reader acquainted with an important advance
    in mathematics; and he will learn about it from the one person
    best qualified to teach him-its discoverer.
    Breakthroughs in Mathematics is not a textbook. It does
    not aim at the kind of completeness that a textbook possesses.
    Rather it aims to supplement what a textbook does by presenting
    to the reader something he cannot easily obtain elsewhere:
    excerpts from the words of mathematical pioneers themselves.
    Most people with any pretense to an education have heard
    the names of Euclid, Descartes, and Russell, but few have
    read their works. With this little book we hope to close that
    gap and enable a reader not merely to read about these men
    and to be told that they are famous, but also to read their
    works and to judge for himself why and whether they are justly
    Ideally, these nine selections can and should be read without
    need of further explanation from anyone else. If there are any
    readers who would like to attempt reading only the nine selections
    (Part I of each chapter) without the commentaries
    (Part II of each chapter), they should certainly try to do so.
    The task is by no means impossible; and what may be lost in
    time is probably more than outweighed by the added pleasure
    as well as the deeper understanding that such a reader will
    carry away with him.
    However, the majority of readers will probably not want
    to undertake the somewhat arduous task of proceeding without
    any help. For them, we have provided the commentaries
    in Part II of each chapter. These commentaries are meant to
    supplement but not to replace the reader’s own thought about
    what he has read. In these portions of each chapter, we point
    out what are the highlights of the preceding selection, what
    are some of the difliculties, and what additional steps should
    be taken in order to understand what the author is driving at.
    We also provide some very brief biographical remarks about
    the authors and, where necessary, supply the historical background
    for the book under discussion. Furthermore, we occasionally
    go beyond what the author tells us in his work, and
    indicate the significance of the work for other fields and future
    Just as the nine selections give us merely a sampling of
    mathematical thought during more than 2000 years, so the
    commentaries do not by any means exhaust what can be said
    about the various selections. Each commentary is supposed to
    help the reader understand the preceding selection; it is not
    supposed to replace it. Sometimes, we have concentrated on
    explaining the dficult parts of the work being considered;
    sometimes, we have emphasized something the author has
    neglected; at still other times, we extend the author’s thought
    beyond its immediate application. But no attempt is or could
    be made at examinin g all of the selections in complete detail
    and pointing out everything important about them. Such a
    task would be impossible and unending. Different commentaries
    do different things; in almost every chapter, the author’s
    selection contains more than we could discuss in the commentary.
    In short, our aim is to help the reader overcome the more
    obvious difhculties SO that he can get into the original work
    itself. We do this in the hope that the reader will understand
    what these mathematicians have to say and that he will enjoy
    himself in doing so. Nothing is more fatal to the progress of
    a learner in a science than an initial unnecessary discourage
    ment. We have tried to save the reader such discouragement
    and to stay by his side long enough and sympathetically enough
    so that he can learn directly from these great teachers.
    Peter Wolf

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