Tài liệu Beginning PL/SQL - From Novice to Professional

Thảo luận trong 'Căn Bản' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Foreword . xii
    About the Author . xiv
    Acknowledgments . xv
    Introduction (The Big Picture) xvi
    ■CHAPTER 1 Genesis . 1
    Tables 1
    An Entity Relationship Diagram . 3
    Data Definition Language (DDL) 3
    It’s Your Turn to Create a Table 4
    Indexes . 5
    DDL Again 6
    It’s Your Turn to Create an Index . 6
    Constraints . 7
    Column Constraints 7
    Table Constraints 7
    It’s Your Turn to Create a Constraint 9
    Triggers . 10
    Views . 12
    Insert . 12
    Insert .Values 13
    It’s Your Turn to Insert with Values . 14
    Insert . Select 15
    It’s Your Turn to Insert with Select . 17
    Update 19
    Fix a Mistake with Update 19
    It’s Your Turn to Update 19
    Update and Subqueries 20
    Delete . 21
    A Change in Order 21
    It’s Your Turn to Delete 21
    vi ■CONTENTS
    Select . 22
    Joins 23
    Query Your Heart Out 24
    Our Working Example 25
    Our Example Narrative . 26
    Our Example ERD . 26
    Create a Code Table . 29
    It’s Your Turn to Create Code Tables . 33
    Create a Content Table . 33
    It’s Your Turn to Create Content Tables . 36
    Create an Intersection Table 37
    It’s Your Turn to Create Intersection Tables 38
    Summary 38
    ■CHAPTER 2 PL/SQL Is Square, Man! 39
    Anonymous Blocks 40
    Anonymous Block Example . 40
    It’s Your Turn to Execute an Anonymous Block . 41
    Exceptions . 42
    Common Exceptions . 42
    Catching an Exception . 42
    Functions 42
    Create a Function . 43
    It’s Your Turn to Create a Function . 45
    Procedures 47
    Create a Procedure 47
    It’s Your Turn to Create a Procedure . 49
    Nested Blocks 51
    An Example of Nesting Blocks . 51
    Rules for Nesting . 53
    Packages 54
    Create a Package Specification 54
    It’s Your Turn to Create a Package Specification . 56
    Create a Package Body 57
    It’s Your Turn to Create a Package Body 62
    Benefits of Using Packages . 64
    Summary 64
    ■CONTENTS vii
    ■CHAPTER 3 Now Where Did I Put That? . 67
    PL/SQL Data Types 67
    Variables 68
    Variable Naming 68
    Variable Declarations 69
    Variable Anchors 70
    Variable Assignments 70
    NULL Value 72
    It’s Your Turn to Declare Variables . 73
    Scope . 74
    Scope Rules 74
    It’s Your Turn to Scope Things Out . 78
    Types . 79
    Table Types 79
    Record Types 83
    Single Dimension My Foot! . 84
    Parameters 85
    Parameter Naming 86
    Parameter Declarations 86
    Parameter Scope . 87
    It’s Your Turn to Declare Parameters . 91
    Summary 91
    ■CHAPTER 4 Whoa! One Statement at a Time, Please! 93
    Inserts 93
    Catching a DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX Exception . 98
    Using PL/SQL to Predetect a Duplicate 101
    IF I Don’t Tell You Now, When ELSE Can I? . 107
    Using SQL to Predetect a Duplicate . 108
    It’s Your Turn to Insert 112
    Updates 115
    Updating a Row . 115
    Using SQL to Perform Complex Updates . 116
    Deletes . 118
    Selects . 119
    What Do You Mean, “No Data Found?” 121
    Too Many Rows—You’re Kidding, Right? 123
    It’s Your Turn to Select 124
    Summary . 126
    viii ■CONTENTS
    ■CHAPTER 5 Next Please, One Row at a Time! 127
    Cursors . 127
    Cursor Declarations 127
    Fetching Rows from a Cursor Manually 128
    Cursor Records 130
    A Singleton Cursor . 130
    It’s Your Turn to Fetch Manually 136
    Fetching Rows from a Cursor Automatically 143
    It’s Your Turn to Fetch Automatically 144
    Bulk Collect . 148
    Bulk Collect with a Cursor . 148
    Bulk Collect with a Select Statement 151
    It’s Your Turn to Bulk Collect . 152
    For All 156
    Summary . 161
    ■CHAPTER 6 Just Like It Is in the Real World! 163
    Information Modeling . 163
    Object Orientation 165
    Key Tenets 165
    Reuse 166
    Service Orientation . 167
    A Roadmap to Reality . 167
    Step 1: Table Packages . 168
    Step 2: User-Defined Types 168
    Step 3: Object Views . 169
    Step 4: Object Tables . 169
    A Change in Order 169
    Object Types 170
    Create a User-Defined Type Specification 170
    Create a User-Defined Type Implementation 174
    It’s Your Turn to Create a User-Defined Type . 179
    Object Views 184
    Create an Object View 185
    It’s Your Turn to Create an Object View 187
    Object Tables 188
    Create an Object Table 188
    It’s Your Turn to Create an Object Table . 189
    ■CONTENTS ix
    Impedance Mismatch My Foot! . 192
    Nested Types and Collections 192
    It’s Your Turn to Prove There’s No Impedance Mismatch . 194
    Summary . 209
    ■CHAPTER 7 So Just What’s Happening Here? . 211
    Prevention 212
    Anchors 213
    Data Type Prefixes . 213
    Explicit Conversions 213
    Preparation . 214
    Blocking 215
    Bread Crumbs . 216
    After the Fact 217
    Success Messages . 218
    Failure Messages 219
    It’s Your Turn to Use put_line() . 220
    As It Happens . 222
    A DEBUG Table 222
    A DEBUG Package 232
    It’s Your Turn to Use Debug Logging 236
    One Step at a Time . 243
    Debugging with Oracle SQL Developer 243
    Debugging Anonymous PL/SQL 249
    Debugging with TOAD for Oracle . 249
    Debugging with Visual Studio 250
    It’s Your Turn to Use a Debugger . 250
    Profiling 251
    Profiler’s Tables . 251
    Profiler’s Methods 251
    Profiling Reports . 253
    It’s Your Turn to Profile . 259
    Hey, Don’t Forget SQL! 262
    Explain Plan . 262
    Physics vs. Explain Plan . 266
    It’s Your Turn to Use Explain Plan . 268
    TKPROF 273
    Summary . 273

    ■CHAPTER 8 Test, Test, Test, and Test Again . 275
    SQL Test Patterns 277
    PL/SQL Test Patterns . 279
    A Testing Tool . 279
    A TEST Table 283
    A TEST Package Specification 284
    A TEST Package Body 287
    It’s Your Turn to Create a Testing Tool . 295
    Testing . 307
    Testing a Code Table Package . 307
    It’s Your Turn to Test a Code Table Package 317
    Testing a Content Table Package . 318
    It’s Your Turn to Test a Content Table Package . 325
    Testing an Intersection Table Package 326
    It’s Your Turn to Test an Intersection Table Package . 333
    Testing a Type . 334
    It’s Your Turn to Test a Type . 337
    Automating Testing . 337
    Automate Test Processing . 339
    It’s Your Turn to Automate Test Processing . 344
    Summary . 344
    ■CHAPTER 9 What Does This Thing Do Anyway? . 347
    Indestructible Documentation . 348
    SQL*Plus Documentation Tools . 349
    GUI Development Environment Tools 350
    Rules for Documentation Comments 353
    Documentation on Demand 353
    A Text-Based Documentation Formatting Tool 353
    Accessing Documentation on Demand 358
    It’s Your Turn to Access Documentation on Demand . 359
    Distributable Documentation . 360
    An HTML-Based Documentation Formatting Tool 360
    Generating Distributable Documentation . 364
    It’s Your Turn to Generate Distributable Documentation 366
    Documentation Distribution 366
    Summary . 367
    ■CHAPTER 10 Fairy Tales . 369
    Polymorphic Commands 370
    The Unhappy SQL Programmer . 373
    Code Table Methods 374
    Content Table Methods . 376
    Intersection Table Methods 383
    Hierarchical Table Methods 386
    The Black Box . 390
    Table Methods 391
    Universal Methods . 392
    Divide and Conquer 395
    Data Migration . 396
    On-Demand Data Processing 399
    Polling Data Processing . 404
    Interfacing 412
    Reporting . 419
    Summary . 428
    ■APPENDIX How to Download, Install, and Use Oracle 431
    How to Download Oracle Database Software . 431
    How to Install Oracle Database Software . 437
    How to Use SQL*Plus . 443
    How to Download This Book’s Source Code 444
    How to Create a New Username 447
    How to Write a SQL*Plus Script . 447
    How to Execute a SQL*Plus Script 448
    How to Describe Your Tables and Stored Procedures 448
    ■INDEX 451

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