Tài liệu Beginning ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    About the Author xxv
    About the Technical Reviewer . xxvi
    Acknowledgments xxvii
    Introduction . xxviii
    Part 1: Introducing .NET .1
    ■ Chapter 1: The .NET Framework 3

    The Evolution of Web Development .3
    HTML and HTML Forms 3
    Server-Side Programming .6
    Client-Side Programming .7
    The .NET Framework .9
    VB, C#, and the .NET Languages 11
    Intermediate Language 11
    The Common Language Runtime .13
    The .NET Class Library .14
    Visual Studio 15
    The Last Word 16
    ■ Chapter 2: The C# Language 17
    The .NET Languages 17
    Variables and Data Types 18
    Assignment and Initializers 20
    Arrays 21
    Enumerations 23
    Variable Operations .25
    Advanced Math 26
    Type Conversions 27
    Object-Based Manipulation .28
    The String Type .29
    The DateTime and TimeSpan Types .31
    The Array Type .33
    Conditional Logic .35
    The If . End If Block 35
    The Select Case Block 36
    Loops .37
    The For . Next Block .37
    The For Each Block 38
    The Do . Loop Block 39
    Methods 40
    Parameters 41
    Method Overloading .41
    Optional and Named Parameters 42
    Delegates .43
    The Last Word 45
    ■ Chapter 3: Types, Objects, and Namespaces .47
    The Basics of Classes 47
    Shared and Instance Members .48
    A Simple Class .49
    Building a Basic Class .49
    Creating an Object .51
    Adding Properties 52
    Automatic Properties 54
    Adding a Method .54
    Adding a Constructor .55
    Adding an Event .56
    Testing the Product Class .59
    Value Types and Reference Types .61
    Assignment Operations 61
    Equality Testing .62
    Passing Parameters by Reference and by Value 62
    Reviewing .NET Types 63
    Understanding Namespaces and Assemblies 64
    Using Namespaces .66
    Importing Namespaces 67
    Assemblies 68
    Advanced Class Programming .68
    Inheritance .69
    Shared Members .70
    Casting Objects 71
    Partial Classes .73
    Generics .75
    The Last Word 76
    Part 2: Developing ASP.NET Applications .77
    ■ Chapter 4: Visual Studio .79
    The Promise of Visual Studio .79
    Creating Websites 80
    Creating an Empty Web Application .81
    Websites and Web Projects 85
    The Hidden Solution Files .86
    The Solution Explorer .87
    Adding Web Forms .88
    Migrating a Website from a Previous Version of Visual Studio .89
    Designing a Web Page .91
    Adding Web Controls 92
    The Properties Window 94
    The Anatomy of a Web Form .96
    The Web Form Markup .96
    The Page Directive .97
    The Doctype .98
    The Essentials of XHTML 100
    Writing Code 106
    The Code-Behind Class 106
    Adding Event Handlers .106
    Outlining 108
    IntelliSense 109
    Code Formatting and Coloring 114
    Visual Studio Debugging 114
    The Visual Studio Web Server 115
    Single-Step Debugging 116
    Variable Watches .121
    The Last Word 122
    ■ Chapter 5: Web Form Fundamentals 123
    The Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application .123
    ASP.NET File Types 124
    ASP.NET Application Directories .125
    Introducing Server Controls .126
    HTML Server Controls 127
    Converting an HTML Page to an ASP.NET Page 127
    View State .130
    The HTML Control Classes 131
    Adding the Currency Converter Code .134
    Behind the Scenes with the Currency Converter 137
    Improving the Currency Converter .139
    Adding Multiple Currencies 139
    Storing Information in the List 140
    Adding Linked Images 142
    Setting Styles 144
    A Deeper Look at HTML Control Classes 145
    HTML Control Events 145
    Advanced Events with the HtmlInputImage Control .146
    The HtmlControl Base Class .148
    The HtmlContainerControl Class .149
    The HtmlInputControl Class 149
    The Page Class 150
    Sending the User to a New Page 151
    HTML Encoding 152
    Application Events .154
    The global.asax File .155
    Additional Application Events .156
    ASP.NET Configuration 157
    The web.config File 157
    Nested Configuration 158
    Storing Custom Settings in the web.config File .160
    The Website Administration Tool (WAT) .162
    The Last Word 164
    ■ Chapter 6: Web Controls 167
    Stepping Up to Web Controls .167
    Basic Web Control Classes .168
    The Web Control Tags .169
    Web Control Classes. 170
    The WebControl Base Class 171
    Units . .173
    Enumerations 173
    Colors . .174
    Fonts. .175
    Focus. 177
    The Default Button .177
    List Controls. .178
    Multiple-Select List Controls . 179
    The BulletedList Control .181
    Table Controls. 182
    Web Control Events and AutoPostBack .187
    How Postback Events Work. 191
    The Page Life Cycle 192
    A Simple Web Page. 195
    Improving the Greeting Card Generator. 200
    Generating the Cards Automatically . .202
    The Last Word 204
    ■ Chapter 7: Error Handling, Logging, and Tracing .205
    Common Errors 205
    Exception Handling 207
    The Exception Class .207
    The Exception Chain .209
    Handling Exceptions . 210
    Catching Specific Exceptions . .211
    Nested Exception Handlers .212
    Exception Handling in Action 214
    Mastering Exceptions .215
    Throwing Your Own Exceptions .216
    Logging Exceptions 220
    Viewing the Windows Event Logs .220
    Writing to the Event Log .223
    Custom Logs 225
    A Custom Logging Class .227
    Retrieving Log Information .228
    Page Tracing 230
    Enabling Tracing 231
    Tracing Information 231
    Writing Trace Information .237
    Application-Level Tracing .241
    The Last Word 243
    ■ Chapter 8: State Management .245
    The Problem of State .245
    View State 245
    The ViewState Collection 246
    A View State Example 246
    Making View State Secure .247
    Retaining Member Variables 249
    Storing Custom Objects 251
    Transferring Information Between Pages 252
    Cross-Page Posting 252
    The Query String 258
    Cookies 262
    A Cookie Example .263
    Session State .264
    Session Tracking .265
    Using Session State .265
    A Session State Example 267
    Session State Configuration 269
    Cookieless .270
    Timeout 273
    Mode 274
    Application State 278
    An Overview of State Management Choices 280
    The Last Word 282
    Part 3: Building Better Web Forms .283
    ■ Chapter 9: Validation .285

    Understanding Validation .285
    The Validation Controls .286
    Server-Side Validation .287
    Client-Side Validation .287
    The Validation Controls 287
    A Simple Validation Example 289
    Other Display Options .291
    Manual Validation .294
    Validating with Regular Expressions 296
    A Validated Customer Form 300
    Validation Groups .304
    The Last Word 306
    ■ Chapter 10: Rich Controls 307
    The Calendar 307
    Formatting the Calendar .309
    Restricting Dates .311
    The AdRotator 315
    The Advertisement File .315
    The AdRotator Class .317
    Pages with Multiple Views .318
    The MultiView Control 320
    The Wizard Control .325
    The Last Word 333
    ■ Chapter 11: User Controls and Graphics 335
    User Controls .335
    Creating a Simple User Control 336
    Independent User Controls .339
    Integrated User Controls .341
    User Control Events 344
    Passing Information with Events 346
    Dynamic Graphics 349
    Basic Drawing .349
    Drawing a Custom Image .352
    Placing Custom Images Inside Web Pages .353
    Image Format and Quality 355
    The Last Word 357
    ■ Chapter 12: Styles, Themes, and Master Pages .359
    Styles .359
    Style Types 360
    Creating a Basic Inline Style .360
    Creating a Style Sheet 369
    Applying Style Sheet Rules .372
    Themes 375
    How Themes Work .375
    Applying a Simple Theme .377
    Handling Theme Conflicts .378
    Creating Multiple Skins for the Same Control 380
    More Advanced Skins .381
    Master Page Basics .383
    A Simple Master Page and Content Page .384
    How Master Pages and Content Pages Are Connected 388
    A Master Page with Multiple Content Regions .390
    Default Content 393
    Master Pages and Relative Paths .394
    Advanced Master Pages 395
    Style-Based Layouts 395
    Code in a Master Page 400
    Interacting with a Master Page Programmatically .401
    The Last Word 402
    ■ Chapter 13: Website Navigation .403
    Site Maps .403
    Defining a Site Map 404
    Seeing a Simple Site Map in Action 408
    Binding an Ordinary Page to a Site Map .409
    Binding a Master Page to a Site Map .410
    Binding Portions of a Site Map .412
    The SiteMap Class 417
    URL Mapping and Routing .419
    URL Mapping .420
    URL Routing .420
    The SiteMapPath Control .422
    Customizing the SiteMapPath 423
    Using SiteMapPath Styles and Templates 424
    Adding Custom Site Map Information .426
    The TreeView Control .427
    TreeView Properties .428
    TreeView Styles .431
    The Menu Control 435
    Menu Styles .437
    Menu Templates 438
    The Last Word 441
    Part 4: Working with Data 443
    ■ Chapter 14: ADO.NET Fundamentals 445

    Understanding Databases 445
    Configuring Your Database 447
    SQL Server Express 447
    Browsing and Modifying Databases in Visual Studio .448
    The sqlcmd Command-Line Tool 451
    SQL Basics .452
    Running Queries in Visual Studio .453
    The Select Statement .455
    The SQL Update Statement .457
    The SQL Insert Statement .459
    The SQL Delete Statement 459
    The Data Provider Model .460
    Direct Data Access 461
    Creating a Connection 463
    The Select Command .469
    The DataReader .470
    Putting It All Together .470
    Updating Data 475
    Disconnected Data Access 485
    Selecting Disconnected Data 486
    Selecting Multiple Tables .487
    Defining Relationships .489
    The Last Word 492
    Chapter 15: Data Binding .493
    Introducing Data Binding .493
    Types of ASP.NET Data Binding 494
    How Data Binding Works 494
    Single-Value Data Binding .495
    A Simple Data Binding Example .495
    Simple Data Binding with Properties 498
    Problems with Single-Value Data Binding 500
    Using Code Instead of Simple Data Binding .500
    Repeated-Value Data Binding 501
    Data Binding with Simple List Controls 501
    A Simple List Binding Example .502
    Strongly Typed Collections .503
    Multiple Binding .504
    Data Binding with a Dictionary Collection 506
    Using the DataValueField Property .507
    Data Binding with ADO.NET 508
    Creating a Record Editor .510
    Data Source Controls .515
    The Page Life Cycle with Data Binding .517
    The SqlDataSource .518
    Selecting Records 519
    Parameterized Commands .521
    Handling Errors 527
    Updating Records .528
    The Last Word 532
    ■ Chapter 16: The Data Controls .533
    The GridView 533
    Automatically Generating Columns 534
    Defining Columns .536
    Formatting the GridView 540
    Formatting Fields .540
    Using Styles .541
    Formatting-Specific Values 544
    Selecting a GridView Row 546
    Adding a Select Button .547
    Using Selection to Create Master-Details Pages 548
    Editing with the GridView 550
    Sorting and Paging the GridView .553
    Sorting .553
    Paging 555
    Using GridView Templates .557
    Using Multiple Templates .559
    Editing Templates in Visual Studio .560
    Handling Events in a Template .561
    Editing with a Template 562
    The DetailsView and FormView .567
    The DetailsView .567
    The FormView 569
    The Last Word 572
    ■ Chapter 17: Files and Streams .573
    Files and Web Applications 573
    File System Information .574
    The Path Class .575
    The Directory and File Classes .576
    The DirectoryInfo and FileInfo Classes .581
    The DriveInfo Class 583
    A Sample File Browser .584
    Reading and Writing with Streams 588
    Text Files .588
    Binary Files 590
    Shortcuts for Reading and Writing Files .591
    A Simple Guest Book 592
    Allowing File Uploads 598
    The FileUpload Control .598
    The Last Word 601
    ■ Chapter 18: XML .603
    XML Explained .603
    Improving the List with XML .605
    XML Basics 606
    Attributes .607
    Comments .608
    The XML Classes 608
    The XML TextWriter 609
    The XML Text Reader .612
    Working with XML Documents in Memory .616
    Reading an XML Document 621
    Searching an XML Document .623
    XML Validation .624
    XML Namespaces .625
    XML Schema Definition 628
    Validating an XML Document 629
    XML Display and Transforms .632
    The Xml Web Control 635
    The Last Word 636
    Part 5: Website Security .637
    ■ Chapter 19: Security Fundamentals .639
    Understanding Security .639
    Testing and Deploying Security Settings 640
    Authentication and Authorization 641
    Forms Authentication 641
    Web.config Settings .643
    Authorization Rules 643
    The WAT 647
    The Login Page 649
    Windows Authentication 655
    Web.config Settings .655
    A Windows Authentication Test 658
    The Last Word 659
    ■ Chapter 20: Membership 661
    The Membership Data Store 661
    Membership with SQL Server Express .663
    Using the Full Version of SQL Server 665
    Configuring the Membership Provider 668
    Creating Users with the WAT 671
    The Membership and MembershipUser Classes 674
    Authentication with Membership .678
    Disabled Accounts 679
    The Security Controls 679
    The Login Control .680
    The CreateUserWizard Control 686
    The PasswordRecovery Control 690
    Role-Based Security 693
    Creating and Assigning Roles .693
    Restricting Access Based on Roles . 697
    The LoginView Control .697
    The Last Word 699
    ■ Chapter 21: Profiles .701
    Understanding Profiles . 701
    Profile Performance .702
    How Profiles Store Data 702
    Using the SqlProfileProvider . 704
    Enabling Authentication .704
    Using SQL Server Express 705
    Using the Full Version of SQL Server . 705
    The Profile Databases 707
    Defining Profile Properties 708
    Using Profile Properties .709
    Profile Serialization 711
    Profile Groups 713
    Profiles and Custom Data Types. .714
    The Profile API .717
    Anonymous Profiles .720
    The Last Word 723
    Part 6: Advanced ASP.NET 725
    ■ Chapter 22: Component-Based Programming .727
    Why Use Components? 727
    Component Jargon . 728
    Three-Tier Design 728
    Encapsulation 730
    Business Objects .730
    Data Objects 730
    Components and Classes .730
    Creating a Component .731
    Classes and Namespaces .732
    Class Members 733
    Adding a Reference to the Component .734
    Using the Component .736
    Properties and State 738
    A Stateful Account Class 739
    A Stateless AccountUtility Class .740
    Data-Access Components 741
    A Simple Data-Access Component .741
    Using the Data-Access Component 745
    Enhancing the Component with Error Handling 748
    Enhancing the Component with Aggregate Information .749
    The ObjectDataSource .750
    Making Classes the ObjectDataSource Can Understand 750
    Selecting Records 751
    Using Method Parameters 751
    Updating Records .752
    The Last Word 755
    ■ Chapter 23: Caching .757
    Understanding Caching .757
    When to Use Caching .758
    Caching in ASP.NET 759
    Output Caching 759
    Caching on the Client Side .761
    Caching and the Query String .761
    Caching with Specific Query String Parameters .762
    A Multiple Caching Example .763
    Fragment Caching 765
    Cache Profiles 765
    Data Caching .766
    Adding Items to the Cache .766
    A Simple Cache Test .768
    Caching to Provide Multiple Views .769
    Caching with the Data Source Controls 772
    Caching with Dependencies 777
    File Dependencies 777
    Cache Item Dependencies 778
    SQL Server Cache Dependencies .779
    The Last Word 782
    ■ Chapter 24: LINQ and the Entity Framework 783
    Understanding LINQ .783
    LINQ Basics 784
    LINQ Expressions .787
    The Entity Framework 791
    Creating an Entity Data Model 792
    The Data Model Diagram 795
    Updating a Data Model .798
    The Data Model Code .800
    Querying the Data Model 801
    Handling Errors 802
    Navigating Relationships 804
    Getting More Advanced with the Entity Framework 807
    Querying with LINQ to Entities 807
    Controlling When Data is Loaded 810
    Updates, Inserts, and Deletes .811
    Managing Concurrency 814
    The EntityDataSource 815
    Displaying Data 815
    Editing Data .820
    The Last Word 820
    ■ Chapter 25: ASP.NET AJAX .821
    Understanding Ajax 821
    Ajax: The Good .822
    Ajax: The Bad .822
    The ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit 823
    The ScriptManager .823
    Partial Refreshes .825
    A Simple UpdatePanel Test 826
    Handling Errors 829
    Conditional Updates .831
    Triggers .832
    Progress Notification .837
    Showing a Simulated Progress Bar 837
    Cancellation .839
    Timed Refreshes 841
    The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit .843
    Installing the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit .843
    The Accordion 846
    The AutoCompleteExtender 849
    Getting More Controls 852
    The Last Word 857
    ■ Chapter 26: Deploying ASP.NET Applications 859
    ASP.NET Applications and the Web Server 859
    How Web Servers Work 859
    The Virtual Directory 861
    Web Application URLs .861
    Web Farms 863
    Internet Information Services (IIS) .863
    The Many Faces of IIS 863
    Installing IIS in Windows 7 or Windows Vista .864
    Installing IIS 7 in Windows Server 2008 .865
    Managing Websites with IIS Manager .867
    Creating a Virtual Directory 868
    Understanding Application Pools 870
    The ASP.NET Account .872
    Configuring a Website 876
    The Default Page .879
    Custom Error Pages .880
    The Machine Key .882
    Windows Authentication 884
    Confidentiality with SSL and Certificates .886
    Deploying a Simple Site .889
    Web Applications and Components 890
    Other Configuration Steps 890
    Code Compilation .891
    Deploying with Visual Studio .892
    Creating a Virtual Directory for a New Project 892
    Copying a Website 895
    Publishing a Website 898
    The Last Word 899
    Index .901

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