Tài liệu Beginning Android

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    ​Tác giả: Mark Murphy

    Paperback: 384 pages
    Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (June 26, 2009)
    Language: English.

    Cuốn sách dành cho người mới bắt đầu học lập trình cho hệ điều hành Android. Cuốn sách gần như giới thiệu hết những gì cơ bản nhất, nội dung mô tả dễ hiểu. Cuốn này trong Amazon bán gần 28$ " class="mceSmilieSprite mceSmilie3" alt=":(" title="Frown :(">
    [/B][B]Product Description[/B]

    Learn how to develop applications for Android mobile devices using simple examples, ready to run with your copy of the SDK. Author and Android columnist, writer, developer, and community advocate [B]Mark L Murphy[/B] shows you what you need to know to get started on programming Android applications–everything from crafting GUIs to using GPS, accessing web services, and more!
    The Android development platform, created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, is a platform in its truest sense, encompassing hundreds of classes beyond the traditional Java classes and open source components that ship with the SDK. Some Android books race through the material, trying to cover as much ground as possible in as few pages as possible. Experienced writer and community advocate Mark Murphy shows you how to develop Android applications simply and with care.
    The book includes dozens of sample projects, ready to run with your copy of the SDK–not just one huge project where you have difficulty finding the specific examples of the technique you are looking for. You can even get these sample programs online at Apress.com.
    [B]What you’ll learn[/B]

    Discover what Android is and how to use Android to build Java-based mobile applications for Google Phones G1 and more phones as they hit the market
    Work with the new Android 1.x SDK
    Create user interfaces using both the Android Widget framework and the built-in WebKit-powered web browser components
    Use scripting with BeanShell
    Work with menu inflation, fonts, SDK tools, rotation events, and more
    Work with TabActivity, MyLocationOverlay, DDMS, and more
    Utilize the distinctive capabilities of the Android engine including maps, Internet access, integrated search, media playback, and more
    Use and create similar sample Android applications for services, content providers, mapping, and location-based services/events
    [B]Who this book is for[/B]

    This book is aimed at people new to mobile development, perhaps even to Java itself.
    [B]Table of Contents[/B]

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    Tài liệu Beginning Android

    Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13, trong diễn đàn: Lập Trình
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