Tài liệu Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET

Thảo luận trong 'Lập Trình' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    Acknowledgments ix
    Introduction xix
    Chapter 1: Introduction to Ajax on ASP.NET 1

    Development Trends 1
    ASP.NET Development 2
    Design Methodology 2
    Problems ASP.NET Solves 2
    So, What’s the Problem? 4
    Improving the User Experience 5
    What Is Ajax? 6
    Advantages of Ajax 6
    History of Ajax 7
    Technologies That Make Up Ajax 8
    Running Ajax Applications 8
    Who’s Using Ajax? 9
    Problems Ajax Won’t Solve 9
    Summary 10
    Chapter 2: Introduction to DHTML 11
    What JavaScript Is, and What It Isn’t 11
    General Rules of JavaScript 12
    Writing Your First Block of JavaScript Code 13
    document.write() 14
    Using document.write() in Nested for() Loops 14
    window.status and Events 16
    Getting Input from the User 17
    Security Concerns When Getting Text Input 18
    Canceling the Normal Outcome of an Event 18
    Causing an Event Not to “Bubble Up” 19
    Working with Images 19
    Working with the image src Attribute 20
    Using Functions 20
    Programmatically Populating the Options in <select> 21
    Using the innerHTML Property 23
    Manipulating the Style Sheet 24
    Creating a Context Menu 26
    Summary 27
    Chapter 3: JavaScript and the Document Object Model 29
    From Static to Dynamic — A Brief History 30
    Attempts at Standardization 30
    Digging into Some More JavaScript Basics 31
    Functions and Syntax 33
    Event Handlers 34
    Core Language 35
    Variables 35
    Comments 35
    Datatypes 36
    Operators and Expressions 39
    Flow Control and Loops 40
    More on Objects and Functions 43
    Summary of Material So Far 51
    The Document Object Model 51
    Object Model Standardization (or Lack Thereof) 53
    Working with the DOM 57
    Manipulating Nodes 62
    Properties of a Node 64
    DOM Level 0 General Collections 69
    The DOM, Styles, and CSS 70
    Summary 74
    Chapter 4: The XMLHttpRequest Object 77
    Code Examples for This Chapter 77
    What Is the XMLHttpRequest Object? 78
    A Little History 78
    Synchronous Requests 81
    Asynchronous Requests 82
    Dealing with Response Data 84
    Enhancing Usability 88
    Passing Parameters to the Server 93
    What about Web Services? 97
    Summary 102
    Chapter 5: Data Communication: XML, XSLT, and JSON 103
    XML 104
    History of XML 104
    XML Documents 105
    Parsing XML 111
    XML Summary 112
    XSLT 112
    How Processing Occurs 112
    Built-In Functions 114
    Processing with XSLT 116
    Writing Functions in XSLT 120
    X Path 121
    Integrating XML and Ajax 122
    JSON 124
    Layout of JSON 124
    JSON Example 125
    Summary 126
    Chapter 6: What Is Built into ASP.NET 127
    Out-of-the-Box Controls 127
    TreeView Control 128
    GridView Control 129
    DetailsView Control 132
    Browser Compatibility 132
    The Framework 133
    ICallbackEventHandler Interface 133
    Page.ClientScript — System.Web.UI.ClientScriptManager 134
    Making All the Moving Parts Work Together 135
    Obtaining a Callback Reference 135
    Implementing the ICallbackEventHandler Interface 136
    Initiating the Asynchronous Process from the Browser 138
    Handling the Result of Asynchronous Server-Side Call on the Client 138
    Handling Errors in the Asynchronous Process 141
    Dealing with Complex Data 144
    Enabling the Page for Asynchronous Callbacks 145
    Obtaining the Data — Implementing the ICallbackEventHandler interface 146
    Dealing with the Returned Data on the Client 149
    Limitations on Returning Complex Data in XML 154
    ICallbackContainer Interface 154
    Summary 156
    Chapter 7: Ajax.NET Professional Library 159
    Acquiring Ajax.NET Pro Version 160
    Preparing Your Application 160
    Using the Ajax.NET Pro Library 161
    Registering Your Page for Ajax.NET Pro 163
    Registering Your Methods for Ajax.NET Pro 163
    Examining the Request Object 164
    Executing Your Ajax on the Client 165
    Digging into response.value 167
    Returning Custom Objects 169
    More Advanced Callbacks and Context 170
    Ajax.NET Pro Request Events — Keeping Your Users Updated 172
    Errors, Errors, Errors. They Happen, You Trap ’em. 173
    Using the Ajax.NET Pro Library — Looking under the Hood 174
    When Is the Proxy JavaScript Created? 175
    What Does the JavaScript Do? 176
    What Happens on the Server after the Proxy JavaScript Has Been Fired? 176
    How Is the Method in the Code-Behind Actually Executed and
    How Is the Page Actually Created? 177
    What Is Really Being Sent Back to the Client 177
    Summary 177
    Chapter 8: Anatomy of Ajax.NET Pro Library 179
    Getting the Ajax.NET Pro Code 180
    What Do the Ajax.NET Pro Web.Config Settings Accomplish? 182
    What Happens When You Register the Page Class? 183
    What Role Does the Ajax.AjaxMethod() Attribute Play? 191
    How Does the JavaScript Call Get to the Server and Back? 192
    What Is an Ajax.NET Pro Converter? 193
    Summary 194
    Chapter 9: Other Ajax Frameworks for .NET 195
    Client-Side Frameworks 195
    Sarissa 196
    HTMLHttpRequest 199
    MochiKit 201
    Server-Side Frameworks 203
    Architectural Distinctions 203
    Introduction to the Frameworks 207
    ComfortASP.NET 208
    Setup 208
    Using ComfortASP.NET 209
    What You Have Learned 219
    MagicAjax 219
    Setup 219
    Using MagicAjax 220
    What You Have Learned 231
    Anthem.NET 231
    Setup 231
    Using Anthem.NET 232
    What You Have Learned 246
    Summary 246
    Chapter 10: Atlas Client Script 249
    Introduction to Atlas 249
    Major Components 250
    Ajax Support 251
    Asynchronous Communication Only 251
    Adding Atlas Support with the ScriptManager Control 252
    Communicating with Web Services 253
    Generating the JavaScript Proxies 253
    Calling Out to Web Services 255
    Passing Types 257
    Simple Data Types 257
    Complex Data Types 258
    Caching Web Services 263
    Exposing Web Services from a Web Form 265
    Atlas Extensions to JavaScript 267
    Language Enhancements 267
    Registering Namespaces and Classes in Atlas 273
    Namespaces and Classes 274
    Inheritance 276
    Interfaces 277
    Enumerations 280
    Debugging 281
    Debugging Using debug.dump 281
    Debugging Using for() loop 283
    Special Notes Concerning Atlas Client-Side Script 283
    Resources Used 283
    Summary 284
    Chapter 11: Atlas Controls 285
    Controls 285
    Buttons 285
    Sys.UI.Data Controls 286
    Server Controls 287
    Data Binding 295
    Declarative Data Binding 295
    Programmatic Data Binding 297
    Binding Directions 300
    Binding Transformations 300
    Validation 300
    Behaviors 307
    Resources Used 309
    Summary 309
    Chapter 12: Atlas Integration with ASP.NET Services 311
    Examining ASP.NET Services 312
    Authentication 312
    Authorization/Roles 313
    Membership 314
    Profiles 314
    Web Part Personalization 314
    Using Atlas to Integrate with ASP.NET Services 314
    Authentication 314
    Authorization/Roles 318
    Accessing Profiles via Atlas 320
    Profile Property Names 320
    Loading Profile Data 322
    Save Profile Data 323
    Avoiding Profile Service Gotchas 324
    Implementing Drag and Drop via Atlas 325
    Summary 328
    Chapter 13: Debugging 329
    Server-Side Debugging 329
    Enabling Debugging Support 330
    Setting Breakpoints 331
    JavaScript and Client-Side Debugging 332
    Tools and Techniques of the Trade 332
    Other Ways of Invoking the Debugger 342
    Other Ways of Inspecting the Value of Variables 344
    Script Debugging So Far 347
    Browser Debugging Tools 347
    The Man in the Middle 351
    Summary 361
    Appendix A: XSLT Commands 363
    Index 373

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