Báo Cáo Báo cáo hóa học Editorial Reconfigurable Computing and Hardware/Software Codesign

Thảo luận trong 'Hóa Học' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

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    [TABLE="width: 100%"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Báo cáo hóa học: Editorial Reconfigurable Computing and Hardware/Software Codesign
    Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành hóa học dành cho các bạn yêu hóa học tham khảo đề tài: Editorial Reconfigurable Computing and Hardware/Software Codesign

    Modern consumer appliances as wireless communication
    and multimedia systems present very strong requirements
    for the digital parts of these systems: digital design pro-
    cessmust provide solutions which possess high performance,
    flexibility for multifunctional use, and energy efficiency.
    Over the past decade, the reconfigurable computing platform
    has been an emerging approach in scientific research and in
    practical implementations to meet these requirements.
    The special issue on “Reconfigurable Computing and
    Hardware/Software Codesign” addresses the advances in re-
    configurable computing architectures, in algorithm imple-
    mentation methods, and in automatic mapping methods of
    algorithms onto hardware and processor spaces, indicating
    the changes in codesign flow due to the introduction of new,
    reconfigurable hardware platform. Using this platform, the
    designer faces a new paradigm of computing and program-
    ming: the computing system is capable of run-time and au-
    tonomous modification of its functionalities following the
    changing needs of applications.
    This new scenario of hardware/software codesign pro-
    vides a great improvement in the embedded system design
    and implementation. To cope effectively and timely with the
    new challenges, the new and more sophisticated dynamic
    reconfiguration strategies together with codesign methods
    have to be developed.
    In the first paper, “Design flow instantiation for run-time
    reconfigurable systems: a case study,” Y. Qu et al. present
    a design flow instantiation for run-time reconfigurable sys-
    tems using a real-life application—part of a WCDMA de-
    coder. The design flow is roughly divided into two parts:
    system level and implementation. At system level, hard-
    ware resource estimation and performance evaluation are ap-
    plied. At implementation level, technology-dependent tools
    are used to realize the run-time reconfiguration. The results
    show that run-time reconfiguration can save 50% of the area
    when compared to a functionally equivalent fixed systemand
    achieves 30 times speedup in processing time when com-
    pared to a functionally equivalent pure software design.
    In “A flexible system level design methodology targeting
    run-time reconfigurable FPGAs,” F. Berthelot et al. present
    an automatic design generation methodology for heteroge-
    neous architectures. This method automatically generates
    designs for fixed and partially reconfigurable parts of an
    FPGA and enables a reconfiguration prefetching technique to
    minimize reconfiguration latency and buffer-merging tech-
    niques to minimize memory requirements of the generated
    design. This concept has been applied to different wireless ac-
    cess schemes, based on a combination of OFDMand CDMA
    The next paper, “RRES: a novel approach to the parti-
    tioning problem for a typical subset of system,” by G. B. Kn-
    err et al., integrates some of the most powerful approaches
    for system partitioning into a consistent design framework
    for wireless embedded systems, which has led to the devel-
    opment of an entirely new approach for the system parti-
    tioning problem. The paper introduces the restricted range
    exhaustive search algorithm and compares this to popular
    and well-reputed heuristic techniques based on tabu search,
    genetic algorithm, and the global criticality/local phase al-
    gorithm. This search algorithm proves superior performance
    for a set of system graphs featuring specific properties found
    in human-made task graphs, since it exploits their typical
    characteristics such as locality, sparsity, and their degree of
    The paper “Software-controlled dynamically swappable
    hardware design in partially reconfigurable systems,” by C.
    Huang and H. Pao-Ann, considers different wrapper de-
    signs for hardware designs such that they can be enhanced
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