Đồ Án Báo cáo đồ án kỳ 2 softech aptech - Environmental survey project

Thảo luận trong 'Công Nghệ Thông Tin' bắt đầu bởi Thúy Viết Bài, 5/12/13.

  1. Thúy Viết Bài

    Thành viên vàng

    Bài viết:
    Được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:

    1. Introduction

    2. Objectives of the project

    3. Problem Statement

    4. Deliverables

    5. Hardware/ Software Requirements


    The thirst for learning, upgrading technical skills and applying the concepts in real

    life environment at a fast pace is what the industry demands from IT professionals

    today. However busy work schedules, far-flung locations, and unavailability of

    convenient time-slots pose as major barriers when it comes to applying the concepts

    into realism. And hence the need to look out for alternative means of

    implementation in the form of laddered approach.

    The above truly pose as constraints especially for our students too! With their busy

    schedules, it is indeed difficult for our students to keep up with the genuine and

    constant need for integrated application which can be seen live especially so in the

    field of IT education where technology can change on the spur of a moment. Well,

    technology does come to our rescue at such times!!

    Keeping the above in mind and in tune with our constant endeavour to use

    Technology in our training model, we at Aptech have thought of revolutionizing the

    way our students learn and implement the concepts using tools themselves by

    providing a live and synchronous eProject learning environment!

    So what is this eProject?

    eProject is a step by step learning environment that closely simulates the classroom

    and Lab based learning environment into actual implementation. It is a project

    implementation at your fingertips!! An electronic, live juncture on the machine that

    allows you to

    o Practice step by step i.e. laddered approach.

    o Build a larger more robust application.

    o Usage of certain utilities in applications designed by user.

    o Single program to unified code leading to a complete application.

    o Learn implementation of concepts in a phased manner.

    o Enhance skills and add value.

    o Work on real life projects.

    o Give a real life scenario and help to create applications more complicated and


    o Mentoring through email support.

    How do we start accessing the Sample eProject?

    The students at the centre are expected to complete this eProject and send complete

    documentation with source code within the time allotted to <a class="__cf_email__" href="http://www.cloudflare.com/email-protection" data-cfemail="84e1f4f6ebeee1e7f0f7c4e5f4f0e1e7ecaae5e7aaedea">[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
    (function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,b=document.getElementsByTagName("script");l=b[b.length-1].previousSibling;a=l.getAttribute(data-cfemail);if(a){s=;r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16);for(j=2;a.length-j;j+=2){c=parseInt(a.substr(j,2),16)^r;s+=String.fromCharCode(c);}s=document.createTextNode(s);l.parentNode.replaceChild(s,l);}}catch(e){}})();

    Looking forward to a positive response from your end!!

    Objectives of the project

    The Objective of this program is to give a sample project to work on real life

    projects. These applications help you build a larger more robust application.

    The objective is not to teach you the softwares but to provide you with a real life

    scenario and help you create basic applications using the tools.

    You can revise the topics before you start with the project.

    These programs should be done in the Lab sessions with assistance of the faculty if


    It is very essential that a student has a clear understanding of the subject.

    Kindly get back @ <a class="__cf_email__" href="http://www.cloudflare.com/email-protection" data-cfemail="dbbeaba9b4b1beb8afa89bbaabafbeb8b3f5bab8f5b2b5">[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
    (function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,b=document.getElementsByTagName("script");l=b[b.length-1].previousSibling;a=l.getAttribute(data-cfemail);if(a){s=;r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16);for(j=2;a.length-j;j+=2){c=parseInt(a.substr(j,2),16)^r;s+=String.fromCharCode(c);}s=document.createTextNode(s);l.parentNode.replaceChild(s,l);}}catch(e){}})();

    in case of any doubts regarding the

    application or its objectives.

    Problem Statement


    Our client is the educational institute, which wants to enlighten the students of that

    institute with the precautionary measures related to the environmental protection.

    So they conduct several seminars, lectures, etc. to the students. They now want to

    implement some tasks so that the attention of the young generation will be attracted

    towards taking necessary steps for taking care of the environment, as it relates to

    the health of the public. They started providing the seminars for free, for the

    students of the institute and encouraging the students to provide and interactive

    seminar sessions by visiting to some locations. Also they have started conducting

    surveys through papers and used to distribute the prizes for the first three students

    based on the marks secured in the survey and also based on the effective

    participation in visiting to locations for provided interactive sessions regarding the

    precautionary measures in protecting the environment. They wanted to reduce the

    paper consumption for conducting the surveys and want to provide a survey portal

    where the surveys will be held. So they have approached us to help them in building

    the survey portal for them.

    Customer Requirement Specification

    Our client wants the following functionalities to be implemented by the website.

    1. The website should perform three different functionalities.


    Faculty or Staff


    2. The website should have the menu which should contain the following links

    Home Page

    Login / Register

    Survey Board (Lists the survey and the competition details)

    Edit Profile



    3. Through login section and registering section, one should be able to either

    register online or login through the Account user id and password.

    4. Through the username and password specified, the website should be able to

    judge or recognize the type of user functionality (Admin, or Faculty or Staff or

    Student), and the corresponding website functionality should be opened, so

    that the admin can access only the admin section, the faculty or staff can

    access the faulty or staff section, etc.

    5. Once registered the admin will have the right to accept or decline the request

    for the registration. One can login through the website only when the

    registration is accepted by the admin.

    6. Also the admin will have the right for deleting the username and the

    password (It will be applicable only when the student or staff or the faculty

    resigns from their respective duties)

    7. While registering it should ask the following


    Roll No. or Employee Number (It is required because the survey panel is

    only for the students, faculty and the staff of the institution)




    Admission Date (For students) or Date of Joining (For faculty and staff)

    8. Like the Admin will have the following functionalities

    Place new survey for the faculty or staff

    Place new survey for the students.

    Delete survey

    Accept or decline the registration request (Here the admin will check

    whether the person who registered belongs to the institution

    Delete the User (where the details of the person who resigned from the

    duties provided by the institution will be deleted and he cannot have the

    right to access the website from then)

    Place a competition, or list the names of the members who have won the

    prize for the previous surveys.

    Enter new FAQs

    Edit FAQs

    Edit Support Information

    9. On the home page of the website it should also include the details of the

    competitions that are to be held. Also the new surveys should be displayed in

    a brief and a link to participate in the survey.

    Note: Those who have logged into the website can only participate in the survey

    others cannot participate.

    10. On the home page the new surveys that are to be conducted and the total

    surveys took place for the faculty or staff or for the student till date, and the

    number of surveys participated by the respective users (faculty or staff and

    the students), should be recorded.

    11. On the Support Page the contact details, if any technical help, required in the

    participation of survey has to be displayed.

    12. On the FAQs Page the following details are to be included

    How to register for the survey?

    How to participate in the survey?

    How will I be intimated with the new survey?

    What if it gives error, after participating in the entire survey, and clicked

    on the submit button at the last for submitting the survey?

    Why I am unable to participate in the survey? (Two reasons : 1.Not the

    registered user, and 2.Technical Problem)

    Why my registration request is not accepted?

    Will there be any benefit if participated in the survey?

    How to participate in the competitions?

    What if there are some arrears in participating the survey?

    13. For the faculty or staff and the student login sections, on the menu there

    should be another link called Effective Participation, through which one can

    mention the survey details in detail like what are the seminars conducted by

    the user, the location at which the seminar is conducted, number of

    participants, etc.

    Standards plan:

    1. Every code block must have comments.

    2. The logic of the program needs to be explained. Proper documentation should

    be maintained.

    3. Complete Project Report along with synopsis, code and documentation should

    be prepared.


    Dont forget to take your data backup every day. This will save your project

    work from the following:

    a. Virus problem

    b. System failure

    c. File corrupt

    Data Backup is an important event to be done on regular basis in a project



    No project is complete without documentation. In fact, it is one of the most

    important activities during the development of a project. The documentation of an

    ideal project will be in the form of a project report comprising of the following


    Certificate of Completion.

    Table of Contents.

    Problem Definition.

    Customer Requirement Specification.

    Project Plan.

    E-R Diagrams.


    GUI Standards Document.

    Interface Design Document.

    Task Sheet.

    Project Review and Monitoring Report.

    Unit Testing Check List.

    Final Check List.


    You need to submit the following Deliverables:

    1. Hardbound Documentation of the project.

    2. You need to follow all the following points as a part of your

    eprojects execution process and will carry 10 marks in the final eproject


    a) Send us 2 (two) eprojects status mail, each should be after 10 days

    interval from your eprojects start date. Incase if your project is less than 30

    days then also you need to send 2 (two) status mails (first status mail

    between 7-10 days and second 3 days before the end date of project).

    b) The status mail should consist of description with review document (what's

    going on the project). Also you can send your doubts / clarification or any

    additional inputs required to complete your eproject any time during the

    project planning and execution.

    c) At the time of project submission also send us the feedback along

    with your documentation (soft and hard bound copy). The Feedback form is

    attached with this mail.

    Remember that the subject of your email should start either with the word STATUS:

    or DOUBT: or PROJECT SUBMISSION: accordingly.

    Note: Kindly go through the ReadMe.txt file, which is available in the project

    specification Zip folder, which contains the information of the eproject Process,

    Interaction and Submission of eprojects

    Hardware/ Software Requirements


    1. A minimum computer system that will help you access all the tools in the

    courses is a Pentium 166 or better

    2. 64 Megabytes of RAM or better

    3. Windows 98 (or higher if possible)

    4. Java Virtual Machine


    Either or combination of the following Softwares are to be used:

    Notepad/HTML editor/Java editor

    Dream weaver/JavaScript

    j2sdk1.4.1_02 (or later) / .Net / J2EE

    JSP / Servlets

    EJB / Struts


    SQL Server 2000 (or later) / Oracle 9i / MS Access

    JDBC Driver

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