Tài liệu Banking on Basel The Future of International Financial Regulation

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    Banking on Basel The Future of International Financial Regulation

    Daniel K. Tarullo

    Peterson Institute for International Economics
    Washington, DC
    August 2008
    Daniel K. Tarullo is a professor of law at Copyright © 2008 by the Peter G. Peterson
    Georgetown University Law Center. He has Institute for International Economics. All
    taught at Harvard Law School (2005) and rights reserved. No part of this book may
    Princeton University (2004). He held several be reproduced or utilized in any form or
    senior positions in the Clinton administra- by any means, electronic or mechanical,
    tion, ultimately as assistant to the president including photocopying, recording, or by
    for international economic policy, responsi- information storage or retrieval system,
    ble for coordinating the international eco- without permission from the Institute.
    nomic policy of the administration. From
    1993 until early 1996, he was assistant sec- For reprints/permission to photocopy please
    retary of state for economic and business contact the APS customer service depart-
    affairs. In March 1995, President Clinton ap- ment at Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.,
    pointed Tarullo as his personal representa- 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923;
    tive to the G-7/G-8 group of industrialized or email requests to: <a class="__cf_email__" href="http://www.cloudflare.com/email-protection" data-cfemail="c4adaaa2ab84a7abb4bdb6ada3acb0eaa7aba9">[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
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    nations, with responsibility for coordinating
    US positions for the annual leaders’ sum- Printed in the United States of America
    mits. He continued this assignment after he 10 09 08 5 4 3 2 1
    moved to the White House, participating in
    four summits. He serves on the editorial ad- Library of Congress Cataloging-in-
    visory board of the International Economy and Publication Data
    the Advisory Committee of Transparency
    International. Tarullo, Daniel K.
    Banking on Basel : the future of interna-
    PETER G. PETERSON INSTITUTE tional financial regulation /
    1750 Massachusetts Avenue, NW p. cm.
    Washington, DC 20036-1903 Includes bibliographical references and
    (202) 328-9000 FAX: (202) 659-3225 index.
    www.petersoninstitute.org 1. Banks and banking, International—
    State supervision. 2. Banks and banking,
    C. Fred Bergsten, Director International—Standards. 3. Bank capital.
    Edward Tureen, Director of Publications, 4. Banking law. I. Title.
    Marketing, and Web Development
    HG1725.T37 2008
    Typesetting by Xcel Graphic Services 332’.042—dc22
    Printing by Edwards Brothers, Incorporated 2008037233
    Cover by Barbieri & Green, Inc.
    Author photo by Jeremey Tripp

    The views expressed in this publication are those of the author. This publication is part
    of the overall program of the Institute, as endorsed by its Board of Directors, but does
    not necessarily reflect the views of individual members of the Board or the Advisory

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