Bài tập trắc nghiệm về thì trong Tiếng Anh

Thảo luận trong 'TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG' bắt đầu bởi Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ, 13/9/14.

  1. Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ

    Quy Ẩn Giang Hồ Administrator
    Thành viên BQT

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    [DOWNC="http://w1.mien-phi.com/data/file/2014/Thang09/13/bai-tap-trac-nghiem-thi-tieng-anh.pdf"]TẢI TÀI LIỆU[/DOWNC]
    1. I .Louisiana state University.
    A-am attending                      B-attend                C-was attending                D-attended
    2. He has been selling motorcycles
    A-ten years ago                    B-since ten years  C-for ten years ago           D-for ten years
    3. Columbus .America more then 400 years ago.
    A-discovered                        B-has discovered   C-had discovered             D-he has gone
    4. He fell down when he towards the church.
    A-run                                     B-runs                   C-was running                   D-had run
    5. We .there when our father died.
    A-still lived                            B-lived still             C-was still living                 D-were still living
    6. They .pingpong when their father comes back home.
    A- will play                            B-will be playing    C-play                                D-would play
    7. By Christmas, I for you for 6 months.
    A-Shall have been working              B-shall work
    C-have been working                       D-shall be working
    8. I .in the room now.
    A-am being                            B-was being         C-have been being            D-am
    9. I to New york three times this year.
    A-have been                          B-was                    C-were                               D-had been
    10. I will come and see you before I for America.
    A-leave                                  B-will leave            C-have left                         D-shall leave
    11. The little girl asked what to her friend.
    A-has happened                    B-happened          C-had happened                D-would have been happened
    12. John a book when I saw him.
    A-is reading                           B-read                   C-was reading                    D-reading
    13. He said he .return later.
    A-will                                     B-would                  C-can                                  D-would be
    14. Jack the door.
    A-has just opened                 B-open                   C-will have opened             D-opening
    15. I have been waiting for you .
    A-since early morning           B-since 9 a.m         C-for two hours                   D-all are correct
    16. My sister .for you since yesterday.
    A- is looking                          B-was looking         C-has been looking            D-looked
    17. Jack the door.
    A-has just painted                 B-paint                   C-will have painted             D-painting
    18. The train half an hour.
    A-has been leaving               B-left                       C-has lelt                            D-had lelt
    19. We Doris since last Sunday.
    A-don’t see                           B-haven’t seen        C-didn’t see                        D-hadn’t seen
    20. When I last saw him, he .in London.
    A-has lived                           B-is living                  C-was living                       D-has been living
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